
更快访问速度、稳定的网站运营。 Faster access speed, stable website operation. 网站的稳定性和访问速度永远是网站生存第一需要考虑的因素。提高网站的稳定性,主要取决于网站服务器的性能,所以选择好的服务器,非常重要。根据网站的目标群,决定网站服务器的位置虑到国内的实际网络情况,可以考虑多路由访问,独立IP等基本配置。 The stability and speed of access site is always the factor of website of surviving the first consideration. To improve the stability of the site, the performance depends mainly on the web server, so choose a good server, very important. According to the website of the target group, to determine the position of LV web server to the actual network situation of domestic, can consider multi access, independent IP basic configuration. 有了好的服务器,再考虑的就是网站的技术层面的细节完善。尽量不要使用大幅面的动画或。所有网站装饰性,最好能够采用CSS背景定位技术。将多张小集中在一张上。利用css的background-position实现按坐标显示。html文件和css样式文件最大程度实现代码简洁,并且css最好封装在单独一个文件中。javascript脚本文件最好也封装在一个文件中,从而减少dns查询次数,提高网站速度。如果有条件,最好实现整站的静态化生成,这对网站优化虽然说帮助并不是很大,但对提高网站访问速度,降低服务器的压力帮助非常大。 Have a good server, the technical level to consider is the site of the details of. Try not to use large format animation or. All site decoration, best can use CSS positioning technology. Will be more than one small concentrated in a. According to the coordinate display using CSS background-position. The maximum HTML files and CSS style file level implementation code is simple, and the best CSS is packaged in a single file. The JavaScript script file is best encapsulated in a file, thereby reducing the DNS query times, increase the speed of your site. If there are conditions, static generation the best station, the site optimization although help is not great, but to improve website access speed, reduce the pressure of the server is a great help. 合理的网站结构、鲜明的网站主题。 Rational website structure, distinctive website theme. 网站结构一个比较广泛的话题。在我看来,合理的营销型网站建设结构应该遵循几点最基本要素。 The website structure in a relatively wide range of topics. In my opinion, marketing type website construction reasonable structure should follow a few basic elements. 第一清晰明了、统一不变的网站导航。不能首页是一种导航方式,内页又是其它方式。从而使整个网站导航显的杂乱无章。并且导航的方式最好用最基本的文字链接方式,而不要用、flash、javascript等方式去实现。 Site navigation first clear, unified constant. The home page is not a page navigation mode, and other modes. So the whole site navigation of the be. And the navigation way is best to use the most basic text link, and don't use, flash, JavaScript and other means to achieve. 第二完善、丰富的内容相互链接。保证网站每一个页面都有到达的链接,并且在浏览内容的时候,随时可以返回到其它页面上。并且链接的方式最好能够统一,例如:相对路径方式,绝对路径方式。 Content linking second perfect, rich. Ensure the site every page to link, and at a time when browsing content, ready to return to the other page. The best way to unify and links, such as: the relative path, absolute path. 第三网站各级别层次分明,索引页,列表页,内容页。 Third sites at all levels of hierarchy, index page, list page, content pages. 鲜明的网站主题,指的是网站给和搜索引擎呈现什么样的内容,说简单些,就是网站告诉搜索引擎和,我们是做什么的。这个主题就像一篇文章一样,一篇好的文章应该就会有鲜明的主题,什么都有,什么都做,主题混乱,就会导致网站失去主题。没有突出的主题就不会带来任何优势。其实网站的主题就是需要优化的关键字,关键字太多,并不会带来比较理想的效果。网站建设的各页面的标题,内容都应该是围绕着网站主题去组织。网站各页面标题内容不尽相同,但中心思想永远是围绕整站主题去开展。 The distinctive theme of the site, refers to the website and search engine to show what kind of content, say simply, is to tell the search engine and web site, what we are. Just like the theme of an article, a good article should have a clear theme, anything, do anything, the theme of confusion, will cause the website lost the theme. No prominent theme will not bring any advantage. In fact, the theme of the website is to optimize the keywords, keywords too much, did not bring ideal effect. Each page of the website construction of the title, content should be around the site theme to organize. The site each page title content is not the same, but the central idea is always to carry out around the ZhengZhan theme. 丰富的、相关性高、原创的网站内容。 Rich, high correlation, the original web content. 网站的灵魂永远是内容。网站的内容是否丰富,相关性是否高,内容是否独一二无。这些对于网站运营来说,非常重要。好的内容要突出网站的主题。企业网站的内容要突出的优势、产品的优势、服务的优势。要善于抓住潜在的眼球。网站内容还要持续更新。 The soul of the website is always content. The content of the website is rich, the correlation is high, the content is only one or two without. The w