
互联网巨大的经济效益,吸引了很多的企业以及创业者,越来越多的人把精力放到网站建设中来,但是怎么样才能让网站拥有巨大的忠实的粉丝,为企业发展开辟一条新的道路,也为自己收获第一桶金。 The economic benefits of the Internet giant, attracted a lot of enterprises and entrepreneurs, more and more people focus on the website construction, but how to let the site has a huge fan, open up a new road for the development of enterprises, but also for their own harvest the first pot of gold. 注意自己的招牌—域名 Pay attention to your sign - domain 很多站长总是忽略这一点,要知道网站的域名就是用户对网站的第一印象,网站的域名是不是简单易记,这是非常重要的,域名对于网站建设来说是非常重要的。 Many webmaster always ignore this point, to know the website domain name is the user first impression of the website, the domain name of the website is it right? Easy to remember, this is very important, the domain name is very important for the website construction. 舒适的运营环境—空间 Comfortable operating environment space 稳定、高速是一个网站运行空间最重要的核心,站长们在选择企业网站的运营空间是一定要注意选择有实力的正规的空间商,好的空间商才可以保证用户访问空间速度的稳定性,同时也能保证售后服务,如果是图便宜随便选择一家运营商,很容易的会造成网站运行的不稳定性。 Stable, high speed is one of the most important space website operation core, is the webmaster must pay attention to the choice of the strength of the normal space operators in the choice of enterprise website operation space, the space business good can guarantee the stability of the user access speed of space, but also can guarantee the sale after the service, if it is cheap to choose one operator, very easy to cause the site's instability. 赢得客户的关键是—内容 To win customers is the key content 高质量的内容是营销型网站建设赢得大家的持久关注的一点重要的因素,所以网站的内容的更新是不容忽视的,用户来体验网站,发现网站的内容很长时间没有更新,或者是在别的网站复制过来的,这样的就相当于是僵尸站,很难有吸引用户注意,同时搜索引擎对这样的网站也是毫无兴趣的,不会对其收录的,网站的内容一定要注意有规律的更新并且坚持不懈,网站内容还要自己的原创或者是伪原创,这样对网站才是有价值的。 High quality content is a marketing type website construction win lasting attention an important factor, so the content of the web site update is ignored, the user experience of Web site, the content of the website is very long time not update, or come to replicate in other sites, this is equivalent to the zombie station, it is difficult to draw the attention of the user, at the same time the search engine on this website is not interested, not on its included, website content must be updated regularly and unremittingly, website content to their original or false original, so it is valuable to the website.