
 “百度快照变慢了、百度收录问题、关键词掉了”,这是在卢松松留言本被经常问及的问题,新手站长往往会因此吃不下饭、睡不着觉,网站制作的推广是一个漫长的过程,“心急吃不了热豆腐”,不要整天想着一建站就有巨大的流量。同样网站的SEO网站优化过程也是相当漫长的,我想这正是新手站长焦虑的原因所在。 "Baidu Baidu snapshot slow, included problems, keywords off", this is the frequently asked questions in the Lu Songsong message, novice stationmaster often can not eat, can't sleep sleep, promote the production site is a long process, "eat hot tofu", don't think all day a site has huge traffic. SEO website optimization the same site process is very long, I think this is why new Adsense anxiety. 为什么百度收录慢,Google收录快? Why baidu included slow, Google included fast? Google对新站的收录时间很快,而百度的收录是最慢的,这是涉及搜索引擎算法了,属于核心机密,大多数站长没办法说清楚,我也只能猜测其原因。 Time is Google for new sites quickly, and Baidu included is the slowest, it is related to the search engine algorithm, which belongs to the core confidential, most webmaster can't say clearly, and I can only guess at the reason. 首先了解一下搜索引擎的“沙盒”,沙盒就是暂时把你网站在搜索引擎里隐藏起来让用户搜索不到,但不代表被搜索引擎“K”了只是暂时存放下罢了,明白了吧,所以新站长如果遇到有快照、有更新,但搜不到,并不是降权,只是暂时进入“沙盒”了而已,不必担心。 First look at the search engine "sandbox", the sandbox is temporarily put your web site in the search engines hidden allows users to search not to, but not on behalf of the search engine "K" is only a temporary storage under it, understand it, so new webmaster if have a snapshot, update, but not found, and not drop right, only temporarily in a "sandbox" only, do not have to worry about. 我想,Google之所以收录快是因为它先收录站点,在放入“沙盒”,而百度则是先把新站放入“沙盒”,再收录。 I think, the reason Google included fast because it collected first site, in place of "sandbox", and Baidu is the first new station into a "sandbox", and included. 新站的SEO应如何操作? The new SEO should be how to operate? 第一步:结合自身网站内容寻找一些关键词(最好不要找太热门关键词),在百度、Google中搜下,如果搜索结果中出现的全是网站主页,就放弃;如果大部分都是内页,这个关键词则可以用。 According to its own web site looking for some key words (best not to look too popular keywords), in Baidu, Google search, if the search results appear in the home page is all web site, give up; if a majority of all the inside pages, this keyword can be used. 第二步:找到排名前三位的网站,把它们的Title、description拷贝下来,整理成适合自己的,一定要比原来的网页排布更优秀、更合理。然后,做好链接。 Find the top three websites, their Title, description copy down, prepare a suitable for their own, must be more outstanding, than the original webpage layout more reasonable. Then, do the link. 第三步:新站基本都没外链,也无法控制,可以暂时放弃,但内链是可以控制的。做内链最重要指标是网站各个链接不出现死链接、相互精准链接。这样才搜索引擎眼里就更优秀了。 New basic didn't the chain, also can't control, can give up temporarily, but the chain can be controlled. Internal chain is the most important index website each link does not appear dead links, links are accurate. So that the search engine's eyes more outstanding. 第四步:再做做meta优化、页面布局优化、内部链接优化、等等,把你能所想到的优化方法都用上。同时保证网站内容更新,不要太频繁、也不能不更新。 To do some meta optimization, page layout optimization, internal links optimization, and so on, the optimization method can you think use. At the same time ensure website content update, not too frequent, also cannot update. 第五步:适当主动提交到搜索引擎入口、交换同类型的友情链接,优化网站最好是先建站再优化、最后在推广,这即符合网站自然发展规律,同时被“K”的风向也要低。 Appropriate active submitted to the search engine entrance, exchange the same type of links, website optimization is the best to stick to optimization, the last in the promotion, which conforms to the website the natural development law, also be "K" in the direction of the wind to low. 好了,等一段时间搜索引擎更新后,就会发现你的网页在首页了,但搜素引擎会不断根据用户的变化而变化,当你学习别人的SEO技术时不要盲从,先分析下是否适合自己、是否符合用户体验,然后在做相应修改。 Well, for a period of time after the search engine update, you will find your webpage in the home page, but search engine will continuously according to user changes, when you learn from others don't follow SEO technology, the first analysis is suitable for yourself, whether to conform to the user experience, then make the corresponding revision. 网站不要频繁修改。 The webs