
当前,市场经济的的竞争已经不再局限于国内了,随着中国加入WTO后国门的打开,国内的所有大中小型企业都面临着国际市场的竞争!不管你是做什么的企业,都一样逃避不了市场经济”优胜劣汰“洗礼。现代企业失去了原有计划经济时代的保护,被迫掺入到这个国际大市场中来,不管你是情愿还是不情愿! At present, the competition of market economy is no longer limited to domestic, with open after China's accession to the WTO abroad, all small and medium-sized domestic enterprises are facing the competition of the international market! Whatever you do business, the same can not escape the market economy "survival of the fittest" baptism. Modern enterprises lose the protection of the planned economy era, the forced incorporation into the international market, whether you are ready or not! 现在中小企业的难题主要是:企业知名度不高,产品个性特点不明确,再加上对外宣传得不到位,导致产品市场占有率低下,企业难有起色!长期以往,产品占领不住应有的市场,销路自然不畅,那么企业必然惨遭淘汰。企业进行网站建设已成为电子商务发展的必然! Now the problem of small and medium-sized enterprises are mainly: enterprise visibility is not high, the product characteristics are not clear, coupled with the foreign propaganda are not in place, resulting in product market share is low, the enterprise has improvement hard! Long before, the product can not occupied the market, natural market not free, then the business will die out. Enterprise website construction has become a necessity in the development of electronic commerce! 一个企业为什么要建立自己的网站呢目前来讲,大致有如下几种目的:在网络上树立企业形象;推广企业的产品及服务;通过网络为各种提供服务、支持;开展电子商务。 Why an enterprise to set up their own websites. At present, there are following several objective: to establish a corporate image in the network; products and services to promote enterprise; through the network for various services, the development of electronic commerce support. 除了树立企业形象,人们会希望网站能真正为企业带来一些实效,如宣传推广企业的产品和服务,帮助企业联系用户等等,这可以说是在建站目的上进了一层。这样的实际例子也很多:一个小企业,几个系列,十几种产品,希望建一个网站推广自己的产品。这种网站的更新会相对较少,它实际上就是利用了网络的无国界、24小时在线、成本很低等特点,相当于建了一个网上宣传册,其针对性非常强,关键在于它的宣传。 In addition to establish a corporate image, people will hope the website can really bring some results for enterprises, such as the promotion of enterprise products and services, help enterprises to contact the customer and so on, it can be said that the purpose of a layer. The practical example of this is also a lot of: a small business, several series, dozens of products, we hope to build a website to promote their products. This site updates will be relatively less, it actually is the use of the network without borders, 24 hours online, the cost is very low, the equivalent of building an online brochure, the pertinence is very strong, the key lies in its publicity. 营销型网站建设的目的应该就是发展电子商务了。中国现在约有超过两亿的用户接入了因特网,今后会更为壮大。成为其中的一员,也为了向他们表明您乐于为他们服务,需要为他们而登上互联网。要知道您的竞争对手也会这样做。 Marketing type website construction purpose should be the development of electronic commerce. China now has about more than two hundred million of users access to the Internet, in the future will be stronger. One of them, but also to show them that you are willing to serve them, they need to on the internet. To know your competitors will do. 构建商业网络。商业过程的很大一部分是商业交往。每个精明的商人都懂得进行广泛联系和接触的重要性。您可以在万维网上每天24小时既便宜又轻松地向成千上万的人发名片。 Construction of commercial network. A large part of the business process is the commercial intercourse. Importance of each shrewd businessmen have extensive contacts and contact. You can send the card to the tens of thousands of people in the World Wide Web 24 hours a day, which is cheap and easily. 提供商业信息。什么是商业信息想一想广告吧。您经营什么业务怎样与您联系您在哪里办公今天您又有什么特别交易如果能让知道他们应该与您做生意的每一条理由,那就一定能够做成更多的生意。利用网站,您就可以做到这一点。 Provides commercial information. What is the business information to advertising. Your business what business how to contact with you where you work today you have any particular transaction if can let know they should have every reason to do business with you, it must lead to more business. Using the site, you can do it. 交易全球化。交易在全球化,但时间不可能是全天候的。然而网页面可以每周7天,每天24小时为、顾客与合作伙伴服务。 Trade globalization. Trading in the globalization, but the time may not be all-weather. However, webpage surface can be 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, customer and partner service. 开拓国际市场。您也许搞不清