
一、在实践中不断提高 Improvement in practice 要是每天能拿出两个小时来学习,完成以上这些学习估计只要20天就差不多了。要是天赋高的话,那需要的时间就更少了。接下来该实习了,找个地方锻炼一下自己,比如可以去一些公司干干兼职,或是给自己的单位设计一下主页等。 If I could take two hours to learn every day, this study estimated that as long as 20 day almost. If talent is high, it needs less time. Next, the practice, to find a place to exercise yourself, for example, can go to some companies do a part-time job, or is your unit design for the home page. 最好是能进入一个正规的开发团队,你就会学会如何以团队合作的方式开发营销型网站建设,特别是怎样和程序组合作,把页面与后台程序数据库配合起来。 It is best to enter a formal development team, you will learn how to cooperate with others to develop marketing type website construction, especially how to program unit, the page daemon database together with. 到此,你就基本可以称作是一个“准Web Designer”了,不过要从根本上提高自己,最好去学学美术,这是当一个网站建设设计师的基本功。 Here, you can be called a "Web Designer", but to improve their fundamentally, it is best to learn art, which is the basic work when a website designer. 二、循序渐进学知识 Step by step knowledge 先学一学HTML,找本自己能看懂的教材,浏览为主,不用记住所有的概念,只要记住使用原理就行了,这一阶段,估计三天就够了;然后用两天时间学CSS,方法同上;进而再花些时间了解一下JavaScript。 To learn HTML, find the you can read books, browse, do not need to remember all the concepts, just remember to use the principle on the line, this stage, an estimated three days is enough; and then use the two days to learn CSS, methods ibid.; and then spend some time getting to know about JavaScript. 然后就可以用记事本尝试写几个网页,记住这时千万不要用那些可视化工具,比如FrontPage、Dreamweaver(那些以后再学)。 Then you can use Notepad to try to write a few webpage, remember when the visualization tool do not, such as FrontPage, Dreamweaver (who later). 有一个提高自己“写网页”的捷径,就是上各大网站,把网页保存下来,然后打开保存下来的网页,点击右键→查看源文件,看看人家的网页是怎么写的,然后模仿他们的写法,不断规范自己的代码。 There is a "shortcut to improve their writing webpage", is each big website, webpage to survive, and then open the saved webpage, right click to view the source file, have a look others webpage is how to write, and then imitate their writing, continue to regulate their own code. 接下来该学一下Fireworks了。建议一开始就到网上找些实例教程,这些实例教程一般都介绍得很详细,跟着它一步一步做下来,每学会一个实例就掌握了几项操作,而且也有了自己的作品,很有成就感的,长期积累下来对自己的提高很有帮助。 Then the learn Fireworks. The proposed start to the Internet to find some examples tutorial, the tutorial examples are generally very detailed introduction, follow it step by step down, every society an example grasp several operations, but also have their own work, have a sense of achievement, accumulated for a long time to self improve very helpful. 这时还可以结合Dreamweaver进行学习,你就可以体会到Dreamweaver和Fireworks的无缝集成了。 This can also be combined with Dreamweaver to learn, you can realize the seamless integration of Dreamweaver and Fireworks. 要是想让你的网页多一些炫目的效果,建议你学一下Flash,难度并不大,而且要是前面的JavaScript基础打得好的话,学到Flash中ActionScript时,就会简单很多。 If you want your webpage more stunning effect, suggest that you learn Flash, is not difficult, but if JavaScript in front of the well learned in Flash, ActionScript, makes it a lot easier to. 到这时,相信你就可以真正领会到“网页三剑客”的威力了。 By this time, I believe you can really understand the "webpage Three Musketeers" power.