
搜索引擎的出现有效的提升了用户上网的效率,同时也改变了人们上网的习惯,无论是传统的PC互联网还是移动互联网,搜索引擎都会成为消费者上网的重要入口,换句话说,如果我们做SEO网站优化的工作者就要通过优化自己的网站,让网站建设能够占据到这个互联网入口,成为用户浏览的目标,其实这种工作就是一种网络搜索营销。 The emergence of search engines can effectively enhance the efficiency of Internet users, but also to change people's Internet habits, whether it is traditional PC Internet or mobile Internet, search engine will become an important consumer Internet entrance, in other words, if we do SEO site optimization workers will be through the optimize your site, let website construction to occupy the Internet entrance, a user goal, actually this kind of job is a kind of network search marketing. 但是这种搜索引擎SEO优化的概念自从出现之后,就引起了很多所谓业内专家广泛的兴趣,通过研究搜索引擎的喜好来优化网站,提升网站排名,成为网络上另一个精彩的风景,但是在这种美丽的风景下,却因为有着各种各样的黑帽优化以及捷径优化,已经让SEO优化工作者越来越觉得难以优化,工作越来越难做,而造成这种现象的重要原因就是优化工作者一直没有掌握到搜索引擎营销的未来发展趋势。 But the concept of search engine optimization of SEO since its occurrence, caused a lot of so-called experts widespread interest, to optimize the site through search engine like, improve website ranking, become network is another wonderful scenery, but in the beauty of the scenery, but because it has a black hat optimization and shortcut optimization of all kinds, have SEO optimization workers feel more and more difficult to optimize, work has become more and more difficult, an important reason lead to this phenomenon is the optimization of the workers had not to grasp the future development trend of search engine marketing. 开放式搜索应用要求优化者更注重用户体验 Open search application optimization researchers pay more attention to the user experience 营销型网站建设用户体验一直是搜索引擎非常注重的一个环节,在历次的搜索引擎优化指南中都是非常强调的一个部分,但是优化工作人员往往却对此总是有很多侥幸的心理,因为网站要想搞好网站的用户体验,需要做很多工作,而且短时间里面也不会见到成效,如果是一些SEO优化公司来做优化,如果一直没有效果,那可能就会失去订单,所以总会对用户体验的工作做一些简单的表面的工作,而更多的是从外链着手。 User experience website marketing has always been a part of the search engine is very attention, in the search engine optimization is a very stressed the guidelines in the previous, but optimization work personnel often have always had a lot of chances, because the site to improve the user experience of the website, need to do a lot of work, but also the short time it will not see results, if some SEO optimization company to do optimization, if there has been no effect, it may lose the order, so there will always be some simple surface work on the user experience, and more is to proceed from the chain. 可是在开放式的搜索引擎应用下,越来越多的搜索引擎开始将用户的搜索体验当成搜索排名的重要依据,百度有大拇指,360也有自己的拇指和中指计划,用户在使用搜索引擎后会有自己的意见,这些意见往往成为搜索引擎判定网站用户体验的一个重要依据,从这点上来说,如果仅仅欺骗搜索引擎的优化,显然已经不能够符合未来开放式搜索引擎应用模式,所以广大的SEO优化工作者们,赶紧回归到正常的优化轨道上,否则你的网站就会因此而遭遇滑铁卢。 But in the open search engine applications, more and more search engines will start the user search experience as an important basis for the search rankings, Baidu has thumb, 360 have their thumb and middle finger, the user will have their own opinions in the use of search engines, these observations tend to be search engine determine a an important basis for the site of the user experience, from this point of view, if only to deceive the search engine optimization, apparently can not meet future open search model engine, so SEO optimization workers vast, quickly return to the normal track of optimization, or your website will be encountered waterloo. 个性化搜索应用要求优化具备品牌意识 Personalized search applications require optimization have brand awareness 从国外的搜索引擎发展模式来看,越来越崇尚用户的个性化的搜索,搜索引擎能够根据不同用户的使用网络的习惯,进行针对性的结果的提供,也就是说不同的人搜索同一个关键词往往会得到不同的结果,这种智能化的搜索已经在谷歌和facebook上得到了一定的体现,虽然成熟度还没有那么高,但是这足以说明了搜索引擎的发展方向。 From the search engine development mode, more and more advocate personalized search, search engine according to different users of the Internet habits, to provide targeted results, that is to say different people search the same key words tend to get different results, the intelligent search has been some reflected in Google and Facebook, although the maturity is not so high, but it is enough to show the direction of search engine. 那么在这种方向下,如何让网站能够进入到更多用户的搜索结果中,只有通过建立品牌才能够实现,因为这种个性化的搜索结果肯定会和品牌因素以及个人消费习惯有