
随着互联网的发展普及,我国广大中小企业步入网络营销时代的步伐正在加快。营销型网站建设是对网站的发展,整合了各种网络营销理念和网站运营管理方法,不仅注重网站建设的专业性,更加注重网站运营管理的整个过程,是企业网站建设与运营维护一体化的全程网络营销模式。中小企业拥有独立企业网站或电子商务平台中的网店的比例达到了43%,整体上看,中小企业网站的运营水平偏低。绝大部分中小企业网站更新频率超过一个月,仅仅是一个形象工程而已,并没有很好的促进企业网络营销效益。笔者根据自己的工作经验,总结了以下几点关于营销型企业网站建设注意事项和基本原则,和大家分享。 With the development of the Internet popularization, small and medium-sized enterprises in our country into the network marketing is accelerating the pace of the times. Marketing type website construction is the development of website, integrate various network marketing concept and site operation management method, not only pay attention to professional website construction, pay more attention to the whole process of site operation management, is the enterprise website construction and operation maintenance of the whole network marketing mode of integration. Small and medium-sized enterprises with independent corporate Web site or e-commerce platform of the shop was 43%, on the whole, the small and medium-sized enterprise web site operation level is low. Most of the small and medium-sized enterprise web site update frequency more than a month, is only a image project only, and not a very good promote enterprise network marketing benefits. According to the author's own work experience, summarizes the following about marketing type enterprise website construction attention and basic principle, and to share with you. 一、用户体验最重要 The most important user experience 网站的访问者是用户,不少初级营销机构制作的网站不堪入目,仅仅是为了展示给搜索引擎,这种网站根本不是真正意义上的营销型企业网站!在传统行业中,稍有经验的人都明白,商品外包装对销量的重要性。同理,对于网络营销来说,企业网站的美观、易用等方面,都会对用户产生很大的影响。千万不可因为各种原因而伤害用户体验,包括搜索引擎最终追求的也是用户体验。企业营销型网站建设应该追求搜索优化和用户体验的最佳结合点!现在互联网行业最火的职位是产品经理,也是因为用户体验的重要性。 Visitors to the site is the user, many primary marketing agencies make website is not fit to be seen, just to show the search engine, this website is not the true sense of the marketing type enterprise website! In traditional industries, a bit of experience understand, the importance of the outer packing goods on sales. Similarly, for the network marketing, enterprise website appearance, easy to use and so on, can produce very big effect to the user. Do not because of various reasons and harm the user experience, including search engine ultimately seek is the user experience. The enterprise marketing type website construction should be the best combination of search optimization and the user experience! Now the Internet industry's most fire position is the product manager, but also because of the importance of user experience. 二、网站结构和产品展示 The website structure and product exhibition 良好的网站结构,不但方便搜索引擎,更是为了方便用户,营销型网站一定要合理使用面包屑导航设计,不要让客户在你的网站里迷路,时刻告诉用户所在位置和返回其他频道的方法。营销型企业网站建设的最大目的在于促进企业产品销售,所以企业产品展示成了不可忽略的重要项目。建议中小企业自行拍摄产品相关画册图片,要具有真实性,否则会弄巧成拙,得不偿失,切忌!自行拍摄一是能保证图片质量,二是避免版权纠纷。不少时候,千言万语不如一张图有说服力,图片比文字更增加信任度。另外可以在产品介绍中插入适当的视频内容,多媒体互动展示效果最容易打动客户。 Good website structure, not only convenient search engine, but also for convenience of customers, marketing type site must reasonable use bread crumbs navigation design, don't let customers lost in on your website, always tell the user location and returns the other channel. The maximum objective marketing type enterprise website construction is to promote the enterprise product sales, so enterprise products show became the important projects should not be neglected. Advice to small and medium-sized enterprises in product photography related picture album, to be real, otherwise they will be self defeating, avoid the loss outweighs the gain.! To take a picture quality is guaranteed, the two is to avoid the copyright disputes. A lot of times, thousands and thousands of words as a picture compelling, pictures than text more increase trust. In addition to insert the appropriate video content in the product introduction, interactive multimedia display effect is most likely to impress clients. 三、合理发布更新资讯   Reasonable updates released 有相当一部分的企业网站都会有企业新闻这个栏目,合理的运用企业信息能够增加企业信任度,而不合理运用会取到相反的效果。企业新闻的内容要经常更新,文章内容报道企业的一些动态,里面最好配备图片,图文并茂更为您企