
 技术的革新带动了设计行业的的迅猛发展,这使得设计师和开发者有了更广阔的的探索天地。而网站设计也越发不再那么循规蹈矩,许多团队和公司都做了很多思考和创意。所以在我们适应着现代设计潮流的同时,不妨也来看看现阶段网页设计大致的趋势和风格吧。我不敢大言不惭的说这就是当下网页设计的趋势,这只是本人对当下网页设计做出的一些小总结。希望这样的归类总结能给你带来更多的思路和想法。 The technical innovation has driven the rapid development of the design industry, which makes the designers and developers have a wider exploration of heaven and earth. The website design is also more and more less too observant of conventional standards., many teams and companies have done a lot of thinking and ideas. So when we meet the modern trend of design at the same time, can also look at the present stage Webpage design general trends and styles. This is the Webpage design trends I dare not boast without shame, some small summary this but I made on the current Webpage design. Hope and classified can give you more ideas and thoughts of this. 1.全屏网页设计(Full Screen Design) 所谓设计不分家,近年来平面设计里“纯净”“留白”等概念也被互联网设计吸取,为了更简单明了的突出主体,提供更舒适的感官感受,很多网站开始采用全屏网页设计,利用精心挑选设计的漂亮背景,加上合理的页面布局,视觉冲击力大可很好的吸引观者注意。通常页面内的文字内容不会特别多(所出现的少量文字加上精美的排版将会变得更加吸引人),主要以图片展示为主。这个样子的网站多用于摄影团队或个人作品集展示会比较常见。虽然简单养眼,但是承载信息有限,公司部门的主页很少见这样的设计。 The design does not break up, in recent years the plane design in "pure" "blank" concept has also been Internet design drawing, in order to highlight the main body is more simple, more comfortable sense perception, many sites began to use full screen Webpage design, using carefully selected beautiful background design, plus a reasonable page layout, visual impact stress can be good to attract audience attention. Usually within the page text content is not much more special (a small amount of characters appear together with the exquisite layout will become more attractive), mainly in the picture shows the main. Like this web site is for personal photography team or works show more common. Although simple seductive, but the information bearing Co., Ltd. Department home page is very rare to find such a design. 2.响应式网页设计(Responsive Web Design) 现在越来越多用户都拥有多种终端:台式机,笔记本,平板电脑,手机,能够适应不同尺寸显示屏的网页是现在的潮流,甚至是未来很长一段时间的设计趋势。那么响应式网页设计就是来解决这个问题的。这种特别的开发方式能保证网页适应不同的分辨率,让网页要素重组,使其无论在垂直的平板电脑还是智能手机上,都能达到最好的视觉效果。 Now more and more users have a variety of terminal: desktop, laptop, tablet computer, mobile phone, can adapt to different size display Webpage is the trend now, even the future design trend for a long period of time. Then the response type Webpage is designed to solve the problem. Development of this particular can guarantee Webpage adapt to different resolution, let Webpage elements reorganization, so in terms of vertical tablet computer or mobile phone, can achieve the best visual effects. 北京万博通达UEO营销型网站建设(http://www.sino-web.net/iueo/)的这个页面为例,除了多终端的多样化,我们还可以看到我们的电脑屏幕,手机屏幕都在不断变大,而在对未来生活的预测、概念设计里,“屏幕”这个产物更是被运用到多种新平台上。例如微软发布的“未来生活概念视频”里,厨房、室内墙壁、办公室玻璃墙面都成为了交互平台。所以我们可以发现,响应式网页设计所具备的良好的适应性和可塑性,在未来的网页设计里将占有举足轻重的位置。 Luxuries construction China UEO marketing type website (http://www.sino-web.net/iueo/) this page as an example, in addition to the diversity of terminals, we can also see the computer screen, mobile phone screen is larger, while in the future life prediction, concept design, "screen" this product is applied to the new platform a variety of. For example Microsoft released "the future life concept video" in the kitchen, office, indoor walls, glass walls have become interactive platform. So we can find, in response to the type Webpage design has good adaptability and plasticity, will play a decisive role in the Webpage occupy position design in the future. 3.扁平化设计(Flat Design) 扁平化设计可以说是去繁从简的设计美学。去掉所有装饰性的设计,可以说是对之前所推崇的拟物化设计的颠覆。我们不能妄加评论说这是好还是不好,只能说它提供了一种新的设计思维。扁平化设计是否会成为将来的趋势我们也无法回答,尽管褒贬不一,备受争议,但是就现在来说它是当下的一种潮流。 The flat design can be said to be the design aesthetics from simple to complex. Remove all decorative design, can be said to be respected by the prior quasi physical design subversion. We can not make improper comments say it is good or not, only that