
1.不要说百度打击医疗行业,难道比传奇游戏打击得还厉害吗? Don't say that Baidu combat medical industry, is worse than the legendary game against? 2012年的时候,百度开始针对整个医疗行业网站建设,2013年4月份百度又一次的重点打击医疗行业的优化排名,很多做seo优化的就成不住气了。几乎一夜间所有的医疗网站都回到了解放前,但是对于一个有经验的老站长来说,他们早就习惯了百度的这段算法,他们已经学会了去适应百度,更着百度去变。上边是我帮一家医疗行业优化的网站,现在还是这样的排名,百度的打击对我的这个站几乎是没有什么样的冲击。那么现在想做好这样的医疗网站优化,必须要先做好站内的优化。 In 2012, baidu began for the whole medical industry website construction, ranking optimization focus once again hit the medical industry in 2013 April, Baidu, many do SEO optimization is not gas. Almost overnight all the medical site back to the place before, but for an old experienced webmaster, they have long been accustomed to this algorithm Baidu, they have learned to adapt to Baidu Baidu to become even more. The above is I help a website optimization of the medical industry, still do rankings, baidu blow to my this station is almost no matter what kind of impact. So now want to do such medical website optimization, optimization must do well in the station. 2.分享个人做成功医疗站的seo优化心得以及经验 SEO optimization experience and experience sharing personal success in the medical station 检查网站:不管是做新站和接老站的优化,当接到网站以后,首先查看网站的错误。新站,要点击每个链接,看看是否有错误页面,是否有死链接。然后就是查看网站的结构。对一个网站如果它里面的结构除了首页,其他的内页都是一样的,做seo必须要注重每个细节,不要怕浪费时间,这样对于网站的优化来说是非常的不好的。 Check the website: whether do new sites and optimization the old station, when a web site later, first check the site error. New sites, to click on each link, have a look whether the error page, whether there is a dead link. The structure and view the site. A website if the structure inside of it in addition to the home page, the inside pages of the other are the same, do SEO must pay attention to every detail, don't be afraid to waste time, so it is very bad for the website optimization. 三大标签:标签的运用是很多人眩晕的地方。三大标签包括标题,描述,关键词.再写三大标签是需要把握三个原则:1.关键词定位要适中。2.描述要简洁明了,要与网页内容相关。3.不要堆积关键词。在以后的seo文章发表中我会对标签的详细解说做一个专版,请大家关注说说seo-站长专栏。 Three big label: label is the use of a lot of people a place called vertigo. Three big label includes the title, description, key words. Write three major label is required to hold three principles: 1 keywords positioning should be moderate. 2 description should be concise, be associated with the webpage content. 3 do not stack keywords. After the SEO published I will detailed explanation on the label to do a special edition, please pay attention to what the seo- webmaster. 网站的内链:内链是seo优化中最难以做还的工作之一。当三大标签写完,然后就要规划网站的内链了。网站合理的内链有利于提高用户体验以及搜索引擎对网站的爬行索引效率,进而提高搜索引擎的收录与网站权重。所以这时我们就要从网站的结构和用户的习惯考虑,我们应该怎样做内链,从网站发文章的初期我们都必须要规划好自己站内文章生成的链接问题,必须要做好自己网站的内部链接,这样才能让百度蜘蛛长久不出。 Site within the chain: the chain is one of the most difficult to do is work in SEO optimization. When the three major labels finished, then the chain planning website. The chain site reasonable improve crawling index efficiency of user experience and search engine to the site, and improve your search engine and website weight. So now we have to consider the structure and user web habits, how should we do within the chain, from the initial site hair article we all must be good planning problems with links my stand inside the article generated, internal links must do their own site, so as to let Baidu spider not long out of. 网站的文章:现在百度再三的公布算法,要求我们必须原创文章,我们在营销型网站建设的日常更新的时候一定要注意,文章每天不在乎多,在乎的是每天按时更新,更新的内容要原创和高质量。当三大标签写完以后就要填充网站了,对于填充网站来说,我个人更认为文章的质量要比数量更重要。所以我的坚持就是网站可以多填充一天,但是绝对保证网站文章的质量。保证让网站的每篇文章都是高质量的原创。并且和网站的内容高度相关。只要我们长久的坚持,我们的网站首页不但有很好的排名,就是我们文章页同样也有很好的排名,作为站长,做为seo优化行业的一份子,我们必须要明白这一点。 Site article: now Baidu repeatedly published algorithm, we must have the original article, we in daily update marketing type website construction of the note, the day care, care about is the time every day to update, update the content must be original and high quality. When the three major labels finished to fill to fill website, website, personally I think the quality is more important than quantity. So I insisted that website can fill a day, but the absolute guarantee of the quality of website. Ensure