
在如何构建网站建设运营团队上,我首先要谈下一下网站运营这个工作。网站运营从深层次来说,他天生就具有系统性、专业技术性、持久性三个看似简单其实不 简单的特征,从而也就决定了运营团队的构成。不客气地说,不具备上述三点,就不可能把一个网站运营的很出色,网站一开始就是在走下坡路。 On how to construct the website construction and operation team, I first want to talk about the work site operation. Web site operators from the deep, he was born with a systematic, professional, persistent three seemingly simple but characteristic is not simple, and also decided the operations team. Don't hesitate to say, do not have the above three points, it is not possible to operate a website very well, site is the beginning of the downhill. 我曾经接触过一个红酒行业的电子商务网站,当然了,在他之前也是有酒类的电子商务网站的,但是这个红酒网站带给我的却是一种震撼。网站流量基本来自 于竞价推广,转化率趋向于0,各项网站运营指标惨不忍睹。当我问及为什么会是这样的时候,我率先发现了问题:几任团队做下来,却不知道网站运营为何物? I have contacted the e-commerce site, is a wine industry, of course, before he is the electronic commerce website of wine, but the wine website I bring is a kind of shock. Website traffic basic from the bidding promotion, conversion rate tends to 0, the site operation index too horrible to look at. When I asked why this is so, I first discovered the problem: a few team down, but do not know the website operation for what? 细看这个团队,基本设置非常全面,推广部、策划部、编辑部、客服部,基本将运营团队所需要的人员配齐了,但是网站成绩依旧很差,这不得不让人深思。 回到这个红酒网站,推广部的人员只懂得基本的外链、关键词优化和竞价,对SEO营销型网站建设也是一知半解;策划部最多策划一些微博、线上活动,反响却不大,页面策划基 本不了解;编辑部每天发布的文章还不如一个地方新闻门户的编辑发得多,文章几乎不被收录;客服部处于与营销部门的脱节状态,与客户沟通不能应用自如。试问 这样的乌合之众,如何担负起一个网站的运营呢?那么应该如何建队,如何统御呢? Look at the team, the basic setup is complete, the promotion department, planning department, editorial department, customer service department, will be the basic operation team of personnel required to complete, but the site performance is still very poor, which forced people to ponder. Back to the red website, promotion department personnel only understand basic chain, keyword optimization and bidding, the SEO marketing type website construction also have a superficial knowledge of planning; planning department up some micro-blog, online activities, not the page response, planning the don't understand; Editorial Department of journal articles published every day as a local news portal edit too much, the article is almost not included; customer service department is out of touch with the state of the marketing department, and customer communication cannot be applied easily. How can such a motley crew, how to undertake a website operation? How to build a team, how to control? 专业素质要过硬,能够独当一面。 Professional quality to be perfect, can take charge as chief of. 前不久我接触了一个新站,专门做设计产业。起初这个项目也是做了长达三年之久,没有斩获,虽然经过改版,提出了新的商业模式,但是对于运营总监来 说,第一个难题就是销售团队如何把一个不知名的新站的产品销售出去。此战的运营总监通过猎头和渠道挖到了两个身处一线的电话营销经理,素质非常全面,当接 手了网站产品销售时,经受住了压力,利用自身专业技能和素质,在一个月能完成了业务计划,使网站实现了0的突破。 Not long ago I met a new, specialized design industry. At first, this project is also done for three years, no gains, although after revision, the new business model, but for the director to say, the first problem is the sales team to an unknown new product sales. The director of operations through the headhunting and channels dug up two first-line telephone marketing manager, quality is very comprehensive, when the next hand website product sales, has withstood the pressure, to use their professional skills and qualities, completed a business plan in a month, the network achieves 0 breakthrough. 创业本身就是一个很艰难的过程,但是对于一个处于半死不活的网站,对于运营和销售人员来说,面临的压力可想而知。没有经验的员工断不可贸然使用,不 能够独当一面,也不能给与任务,虽然要求的很苛刻,但是这样的人大有人在,需要管理者不断的挖掘和知人善任,用人不疑疑人不用。 Entrepreneurship is a very difficult process, but for a half-dead website, for operation and sales personnel, one can imagine the pressure. No experience of the employees shall not rashly use, not able to take charge as chief of, also cannot give the task, although is very demanding requirements, but such people, managers need continuous mining and know, employers do not suspect suspect not. 保持团队稳定,扎实推荐团队建设。 Keep the team stable, solid and recommended that the team construction. 曾经有这样的一个网站,运营团队框架时常被管理者进行修订,最初有六个产品部门缩编为三个事业部,本以为就可以稳定下来了,但是不出三个月,运营团 队又被改造,原有的产