
 号称“最大”和“第一”是最简易和实用的权威策略。 Known as the "biggest" and "first" is the authority of the most simple and practical strategies. 我们经常可以看到网站号称“中国最大”和“中国第一”。比如优酷网:“中国第一视频网站”;搜狐:“中国最大的门户网站”;迅雷:“中国最高清的影视视频门户”等,诸如此类的例子很多,这里就不一一列举了,请各位自己去查看。当然这个策略并不是所有网站都在用。 We can often see the site known as the "China" and "China first". For example, youku.com: "China's first video website Sohu";: "China's biggest portal website"; the thunder: "China's high-definition video portal", many examples and so on, here is not the one one listed, please check. Of course, this strategy not all websites are using.   这是营销型网站建设中最普遍也是最屡试不爽的营销型网站策略之一。对于很多营销型网站建设人员来说,这个策略并没有任何技术含量,但营销型网站制作人员不是傻瓜,都是聪明人,用老土的方法,自然有它的道理。 This is one of the most common marketing type website strategy and most have proved effective every time the marketing type website construction. For many marketing type website construction workers, this strategy has no technical content, but the marketing website production staff is not a fool, are smart, with the old-fashioned way, and there's a reason. 为了凸显更多的权威性,使用第三方的明确数字也是增加权威性力量的重要方面。4399游戏网站就采用了类似的方式,把用户规模、单日访客、每日浏览量、谷歌2008年TOP10的中文互联网品牌等数据展示出来。 In order to highlight the more authority, clear digital use third party is an important aspect of the increasing power of authority. The 4399 game website uses a similar way, the user scale, daily visitors, daily pageviews, Google TOP10 2008 Chinese Internet brands such as data display. 为什么这么多知名企业乐此不疲呢?除了可以树立行业地位,在进行商务合作、投融资等方面拥有更多优势外,其实也在向那些新用户传达信息,互联网千千万万的用户中绝大多数是普通的“小白”用户,而不是资深的IT从业人员,所以,赋予“最大”之类的头衔,其实是一个心理暗示,就是运用了最简单的权威暗示策略。 Why so many well-known enterprises always enjoy it? In addition to establish the status of the industry, has more advantages in the aspects of business cooperation, investment and financing, but also to those new users to transmit information, the vast majority of Internet users in the thousands on thousands of ordinary "white" users, rather than the senior IT professionals, therefore, give the "maximum" like the title, in fact is a psychological suggestion, is the use of the most simple authority suggestion strategies. 为什么权威策略这么好用呢? Why the authority policy so well? “巴菲特说一句话,大家都愿意听,不管他是否说对,就像经济危机的时候,巴菲特也可能没有把握,但是大家相信他,是因为人需要确定性,需要一个主心骨,告诉他什么是对的,什么是错的。”——原句来源于互联网,这就是权威存在的原因。 "Buffett said a word, we are willing to listen to, regardless of whether he said to, as the economic crisis, Buffett may also not sure, but we believe in him, because people need certainty, the need for a backbone, tell him what is right, what is wrong." -- the original sentence from the Internet, this is the reason of the existence of authority. 深层原因则源自于我们童年的经历,小时候,父母和老师是权威,他们的一举一动对幼年期儿童的心理模式有深刻的影响,很多小朋友小时候最大的理想就是成为老师这样的人。从小我们就被教导要听父母的话、听老师的话,只有听话才能得到奖励,不听话则会被惩罚,由此养成了尊崇权威的心理基础。 The deep reason derives from our childhood, childhood, parents and teachers are the authority, their every act and every move has profound influence on the mental model of young children, many children when the biggest ideal is to become a teacher of such people. From childhood we are taught to obey their parents, listen to the teacher, only listen to be rewarded, not obedient will be punished, thus formed the psychological basis of respected authority. 长大了人们仍然依赖权威,比如你的老板、政府、法院、专家、媒体等。由于这些人或者组织处于优势地位,拥有更多的信息和权力,小时候的惯性依然存在,如果听从这些权威的话,则可能不会出错,反之,则可能面临惩罚。 Older people still rely on the authority, such as your boss, the government, the court, experts, media etc.. Because these people or organizations in the dominant position, have more information and power, small inertia still exist, if you listen to these words of authority, may not go wrong, on the contrary, it could face punishment. 另外,也源自于搭便车的心理,因为有了权威指路,按照他们的方向去行动,就可以减少思考和努力,更快达成自己的目标。比如人们很少去质疑医生,因为他们是专业的,所以会产生盲从心理,即听从他