
 到底如何建设好一个营销型网站?有客户问我为什么营销型网站建设制作费用很高呢?但是又有很多网站服务商报价却很便宜,为什么行业报价区别如此大?到底用便宜的和贵的营销型网站建设到底有上面区别? How to build a marketing type website? A customer asked me why marketing type website construction production costs are high? But there are a lot of web service providers offer is very cheap, why the industry price difference so big? How cheap and expensive marketing type website construction is above the difference? 首先,网站功能不同价格肯定也不同,复杂的价格自然很高,简单的自然就低。然后同一功能复杂程度的网站为什么价格那么便宜,到底便宜在哪里?下面我们来分析一下主要便宜因素: First of all, website function different prices that are different, complex price natural high, simple naturally low. Then the same complex website why prices are so cheap, really cheap where? Below we analyse the main cost factor: 一、便宜在使用通用模板,花一天的工时找一些同行业网站模板,改些图片,甚至只改个名称、地址就交货,收你600,你肯定觉得便宜超值,直到某一天你发现网站上还有和你网站很相似的另一个网站时你才知道便宜在哪里。 Cheap in the use of a universal template, spend the day time find some of the same site template, change some of picture, even change a name, address delivery, take you 600, you must feel cheap value, until one day you find web site has a very similar and your site to another web site when you I know where the cheap. 二、便宜在没有调查策划,专业的网站设计都是基于调查策划开始的,只有了解客户的行业、客群、竞争对手才可以有针对性地规划网站,做到反映行业特征、迎合客群、区别于竞争对手的要求。便宜的网站你就不要指望有这样的流程。 Cheap in the absence of survey planning, professional web design is based on the investigation and planning, only to understand customers' industry, customers, competitors can be targeted planning website, to reflect the characteristics of the industry, to meet customer requirements, apart from competitors. Cheap web site you don't expect to have such a process. 三、便宜在使用廉价的域名空间,如果你听到域名空间都是白送,肯定觉得好像很超值,且不说这样的域名空间的稳定性和速度会不会对你的客户浏览造成干扰困惑和不耐烦。等你第二年被服务商通知你空间域名要续费时你就知道免费午餐可不是长久的。至于多少钱,天知道是不是一个天价,到时你不给还不行,不给你的网站就等着关闭。 Cheap in cheap domain name space, if you hear of the domain name space is gratuitious, certainly feel very value, not to mention such domain name space stability and speed will be for your customers to browse interference caused confusion and impatient. Waiting for you for second years by the service provider to renew the domain name to inform you space when you'll see a free lunch is not long. As for how much, is it right? God knows a price, you don't give enough, don't give your website is closed. 四、便宜在员工设计水平,聘请一个会使用网页编辑软件的工人工资和聘请一个设计师的工资相信是不一样的,就像同样会使用刀,医生和屠夫工资就不一样。同样的,软件只是工具,会用软件并不代表就具有某种职业资质! Cheap at the level of employees, hire a use webpage editing software workers wages and hire a designer salary that is not the same, as it will use the knife, and the butcher wage is not the same doctor. Also, the software is only a tool, using software not represent certain occupation qualification! 五、便宜在编程水平,同上面一样的道理,好的程序员他可以保证网站程序的运作速度和运作稳定,还有保障客户资料、产品价格等商业机密的安全性。 Cheap at the programming level, similar to the above reason, good programmers who can guarantee the speed of operation and operation of the stable site procedures, and safeguard customer information, the prices of products such as commercial secret security. 六、便宜在没有针对性设计,不同行业不同公司网站的宣传方式都会有所不同,需要网站来配合解决日常的一些客户问题也不尽相同,比如如果你是一家某机械代理销售企业,那么在网络上提供便捷的"维修查询"功能就非常让客户受用。而便宜网站一般就是"首页、简介、产品、联系"四大模块。 Cheap in the absence of specific design, different companies in different industries site propaganda way is different, need to solve some problems with the site daily customers are not the same, for example, if you are a machinery sales agent business, then provide a convenient "repair search" function is to allow customers to enjoy in the network. And cheap website is "home page, introduction, product, with" four big modules. 七、便宜在没有设置供搜索引擎搜索的关键字,便宜的网站是不会帮你设搜索关键字的,甚至你会发现你网站关键字居然是别人公司的名称(用了别人公司网站模板的结果),至于图片的替代关键字,那更是一省了之,这样的网站就不要指望被免费的搜索引擎收入了。 Cheap in no settings for search engine search keywords, cheap website is not going to help you search keyword, and you'll find out your site keyword is actually the name of other company (with others company website template results),