
外链,是SEO网站优化中比较重要的组成部分,虽然去年开始绿萝算法等搜索引擎算法的重制定对于外链的影响使得SEOer一度质疑外链的重要性。但是,笔者认为无论什么时候好的外链永远可以给网站带来惊喜。 The chain, is an important part of SEO website optimization, although last year green algorithm search algorithm developed for heavy chain that SEOer once questioned the importance of the chain. However, I believe that no matter what outside the chain of good will can bring to a website. 之前我们也曾分析过怎样做外链,什么样的外链才能偶成为有效链接。那时候我们就突出一个重点高质量链接,而制作链接的平台也集中在高权重网站平台。然而,经过了半年的数据观察显示,高质量网站的链接并非都能够给网站带来“收益”,而我们也误解了搜索引擎对于外链的判断标准。 Before we have analyzed how to do outside the chain, the chain can even what kind of become effective link. Then we highlight a key quality links, and making links platform also focused on high weight website platform. However, after six months of observation data display, high quality links are not can bring to a website "income", and we have misunderstood the search engine for the judgment standard of the chain. 一直以来,我们对于外链的有效性集中在网站平台的权重、行业的性关系、关键词超链接的制作和内容上。而实际上,其中能够真的为我们带来有效链接的却仅仅是内容的质量高低,或者说内容能否满足用户需求。 All the time, making and content we for weight, effective industry chain concentrated in the website platform sexual relationship, keyword hyperlinks. In fact, one can really bring us a valid link was the quality of content, or content can meet the needs of users. 高权重网站的投票链接固然能够给网站加分,但是我们试想一下,一旦用户通过外链推荐打开了网站页面,而里面的内容完全不能够解决用户的问题,想必他们会迅速离开网页。那么,用被用来综合考虑网站制作质量的数据:页面停留时间、跳出率、PV……可想而知是怎样的一种数据展示,反而不能够提升网站排名。 The high weight website links as votes is to website points, but we imagine, once the user through the chain recommend open web page, and the inside of the content not to solve the problem of the user, presumably they would leave quickly Webpage. Then, used to considering the production site quality data: page retention time, jump out rate, PV...... One can imagine what kind of data display, but can not improve website ranking. 其实,我们之前将外链规则想的过于复杂化,搜索引擎对于外链的考评要求很简单—满足用户体验,或者说你制作的推荐外链是不是用户需要推荐内容。如果是,那么可以了,不论你的文本链接还是非关键词的超链接都会被记录到网站有效链接内。反之则抱歉,链接不能够达到用户要求,你的推荐就会被扣分,外链就很有可能被搜索引擎评定为垃圾链接。这也就是为什么很多网站明明外链很多,但是排名、流量都很低的原因,也是各大搜索引擎一直强调不要制作垃圾链接的原因所在。 In fact, we will be the chain rule thought is too complicated, the search engine for the chain evaluation is very simple - to meet the user experience, or you make the recommendation of the chain Is it right? Users need to recommend content. If it is, then, no matter your text link or non key links will be recorded into the website link. Otherwise, sorry, the link is not to meet the user requirements, recommend you will be penalized, the chain is likely to be search engine rated as junk links. This is why many sites clearly outside the chain of many, but the ranking, flow is very low, is also a major search engine has emphasized why don't make spam links. 那么如何来建设被搜索引擎认可的有效外链呢? So how to build effective outside the chain was the search engine? 如同上述,我制作的外链要满足用户需求,亦或是建立在用户需求上的链接,即便是在短期没有被搜索引擎所记录它亦有可能成为有效链接。而不能满足用户需求的外链,即便当下能够被收录,也会在搜索引擎数据更新时而被淘汰出局。外链的制作我们要以内容为主,打造高质量的页面,为留住用户奠定基础。内容的更新上要符合行业要求,但是更要满足用户要求。你可以从搜索引擎下来框或者尾部相关推荐中确定当下用户需求,然后融合到站内信息中。 As such, the chain I production to meet the needs of users, or is based on user demand on the link, even in the short term is not search engine recorded it also has the potential to become an effective link. And can not meet the needs of users of the chain, even if the moment can be included, but also in search engine data update and be eliminated. The production chain for us to be content, to make the high quality of the page, to lay the foundation for retaining customers. The content of the update to meet the requirements of the industry, but also to meet the user requirements. You can now determine user needs box or tail related recommendation down from the search engine, and then into the station information. 站外链接发布制作时候,可以是纯文本链接也可以是超链接,当然在平台允许的情况下还是以超链接为最佳。而发布内容,尽量要晚于站内信息发布时间,可以截取文章的一部分作为发布内容,这样即可以保障站内信息的稀缺性也可以吸引读者点击链接继续阅读。这里北京万博通达重点强调一下,不论的站内信息还是站外内容一定要名副其实,杜绝标题党,用户和搜索引擎都讨厌挂羊头卖狗肉的&ldquo