
企业上网是21世纪企业为适应新形势下竞争需要而作出的战略选择,中国企业上网工程的主题为"新竞争战略",口号是"上网提高竞争力"。无论你生产商还是销售商,是生产高科技产品还是日用品,目前是该把公司推向络的时候了,网络提供了一种全新的贸易方式和直接的销售渠道。营销型网站建设有着大量的业机会,任何公司只要干得好都可以找到挣钱的方法。实际上,大笔生意正在网上交。1997年,全国网上的销售额为75亿美元,到2002年将增加到2万亿美元。 Internet enterprises is a strategic choice for enterprises in twenty-first Century to adapt to the new situation of competition needs of Chinese enterprises, project on the theme of "the new competitive strategy", "the Internet to improve the competitiveness of the slogan". Whether you producers or sellers, is the production of high-tech products or commodities, is currently the company into the network time, the network provides a new way of trading and direct sales channels. There are a large number of employment opportunities marketing type website construction, every company that good work can find a way to make money. In fact, big business is online. In 1997, the net sales of $7500000000, by 2002 will increase to $2. 企业网站建设的10大好处: The top 10 good enterprise website construction: 1、树立企业形象,跟上时代潮流。 Establish a corporate image, to keep up with the trend of the times. 因特网已经连接了相当多的网民、企业机构和政府,而且向着更广阔的范围发展。因特网用户在中国正飞速发展,目前,中国的网民已经发展到今天的890万人, 因特网提供了虚拟的全球性贸易环境,企业面对的是全世界数亿用户,不管企业原来的规模大小如何,企业在因特网上起步是一样的,这对于企业,尤其是中小型企业树立企业形象尤为重要。在我国加入WTO后,一个企业拥有一个网址和Email,就像现在拥有一个电话号码和名片一样重要。因此,任何一个企业家都不应置身于因特网之外。任何一家企业要想跟上时代发展的潮流,必须尽快上网。 The Internet has connected with quite a number of Internet users, enterprises, institutions and government, and toward a more broad scope of development. The development of Internet users, is fast in China at present, China's Internet users has grown to 8900000 today, the Internet provides a global trade in virtual environment, enterprises face the world hundreds of millions of users, regardless of the size of the original enterprise size, enterprise is the same on the Internet started, for the enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises to establish a corporate image is particularly important. After our country joins WTO, an enterprise has a web site and Email, like now have a phone number and name as important. Therefore, any entrepreneur should not be exposed to the internet. Any enterprises want to catch up with the trend of the times, must as soon as possible on the internet. 2、改善内部管理,提高运营效率。 To improve the internal management, improve operational efficiency. 企业可以使用因特网专门为企业提供的电子商务系统进行网上交易,包括询价、还盘、确认、签合同,甚至货币支付、报税、报关……。理论上讲,电子商务可以支持企业完成一切经营活动中的信息业务,也就是说,无论买家、卖家和中介机构,一切传统的商业文书交换和金融业务都可以通过因特网以"上网"方式完成。因此,企业上网为企业提供了新型的与用户进行联系和沟通的方式,减少了企业和消费者中间的流通环节,电子数据交换则减少了中间管理和人员的开销,同时,为企业引进了全新的内部管理模式,便于提升企业的管理水平,电子商务亦为企业提供了新型的营销方式,可使企业和消费者从中得到利益。襄樊新田园今年投入8000元引进内部财务管理系统、净菜配送系统、客户信息管理系统,公司运营效率大大提高,10月份又在襄樊农业信息网上制作了主页,净菜配送用户达到600多个,月收入5万元。 Electronic business system of enterprise can use the Internet for enterprises to provide on-line transactions, including inquiry, offer, confirm, sign a contract, and even currency payment, tax, customs clearance....... In theory, the electronic commerce can support enterprises of all business activities in the information business, that is to say, whether the buyer, seller and intermediary agencies, all the traditional business document exchange and financial business can be completed through the Internet to the "Internet". Therefore, Internet enterprises provide enterprises with a new contact and communication with the user, to reduce the circulation link between enterprises and consumers, electronic data interchange, reduce intermediate management and personnel costs, at the same time, the introduction of the internal management mode for the enterprise, to enhance the management level of enterprises, electronic commerce also for the enterprise to provide a new marketing mode, can make the enterprises and consumers benefit from it. Xiangfan new garden this year invested 8000 yuan to introduce the internal financial management, customer information management system, including system, distr