
网络非常发达的今天,网上创业已经是一个大的趋势,现在的网站、商城等多如牛毛,也体现出网站的竞争更是激烈,要想在激烈的竞争中占有一席之地,就要努力优化更新网站,努力提高网站的权重、收录、排名和PR等。这里就努力提高网站权重和排名,站长要注意的细节关键点进行分析,并结合自己经营网站的实际情况进行分享。 Network so developed today, online business is a big trend, now the site, store innumerable, also reflects the site competition is fierce, want to occupy a space for one person in the fierce competition, we should strive to optimize update website, improve website weight, included, rankings and PR. This will improve the weight and website ranking, analyze the webmaster should pay attention to the details, and combined with the actual situation of their own business web site to share. 网站策划 Web Producer 建设网站前一定要做一个不错的策划案,要细分网站的域名、空间、网站制作程序等,要把每一个地方都要策划进去,只有这样才能在网站建设方面打翻身仗,不然会被网络所淘汰。我以前建设的一个网站,而且还是用一千多元买的网站程序,最后发现这个程序只能团队来运作效果才好,一个人根本不可能胜任,所以我就放弃了原来的程序。现在选择的是开源的论坛程序,也许这才是最合适的。 We must make a good plan construction site, the domain name of the website, the space segment, website production procedure, to every place to plan it, only in this way can we in the construction site to play season-to-season turnaround, otherwise it will be eliminated by the network. A website I before construction, but also spent one thousand yuan to buy the site program, we found that this procedure can only be the team to run effect is good, a person simply impossible, so I gave up the original program. Now the choice is open source forum, perhaps this is the most appropriate. 布局构架 The layout structure 网站的布局对网站权重及收录有很大的影响,网站在上线前一定要布局好网站的首面和内页,若布局不好就能得到引擎的认可,发展壮大网站就不能谈了。 The layout of the website has a great influence on the website weight and included, site in online before must layout good website head cover and inside pages, if the layout is not good can get engine recognition, development site will not be talked about. 优化内容 The optimized content 网站内容也许是很让人头疼的,但是对于我来说内容其实不难,做高质量的文章简直是绰绰有余。为了解决大家的原创文章,我教一种方法给大家,如果你是做护肤产品的,那么百度搜索你的关键字,显示出来的内容在百度首页上都是对于用户有用的,你可以把所有的文章进行总结与归纳,以用户为中心,为用户的需求为目的而作文,进行深度的伪原创,一般都是可以达到妙收的(当然要有外链的推动,下面会讲)。在写原创文章不要写一些不是太相关的在网站上面更新,要做到宁缺勿滥! Website content may be very annoying, but for me it's content is not difficult, do the high quality of the article is more than sufficient. In order to solve all of the original article, I teach a method to you, if you are to do skin care products, then Baidu search your keyword, display content in baidu home page are helpful for the user, you can put all the articles and summarizes, take the customer as the center, for the user the demand for the purpose of composition, depth of the pseudo original, generally can achieve wonderful collection (of course, promotion, the chain below speak). In writing original article don't write some not too relevant updates on the website, do not to choose at random! 纯净文章 Pure article 纯净化也就是我们没有必要为了某个关键字的锚文本而强加到文章内,多了会让百度反感,这也许是很多网站内容不收录的原因之一,一般我们先做一个关键字,先优化一个再优化另一个关键字,做到一个页面保持一个网址链接,也就是首页网站。 Purification is not necessary for us to anchor text on a keyword and strong to the article, many will let Baidu antipathy, perhaps this is one reason many website content not included, generally we do a keyword optimization, first a reoptimization another keyword, do a page to keep a URL link, also is the home page of the site. 外链质和量 Outside the chain of quality and quantity 当然,这个概念对于新手来说,根本是很难实现的,不过在网站的前期注重外链的量也是很有必要的,到了网站后期就要注重质量,从而稳定排名,当然人力资源多的话,质量与数量结合,那再好不过了。 Of course, this concept for the novice, is very difficult to achieve, but focus on the outside of the chain of the website early is necessary, to the web site later will pay attention to quality, and thus the stability of rankings, of course, human resource is much, the quality and quantity of binding, then that's good. 交换友情 Exchange friendship 当你的网站收录后,网站的更新与外链的坚持,是我们每天必须做的事,寻找友情链接也是我们必须要做的,一个好的友情链接对于排名与权重的提升是有莫大的好处的。友情链接一般交换快照新(网站才有机会被搜索引擎爬取)、收录多(对该网站的认可)、以及对方友情链接的量(一般超过30个就不要换,权重传递少),如果你的是新站那就要靠自己的人脉。 When your site included, update and the chain website insists, is the day we have to do, find the links is what we must do, a good links i