
你有没有遇到过网站建设已经好几天了,流量还是那么少,一个新手,建站好辛苦。没人教也没得问,一片模糊,有没有?然后你会去百度,百度上关于新手如何建站的文章挺多,但并没有去细化,让新手站长真正了解建站初期哪些该做好,哪些是该避免的地方。小曾也是新手,建站初期走过很多弯路,也颇有些心得。所以,为了能使广大草根站长少走弯路,用最短的时间做出最好的站,今天就跟大家分享一些建站前的准备工作及自己的一些心得体会。 Have you met the website construction has been a good few days, still so small flow, a novice, good hard. Nobody taught never to ask, a blur, is there? Then you will go to Baidu, quite a lot about how new site article Baidu, but did not go to the refinement, let the novice webmaster to truly understand the early site what do, what is the avoidance of place. Xiao Zeng is a novice, early site through many tortuous paths, also have quite some experience. So, in order to enable the broad masses of careless root stationmaster detours, make the best of the station with the shortest time, today to share some links some preparations and their experience. 其实如果作为一个普通站长,这个问题应该很好回答。 In fact, if as an ordinary webmaster, this issue should be a very good answer. 一、想好关键词(Think good keywords) 选择了一个正确的关键词。标题是网站的灵魂,营销型网站建设的内容都应围绕标题去扩展。建站前,必需充分寻找适合自己网站定位的关键词,新站就选指数稳定,且竞争不激烈的词。查指数可用百度指数、百度推广的关键词挖掘来寻找。此外,还得分析竞争对手的实力,看看是否有望做到百度首页及该关键词竞价的数量,具体可用相关站点功能来检查关键词的竞争激烈水平。 Select an appropriate keywords. The title is the soul of the website, marketing type website construction contents should be built around the title to expand. Station, must look for keywords for your website localization, new sites chosen exponential stability, and the competition is not fierce word. Check the index keywords Baidu Baidu promotion, mining available index to find. In addition, to analyze the strength of competitors, have a look whether to do home page and the number of Baidu keyword bidding, specifically available related site function to check the keywords competition level. 二、描述吸引人(Describe an attractive) 一定不可堆彻关键词,关键词选好了就得想网站描述了。网站描述是给用户看的,所以一个好的网站描述对用户体验至关重要。描述要符合网站内容,为了SEO可把主关键词重复2遍。另外,为使描述要能吸引客户,要在描述中添加一些诱人语句,如小曾的小站添加了“广西国内免备案空间,即开即用,无需等待”口号,还可用棱形、五角星等特殊符号来着重突显,还要记得把宣传口号放在前72个字符以内,网站的keyword可填三个主关键词,同样不能堆彻,如果实在不会选择可空着不填。一旦标题、描述、和关键词填好之后不可轻易变化。小曾的小站就是因为当初选词不慎改动了标题和描述,而被百度延长了收录时间。 Must not be piled keywords, the keywords selected must want to website describes the. Description of the site is for the user to read, so a good description of the site is of vital importance to the user experience. Description should comply with the content of the website, in order to SEO the master key is repeated 2 times. In addition, in order to make the description will be able to attract customers, to add some intriguing statement in the description, such as the Xiao Zeng station added "Guangxi home free for the record space, plug and play, no need to wait for the" slogan, also used prismatic, star and other special symbols to emphasize highlight, also remember the slogan put within before 72 characters, the website keyword can fill three main keywords, the same can not be piled, if you choose not to be empty. As soon as the title, description, and the key words fill can not easily change. Xiao Zeng station is because the original word inadvertently changed the title and description, and prolongs the time Baidu included. 三、域名要简练(The domain name should be concise) 可围绕网站名称选域名,可由网站名称拼写而来。域名要简练好记,能够给客户较深印象。购买域名时,不能贪便宜去选一些境外域名,说不定哪天就会被封掉。小曾选择的免备案域名,价格还行,售后到现在没出现问题。也可以去淘宝找代理购买的域名,价格廉价又正规安全。 Around the site name domain name, spelled by the site name and. The domain name should be concise and easy to remember, to be able to give the client a deep impression. Buy a domain name, not easy to choose some overseas domain, perhaps one day will be blocked. Record the domain name, free Xiao Zeng chose the price line, customer service to the present no problems. Can go to Taobao look for agents buy domain name, price cheap and regular safety. 四、空间要稳定(Stable space) 一个不好的空间会导致降权或者K站,选空间是建站的重中之重。这点小曾颇有感触。当初为了廉价和免备案去南宁淘宝买了个香港空间,刚开始那叫一个爽,速度超快,但等过了半个月的投诉期后,空间速度越来越慢,还经常抛锚,导致我新站百度迟迟不收录,无奈只能换空间。第二个空间是所谓的国内免备的价格也才二百不到但也经常出现打开速度慢、打不开等现象。直到换成现在的海外免备案服务器,买的价格也差不多,空间速度快又稳定,而且售后不错。所以,买空间一定