
作为一个网站建设公司来说,经常会遇到客户问这种问题: As a site construction company, often encounter customers ask this question: 一般对网站建设意愿度比较小的客户经常会问:“你们公司的网站建设需要多少钱?” The general construction of the website of the degree of willingness to smaller clients often ask: "your company website construction need how many money?" 这样的客户一般都是做网站的意愿度比较小,有些盲目跟风的人,网站对他们来说只是一个公司必备的,但是却不知道到底有什么用处的东西,如果要给电子商务分出一个等级制度来,这样的人只能算是还徘徊在电子商务这个大门之外的菜鸟级。 Such customers are generally do willingness is relatively small, some people blindly follow the trend, website for them is a necessary, but do not know what all the useful things, if you want to make the electronic commerce into a hierarchy, such people are still wandering in the rookie level outside the gate of electronic commerce. 而意愿度比较强的客户则会经常问:“公司网站建设投入多少成本合适?” But the willingness of strong customer will often ask: "how much the company website construction cost is the most appropriate?" 这样的客户一般都是已经意识到互联网的重要性,但是因为对网络的不了解,想要在互联网方面好好发展一下却茫然不知从何处入手,有这样觉悟和意识的人,算是电子商务入门级。 Such customers are generally have been aware of the importance of the Internet, but because do not understand the network on the Internet, want good development about knowing where to start, have such consciousness and awareness of the people, is the electronic commerce the entry-level. 遇到以上的问题,我们一般都会回答:“那要看您想达到什么样的效果。” Encounter the above problems, we will answer: "that should see you want to achieve what kind of effect." 其实我们确实是抱着诚恳的心态来这样回答客户的,网站建设公司也并不是像很多人以为的那样唯利是图的,毕竟,想要把一个公司或者一项服务真正的做大且做好,诚信和产品质量是必不可少的,如果某些企业不幸遇到了那么几个只看得见眼前利益的网站建设公司,那这样的公司也必然已经没有什么合作的必要。 In fact, we are with a sincere attitude to answer customer, after all, website construction company is not as many people think, want to seek nothing but profits, a company or a real big and good service, integrity and the quality of the products is essential, if some enterprises unfortunately encountered a few only see the immediate interests of the website construction company, the company will also have no necessity of what cooperation. 其实,想要得到多少就要付出多少这样等价交换的浅显道理每个人都知道,可是偏偏人在涉及到自身利益的时候却往往存在一些侥幸的心理,总想要用少的付出,获得大的汇报,这种打破自然规律的事怎么可能真实存在又极其幸运的发生在你身上了呢? In fact, how much you want to pay such exchange is equivalent to the simple truth that everyone know, but people when it comes to its own interests often have psychological luck, always want to use the least cost, obtain the maximum report, this breaks the natural laws for what could be real, extremely lucky the happened to you? 网站建设需要多少钱? Website construction need how many money? 那要看您想达到什么样的效果,既想不用投入多少成本,又想没有任何风险的稳赚不赔,哪有这种天上掉馅饼的好事?能告诉您这样也是可行的,那不是卖保险的就是骗子。 That should see you want to achieve what effect, not only do not want to put how much cost, and to no risk can not lose, how can there be such a good shot? Can tell you this is feasible, it is not to sell insurance is a liar. 纵观那些光鲜诱人的成功案例,又有哪个不是从一开的磕磕绊绊一路艰难走到今天的辉煌耀眼? Look at those bright attractive and successful case, and which is not from an open stumbling way hard up to today's brilliant? 所以说,不只是营销型网站建设,在任何稍纵即逝的潜力商机面前,你应该大声告诉自己的就是冷静,首先明确自己想要的是什么,如果看见了机会,又决定去做,那何不全力以赴呢? Therefore, not only the marketing type website construction, in the face of any transient potential business opportunities, you should tell yourself is calm, first clear on what you want, if you saw the opportunity, and decided to do, why don't you go to all lengths?