
最近从事一些优化的SEOer都会发现一个奇怪的现象,很多企业网站建设的个别关键词都出现了大范围的波动,今天还在首页或许明天就掉到三、四页之后了。按照百度正常的算法更新,网站关键词排名不应该出现如此巨大的变动,如果是网站遭受降权,那所有的关键词都应该受到影响呀。很多站长都在QQ论坛里说百度又不正常了,北京万博通达到不这么认为,看似没有头绪的现象往往都有其存在的依据,SEO网站优化只有透过表面现象寻找到百度变化的踪迹,才能更好的优化自己的网站。 Recently in some optimization of the SEOer will find a strange phenomenon, many enterprise website construction of individual keywords appear larger fluctuation, today is the tomorrow off to three or four pages later. Baidu update according to the normal algorithm, web site keywords ranking should not be such a big change, if the site being down the right, then all of the keywords should be affected. Many webmaster in QQ forum said Baidu not normal, luxuries China to not think so, seems to have no clue phenomenon often has its basis, SEO website optimization only penetrate the surface, to find the changing tracks of Baidu, optimization can better your net station. 网站近期虽然没有使用过什么违规或者作弊的优化手法,网站的优化进度和之前进度一样,那是什么原因导致个别关键词排名突然大范围的下降呢?仔细的分析这些网站的内容,用户点击率和停留时间就会发现,这些营销型网站建设的内容与关键词的匹配度较高,且内容较为丰富。但进一步的发现很多内容都是人云亦云的说,随便摘取一个标题通过百度搜索,都可以得到很多与之相关的内容,虽然文章都是自己伪原创的并没有多少重复,但却不能给用户带来多少有价值的内容。在看用户的点击率和停留时间并不高,部分用户匆匆点击下就离开导致与之关键词相关的页面的跳出率过高。而在查询这些关键词的外链,大都是伪原创他人的文章,虽然也有一些软文投稿,但整体上还是以伪原创为主。 Website without the use of any illegal or cheating optimization technique, optimizing the schedule and the site of the schedule as before, that is what caused the decline of individual keywords ranking suddenly wide? A careful analysis of the content of these sites, users click rate and residence time will find the matching degree, high content and keywords of these marketing website construction, and the content is more abundant. But further found that many are repeat word for word what others say that, just pick a title by Baidu search, can get a lot of related content, although this is false original not much repetition, but not give users much valuable content. Look at the user's click rate and residence time is not high, part of the user to click the left hurriedly to the words related to the page out rate is too high. But in the chain inquires the keywords, mostly false original others article, although there are some soft Wen contribute, but on the whole, or pseudo original. 联想到百度近期刚刚推出的星火计划,随即百度绿萝算法升级到2.0。我们知道百度星火计划的推出就是为了保护网站的原创内容,绿萝算法2.0则是打击垃圾外链,这两个算法的组合更是从内容到外链对原创的重视。北京万博通达的网站个别关键词排名出现如此巨大的排名波动,个人认为是百度算法变革的结果,按照之前的算法我的网站排在百度首页那是肯定无疑的,随着百度对有价值原创的重视,对用户体验的关注,网站的排名不仅仅和文章的内容、外链等有关,百度又增加了文章的价值和客户的喜爱程度等考核因素,虽然我的网站在之前百度的考核中达到其要求,但在用户体验度和文章的价值传递等还有欠缺,从而在百度新算法下排名出现了下降。 Lenovo to Baidu recently launched the spark plan, upgrading Baidu green algorithm to 2. We know that the launch of Baidu spark plan is the original content in order to protect the site, green algorithm 2 is strike garbage outside the chain, the combination of these two algorithms is from the content to the chain to the original value. Luxuries Chinese Web site keywords ranking ranking individual fluctuations so huge, personally think that is the result of changes in Baidu algorithm, in accordance with the algorithm before my site row in the home page that is no doubt Baidu Baidu, along with the value of the original value, to the attention of the user experience, the site's ranking is not just about the content, such as the chain, baidu added assessment factors in the value and customer preference, although my site before Baidu assessment to meet the demand, but in the user experience and the value transfer, are lacking, thus ranking fell in the new algorithm under the baidu. 至于部分网站关键词小幅度变化的原因,北京万博通达也谈谈自己的看法: As to the reason for part of the site keywords small variation of luxuries, China also talk about his own views: 随着百度对文章质量和用户体验的重视,自然在排名时不能忽略了用户的感受了。百度通过对用户行为的检测,可有清楚的知道各个网站用户的访问量、访问时间、用户的忠诚度等数据,假如排在第一位的网站用户点击率和停留时间还没有第二位的高,那么百度自然就认为第二位的网站对用户更有价值,从而把其提升在第一位。由于每个网站的点击率和用户访问时间都是不确定的,难免出现多少不一的情况,自然造成百度排名的不停微调了。当然,百度考核的因素不仅仅是这些,但在网站其他硬性条件都相差无几的情况下,用户体验也就成为了排名的有效依据了。 With the Baidu the quality and user experience attention, naturally in the rankings can not ignore