
网站建设完成之后并不是一劳永逸的,建好网站后还需要企业精心的运营才会越显成效。大致的说,企业网站建好之后,要做几个方面的: The website construction is completed and not put things right once and for all, built the site enterprises need careful operation will be more effective. Roughly speaking, the enterprise website building, to do some: 网上推广不可缺少要让更多的人知道你的网站,了解你的企业就要在网上进行推广。营销型网站建设网上推广的手段很多,大多数是免费的。主要的推广手段包括搜索引擎注册、注册加入行业网站、邮件宣传、论坛留言、新闻组、友情连接、互换广告条、B2B站点发布信息等。除了网上的推广外,还有很多网上与网下结合的渠道。比如将网址和企业的商标一起使用,通过产品、信笺、名片、资料等途径可以很快地将企业的网站告知你的,也方便他们从网上了解企业的最新动态。 Online promotion is indispensable to let more people know your site, know your business will be in line for a promotion. Online promotion website marketing means many, most are free. The main means of promotion includes search engine registration, registered to join the industry website, mail promotion, forum, news group, friendship connection, exchange advertising, B2B site release information etc.. In addition to online promotion, there is a combination of many online and offline channels. For example, the web site is used together with the trademark of the enterprises, through product, stationery, business cards, data path can be quickly will inform you the corporate Web site, also facilitate them to learn about the latest developments in the enterprise from the internet. 网站内容的维护和更新网站的信息内容应该适时的更新,如果现在访问企业的网站看到的是企业去年的新闻或者说在秋天看到新春快乐的网站祝贺语,那么他们对企业的印象肯定大打折扣。因此注意适时更新内容是相当重要的。在网站栏目设置上,也最好将一些可以定期更新的栏目如企业新闻等放在首页上,使首页的更新频率更高些。 The information content of the website content maintenance and update the site should be timely update, if access to corporate Web site to see is the last news or see a happy spring festival website greetings in the autumn, so their impression for the enterprise must sell at a discount greatly. So pay attention to content update is very important. In the website construction, also will be the best can be regularly updated columns such as corporate news on the front page on the home page, update frequency more. 不断完善网站系统,提供更好的服务企业初始建网站一般投入较小,功能也不是很强。随着业务的发展,网站的功能也应该不断完善以满足顾客的需要,此时使用集成度高的电子商务应用系统可以更好的实现网上业务的管理和开展,从而将企业的电子商务带向更高的阶段,也将取得更大的收获。 Continuously improve the website system, provide better service enterprise initial construction site general investment is small, function is not very strong. With the development of business, the functionality of the site should also continue to improve to meet the needs of customers, this time using the electronic commerce application system integration can be achieved online business better management and development, the electronic commerce enterprise to a higher stage, will also get more harvest. 企业应设专人或专门的岗位从事网站的服务和回馈处理。向企业网站提交的各种回馈表单、的商品、发到企业邮箱中的电子邮件、在企业留言板上的留言等等,企业如果没有及时处理和跟进,不但丧失了机会,还造成很坏的影响,以致不会再相信你的网站。 Enterprises should service and feedback process dedicated or specialized post in the website. All submitted to the enterprise website feedback forms, commodity, to the enterprise, in the enterprise mailbox in the e-mail message board messages and so on, if the enterprise does not have timely treatment and follow up, not only lost the opportunity, also caused a bad influence, so that won't believe your site.  