
网站建设图片软件包括: Website construction picture software includes: Photoshop:学习图像处理、编辑、通道、图层、路径综合运用;图像色彩的校正;各种特效滤镜的使用;特效字的制作;图像输出与优化等,灵活运用图层风格,流体变形及褪底和蒙板,制作出千变万化的图像特效。 Photoshop: learning image processing, editing, channel, layer, path using the corrected image; color; use a variety of special effects filters; making specific word; image output and optimization, the flexible use of the layer style, fluid deformation and faded bottom and a mask, making image effects of the ever-changing. Fireworks,第一款彻底为Web制作者们设计的软件 Fireworks, the first complete Web makers design software Fireworks的来头实在不小,它的出现使Web作图发生了革命性的变化。Fireworks是专为网络图像设计而开发,内建丰富的支持网络出版功能,比如Fireworks能够自动切图、生成鼠标动态感应的javascript。而且Fireworks具有十分强大的动画功能和一个几乎完美的网络图像生成器(Export功能)。 Fireworks's background is not small, it appears that Web mapping and revolutionary change. Fireworks is designed for network image design and development, build rich support network publishing functions, such as Fireworks to automatically map, generation of dynamic induction of JavaScript mouse. And Fireworks has a very strong function of animation and an almost perfect network image generator (Export). 动画制作软件: Animation software: Flash,让你的网页动起来Flash是用在互联网上动态的、可互动的shockwave。它的优点是体积小,可边下载边播放,这样就避免了用户长时间的等待。#{6FLASH6}#可以用其生成动画,还可在网页中加入声音。这样你就能生成多媒体的图形和界面,而使文件的体积却很小。FLASH虽然不可以像一门语言一样进行编程,但用其内置的语句并结合JavaScripe,您也可做出互动性很强的主页来,这个东西我个人一直没有学好,现在做动画都是淘宝花几十元请人代做。 Flash, let your webpage move Flash is using the Internet on a dynamic, interactive shockwave. It has the advantages of small volume, can be downloaded from side to play, so to avoid the user long time waiting. #{6FLASH6}# can generate the animation with its, can also add voice in webpage. So you can generate multimedia graphics and interface, and the file size is very small. Programming FLASH although not as a language, but with its built-in statement combined with JavaScripe, you can also make a highly interactive homepage, this thing I never learn, do now animation is Taobao spend tens of dollars to ask someone to do. 初级网页制作软件 Primary webpage making software 如果你对HTML语言不熟悉,那么你可以选择DreamWeaver来替你完成这份工作,简单的说,DreamWeaver是一款所见即所得的html编辑编辑软件。 DreamWeaver是一个很酷的网页设计软件,它包括可视化编辑、HTML代码编辑的软件包,并支持ActiveX、JavaScript、Java、Flash、ShockWave等特性,而且它还能通过拖拽从头到尾制作动态的HTML动画,支持动态HTML(Dynamic HTML)的设计,使得页面没有plug-in也能够在Netscape和IE 4.0浏览器中正确地显示页面的动画。同时它还提供了自动更新页面信息的功能。 If you are not familiar with the HTML language, then you can select DreamWeaver for you to finish the work, say simply, DreamWeaver is a WYSIWYG HTML editor software. DreamWeaver is a cool webpage design software, it includes visual editing, HTML code editing package, and supports ActiveX, JavaScript, Java, Flash, ShockWave and other characteristics, but it can also drag from a to Z to create dynamic HTML animation, support dynamic HTML (Dynamic HTML) design, which makes the page no plug-in to correctly display the page animation in Netscape and IE 4 browser. At the same time, it also provides automatic update page information function. 可惜的是, DreamWeaver做出的页面都属于静态页面,但是目前的网站大多是动态页面和包含很多交互功能,而且可以后台可控制和管理,这就要求制作人必须掌握一些动态编程知识,如asp,php,asp.net这些都是目前最主要的三种开发语言。 Unfortunately, DreamWeaver pages are static pages, but the site is mostly dynamic pages and contains a lot of interactive function, but also the background can be control and management, which requires the producer must master some dynamic programming knowledge, such as ASP, PHP, asp.net these are the three main development language. 营销型网站建设高级网页制作软件 Marketing type website construction advanced webpage making software 技术日新月异,任何科技发展都是为了让事情变得更简单和快捷,互联网技术也一样,国内也出现了一批很专业的专门用于做网站的网站管理系统,有的甚至支持多语言,多站点,总之有一句话说得好,站在巨人肩上会看的更高,一样道理,不是每个想拥有网站的人都会编写程序,所有利用网站系统来做做网站就是一个非常省力,省时的过程,国内很多网站90%都是基于这些专业系统基础上搭建,当然,选中一个系统后你需要去熟悉这个系统功能你才能运用得很好,,只需要花几天时间看看教程就可以熟练运用并建站,下面收集了国内一些比较常用和知名的系统,大家可以根据自己要做的网站类型去下载对应的系统,系统地址这里就不发了,自己百度一下就能找到(如果你这个都找不到,建议你回家种地) Technologies change rapidly, any technology development is to make things easier and faster, as well as the Internet technology,