
 网站设计不同于其他的平面设计,显示的空间完全依赖我们的电脑显示器。因此,网站制作的好坏跟网站以后的运营有直接的关系,网站设计的是否合理,是否能给访问者留下好的印象,这些是营销型网站设计者所要全面考虑的。 Web site design is different from other graphic design, display space depend entirely on the computer display our. Therefore, there is a direct relationship between the quality of production site to site after the operation, the site design is reasonable, whether can give visitors a good impression, the website designers to consider all the. 那么对于网站设计者来说,要要具备哪些条件呢?商渡网给大家总结几方面: Then for a web designer, should have what conditions? Business transition network summarize several aspects to everyone: 第一、它们都是集艺术创作、电脑技术和数字技术于一体的,以“视觉”(包括符号、图片和文字)作为沟通和表现方式的一种创造过程。网站设计师一般会利用字体排印、视觉艺术、版面编排等方面的专业技巧,来达成创作计划的目的。 First, they are collecting art, computer technology and digital technology in one, with the "vision" (including symbols, images and text) as the creation of a process of communication and expression. Web designers can use typography, visual art layout specialized skills, etc., to achieve the purpose of creation program. 第二、它们都讲求视觉上的快速、正确、有效的信息传达,都在诉说一个理念或品牌,都具有商业价值,它们的目标是信息、提示、促销和产生连锁反应等。 Second, they all emphasize the visual fast, correct, effective information communication, are telling an idea or brand, has commercial value, their goal is information, tips, promotion and produce chain reaction.  第三、网站设计通过屏幕的显示来实现,它与我们现实平面设计最大的区别是介入了多媒体技术的应用,但同时受网速的制约。在文字处理上,屏幕的像素化显示要求文字必须设置消除锯齿来保证文字的识别性。网站设计通过视听被用户感知。 Third, website design to achieve through the screen display, it with our realistic graphic design the biggest difference is the application in the multimedia technology, but also by speed restriction. In word processing, pixel screen display requirements text must set the anti-aliasing to ensure recognition of words. Web site design to be perceived by the user through the audio-visual.    网站设计的需求点 Website design requirements  第一、当我们接到一个网站时,设计师会先独立地解读,包括:对需求诉求点的明确,页面的整体氛围的感受等,接下来就是对网站设计新人而言比较有挑战性的环节——需求沟通。   First, when we got a website, the designers will first independent reading, including: demand for appeal point clear, the whole atmosphere of page's feelings, the next step is to design new challenging -- demand communication links. 第二、明确网站设计的主题,投放的环境等,确定设计的氛围和色调 Second, clear website design theme, running environment, determine the design of the atmosphere and tone 第三、主题文字的重中之重的确定,交互稿子的审核 To determine the priority among priorities, the third theme text, interactive draft audit 以上完成了,网站设计师可以根据用户的需求在自己的脑海中勾勒出一个框架,包括里面需要用到的一些功能组合。这样可以把勾勒出来的东西实际话,给客户沟通,增加设计的方向感。 The above is done, web designers can according to the needs of users in their own minds to outline a framework, including inside need some combination of functions. So it can be sketched out what the actual words, to customers, to increase the design sense of direction.