
网站的内容和外链没有问题,就把问题归于百度的“误杀”并不妥当,本着为客户解决问题的目的,我们对网站的建站程序、代码进行检查,发现一个很容易让人忽视的问题:这个网站采用了模板建站,虽然表面经过了比较优秀的设计,但是其网站代码属于直接复制,也就是我们常说的模板站,同质化比较严重,简单的讲就是网上其实有成千上万个同样的网站,百度就不会喜欢这样的网站。 The content and the web site of the chain is no problem, the problem to Baidu "manslaughter" is not appropriate, solve the problem for the customer's purpose, we site program, code on the site inspection, found a very easy to ignore the problem: the site uses a template site, although through the surface of the design good, but the site code is copied directly, is what we often say that the template station, serious homogenization, simply to say that online there are tens of thousands of the same site, Baidu will not like this site. 鉴于这样的现象,就很有必要分享一些企业网站建设的常见误区,尤其是网站建设的开始阶段,这里就需要对模板建站、自助建站以及个性化定制网站进行详细说明。 In view of this phenomenon, it is necessary to share some common misunderstandings of enterprise website construction, especially in the initial stages of construction site, there is need for template site, self-help and personalized website in detail. 模板建站的弊端 Disadvantages of the establishment of the template 如果站在客户的角度,模板站就是一个带有贬义的词,形容一个网站低质劣造,所以一般企业很少会在明白模板建站弊端的时候,去选择这样的方式进行建站。关于模板建站,可以看一下这方面的要点分析: If you stand in the customer point of view, the template station is a pejorative term to describe a web site, low quality, so the general enterprise rarely when see template site defects, to choose this way station. A template site, can look at the key points of this analysis: 1、 模板建站之所以盛行,价格低廉绝对不是主要原因。 The template site is vogue, low price is not the main reason. 2、 客户误以为模板站就是网站建设的简易流程 The customer thought simple process template site is website construction 3、 模板建站所谓的成千上万个模板,其实是同一个模板的不同造型,本质上网站代码相同 A template template site tens of thousands of so-called, is different form the same template, essentially the same site code 4、 大部分模板都是网上直接下载的,风险大、不安全 Most templates are directly online download, risk is big, not safe 5、 模板建站同质化严重,不利于SEO优化 The template site the homogenization of serious, is not conducive to SEO optimization 笔者总结出模板建站市场火热的原因:客户在不了解网站建设的情况下,误以为或者被建站公司业务人员所误导,选择了这种简单而又省钱的建站模式,客户的本质是希望有一个高质量网站,而非“模板站”。 The author summarizes the reason template site market fiery: customers do not understand the construction site conditions, mistaken or misled by the site of the company business personnel, choose this kind of simple and economical construction model, the customer is the essence of hope have a high quality site, rather than "template station". 被夸大了的自助建站 Exaggerated self-help 随着模板建站的弊端渐渐显露出来,一种新的网站建设模式出现:会打字就会建站。自助建站一般依靠自己开发的网站程序,让客户自己动手进行简单的网站制作,就像打造自己的博客、轻博客网站一样方便。每个建站公司的自助建站往往采用不同的建站系统,这略微改进了模板建站的同质化问题。 With the shortcomings of the establishment of the template gradually revealed, the emergence of a new website construction mode will be typing site. Establishment of self-help generally rely on themselves to the development of web applications, to allow customers to yourself a simple website production, like to build their own blog, microblogging site as easy. Each site of the company is often the self-help Station system different, this slightly modified the homogenization problem for the establishment of the template. 自助建站依赖于服务商的技术,企业可以轻松拥有自己动手DIY的网站,不需要自己管理服务器,也不需要进行设计,功能多、花钱少、性价比高。 Establishment of self-help depend on the service provider technology, enterprises can easily have their own DIY site, does not need the management server, also do not need to design, multiple functions, less expensive, high performance price ratio. 当然,有优点也一样有缺陷。 Of course, there are advantages also have defects. 1、网站控制权有限制,一般自助建站有使用年限,到期之后不在续费,网站的数据就会被清空。 Site control is limited, the general establishment of self-help use fixed number of year, after the expiration of the website not renew, the data will be empty. 2、没有独立空间,访问速度慢。 No independent space, slow access speed. 3、网站收录情况较差,依赖于自身高质量的内容 The website included poor, rely on high quality content 4、简单的操作是以牺牲掉高端的设计风格为前提的,只能选择固有的模板 Simple operation is t