
买虚拟主机就像买房子一样,买房子是给人安家,那么买空间就是给网络安家,大家都知道买房子的时候同样面积大小的房子在城市和郊区绝对不是一个价,所以我们在购买空间的时候不能只关心价格和容量这两个因素(因为通常一些不了解这方面的用户在购买空间的时候就只考虑到这两方面,这是不正确的,一定要纠正过来)。那么我们买房子的时候不光要考虑到价格、面积,还要考虑到房子的地理位置、安全、小区环境、交通设施、周边设施等等因素,故,一款优质的网站空间同样是需要这些因素来决定的,例如机房环境、服务器硬件配置、带宽充足性、专业化的服务器/虚拟主机管理技术、资源的限制、服务器或机房的安全性措施、售后服务…… Buy virtual host is like buying a house, buy a house is to give people settled down, then buy space is to the network installation, we all know that when buying a house, the same size house in the city and suburbs is not a price, so when we bought the space not only closes the two factors of price and volume (heart because some do not understand this user space in the purchase of only considering the two aspects, this is not correct, must be corrected). So when we buy a house, not only to take into account the price, area, but also take into account the geographical location of the house, security, environment, traffic facilities, the surrounding facilities and so on, therefore, a high quality web space is also in need of these factors, such as machine room environment, server hardware configuration, bandwidth is enough sex, professional server / virtual host management technology, resource constraints, the server or computer security measures, after sale service...... 首先服务器主要的就是速度跟稳定性,安全性跟质量。可以选择服务器是放在电信机房里的,提供的服务器是正规服务器架构的,很多奸商喜欢用PC机做服务器来做虚拟主机的,这些都可以根据ASP网页探针可以看到的,另外通过服务器商网站上的速度测试功能,选择带宽充足,网络更稳定的!而且服务商要能够提供定时数据备份,保证数据安全是好的!网盾科技的所有虚拟主机服务器全部使用XEON系列服务器,多磁盘做RAID1,保证硬盘数据安全,不会使用低性能PC类的机器。 The first server is speed and stability, safety and quality. You can choose the server is put in the telecommunications room, provide the server is normal server architecture, many traders like machine with PC server to do virtual hosting, these can be based on the ASP webpage probe can be seen, the server business website speed test function, select enough bandwidth, the network more stable the! And service providers to be able to provide a regular data backup, to ensure the data security is the best! All use XEON series servers all virtual host server network shield technology, multi disk do RAID1, ensure the hard disk data security, not the use of low performance PC type machine. 购买空间就象我们买衣服那样,如果衣服太小或是太大不合穿就等于浪费了!所以接下来的话,我们就要选择适合自己的空间!用户可以按照自己的需要选择适合的空间,例如:如果是个人的或是放置小网站建设的话,可以选择基础型的,它还可以用作网络硬盘存贮资料用;那么商务型虚拟空间也适合放置个人或小型企业网站,而且的话访问速度也比较快;而想在网上创业开店的话,就可以选择至尊型的空间;如果是想用于购物、招聘、旅游、银行、黄页类等大中型网站的话,就可以选择论坛型或是企业型的空间! Buy space as we buy clothes that, if the dress is too small or too big not to wear on the wasted! So the next words, we should choose the suitable space! The user can select the suitable space, according to their own need for example: if the person or placing small website construction, can choose the basic type, it can also be used as a network hard disk storage data; then the business type virtual space for placing individuals or small business website, if access speed and more fast; and would like to shop online business, you can choose the type of space; if it is to used for medium and large shopping website, recruitment, tourism, banking, yellow pages and other types of words, you can choose the forum or enterprise space! 给网络安家了,就要给它添加些功能了,要选择能够实现实时开通立即使用、在线解压/在线备份、支持绑定多个域名、支持中文域名、数据定时备份、提供免费网站访问日志等功能的!有了超强的主机控制面板、管理平台,空间使用起来才更得心应手了! For the network installation, it is necessary to add some functions to it, choose open for immediate use, can realize the real-time online decompression / online backup, supports binding multiple domain names, support Chinese domain name, timing of data backup, provide free web access log function! Have a super hosting control panel, management platform, the use of space is more handy! 售后服务问题反而是至关重要的!在越来越多个人和非专业机构都加入到这个行业的同时,由于门槛的降低,反而有利于一些不法的个人和非专业机构进行行骗!他们在“忽悠”到客户购买空间后,就会消失的无影无踪,甚至,客户根本没有得到产品却把钱给汇了过去!又或者是购买空间后,都不管空间时候能正常使用了!所以在购买空间的同时,要了解清楚,该公司是否是合法正规的,或者也可以到网上搜索一下该公司的口碑!看它是否拥有ISP,ICP证的正规网络公司,是否能解决IIS6安全漏洞问题的,等! But the crucial last after sale service! In more and more personal and non pr