
 一个企业的网站通常是企业用来展示产品或服务的平台,也是企业开展电子商务的平台。网站建设的理想目标是利用互联网而开展网络营销或电子商务。而为了让企业网站发挥最大作用,在营销型网站建设过程中,必须学会如何去优化网站。否则一个没有浏览量的网站在上线后也是对企业毫无益处的。下面一些实用的技巧可以帮助在网站建设中达到优化网站的目的。 A business enterprise website is usually used to display the product or service platform, also is the enterprise develops the electronic commerce platform. The ideal goals of the website is to carry out network marketing or e-commerce using the internet. And in order to make the enterprise website play the biggest role, in the process of marketing type website construction, must learn how to optimize your website. Otherwise a no traffic sites in the line to the enterprise is no good. Here are some practical tips can help to optimize the site's purpose in the website construction. 优化页面设计 Optimization design of page 页面设计也是网站优化的必不可少的一部分。要尽可能地吸引用户访问网站、提升网站的流量,必须按照用户习惯进行网站设计。在设计页面时,要尽量突出页面的层次感,可以用加粗、文字变大或改变颜色来突出重点文字。很多网站的首页会给用户呈现一些企业新闻或者产品信息。可以考虑在产品或新闻的简短介绍后加上一个“更多”按钮,用户可以选择点击按钮展开了解更多内容。 An essential part of the page design and site optimization. As far as possible to attract users to access the site, improve site traffic, must carry on the website design according to user habits. In the design of a page, as far as possible to highlight the page level sense, can grow or change color to highlight key words in bold text. Many of the home page of the website will give users exhibit some enterprise news or product information. Consider a brief introduction on the product or the news after the last "more" button, the user can choose to click the start button to know more. 合理设计导航 Rational design of navigation 一个网站的最重要部分可以说是网站的导航部分。用户在浏览网站时看中的一个很重要的因素便是网站的导航。试想一下,用户在网站上找不到方向,还会有兴趣浏览网站么?所以网站设计中合理设计导航是SEO网站优化的一个重要步骤。 The most important part of a web site can be said to be part of the navigation website. A very important factor in user and browse the web is the site navigation. Just imagine, the user can not find the direction on the website, but also interested in viewing the site? So the website design and reasonable design of navigation is an important step in the SEO website optimization. 如果要在页面上展示网站的logo,可以考虑放在网站的左侧的最上方那个位置,这样,用户浏览网页时第一眼便会看到网站的logo。在设计网站的导航条时,必须把网站首页做成活链接,否则,用户不能点击回到网站的首页上面去,以此造成很多的麻烦。网站的导航上可以加上企业的联系方式,以便用户联系企业。对于一些产品宣传的网站,可以直接的把产品的优点一一列举出来,这样可以方便用户对产品的了解。 If you want to display Web site logo on the page, can consider to put on the site on the left side of the top of the position, so that the user browsing webpage, at first glance, will see the site logo. Navigation in the design of the website, the website home page links must be made to live, otherwise, the user can not click back to the home page of the website to the above, this caused a lot of trouble. The site navigation can be coupled with business contacts, so that users with enterprises. For some product promotion website, can direct the product advantages of one one listed, allowing users to the understanding of the product. 提升网站的实用性 Ascension site usability 很多网站在建设的过程中都过多地注重了美工方面,而忽视了网站自身的实用性。为了达到优化网站的目的,必须重视网站的实用性。 Many sites are in the process of construction, attention to the artists, while ignoring the practicability of the site itself. In order to optimize the website, must pay attention to practical site. 定期更新网站内容 Regularly update the website content 好的网站设计固然可以提升网站的访问量,但是并不能长期留住用户。保证网站生命力的最佳途径就是不断地更新网站内容。在网站建设中,要明确网站哪部分内容需要经常更新,对于这些需要经常更新的信息,可以采用结构化的方式来管理,从而避免出现数据杂乱无章的现象。在网站更新过程中,也要采用合适的网页更新工具,比如Dreamweaver等可视化工具。 Although good web site design can improve the site visits, but could not long retain users. The best way to keep the site vitality is constantly updated website content. In the construction site, to clear the site which part needs to be updated frequently, the need to regularly update the information, can use a structured approach to management, thereby avoiding the data be phenomenon. Website update process, also want to use the right webpage update tool, such as Dreamweaver visualization tool. 在网站建设中,还有很多方式可以用来优化网站,比如合理使用框架结构和合理布局优化。要保证用户可