
 1、抓住重点和特色 Seize the key points and characteristics of BaiDu之特色在于搜索,新浪之特色在于资讯,腾讯之特色在于及时通讯,淘宝之特色在于购物。一个网站,必须要有自己的特色。有特色才会有优势,也才会有价值。 The BaiDu features a search, Sina Tencent features information, the features of timely communication, the features of Taobao shopping. A website, must have their own characteristics. Characteristic will have advantage, also can have value. 2、怎么做一个为顾客创造价值的网站 How does one create value for the customer site 网站建设的目标,毫无疑问,是为顾客提供方便和价值。在顾客使用了你的网站后,是否赞好,才是网站建设者真正要关注的地方。一个优秀的网站,是一个为顾客提供价值的网站,是不愁推广的,顾客使用了你的网站后,会把网站记住,同时也会把网站传递给他周围的亲朋好友。 Website construction target, no doubt, is to provide convenience and value to the customer. Your website is used in the customer, whether good, is really going to focus on local site builder. An excellent web site, is a valuable website provides for the customer, is not anxious to promote, customers using your website, the website will remember, will also put the site passed to him around the relatives and friends. 3、重赢利,轻排名 Weight gain, light ranking 网站建成后,赢利是重点。大部份的人,做成网站后,就以为大功告成,便不断地做推广,提高Alexa排名,吸引更多的人来浏览。以为如此,便能获得顾客的青睐,便能从顾客的腰包里掏出钱来。如是操作,恐怕只能赚点可怜的广告费。一个网站,在创业初期,大部分还是明确的赢利点,要抓住赢利点,不放松。争取先赢利,先生存,再求发展。 Upon completion of the website, the profit is the key. Most of the people, make website, that be accomplished, then continue to do promotion, improve Alexa rankings, to attract more people to visit. Think so, can get the favor of customers, can from the customer's pocket money. Such operation, can only make some poor advertising. A website, in poineering initial stage, mostly clear profit point, to seize the profit point, does not relax. For the first profit, survive, and then development. 4、坚持和专注 Adhere to and focus 网站的规模赢利非一日之寒,务必还要坚持和专注。坚持是成功之要决,我想,这是大家所共知的。在此,我想多谈一点的是专注。专注于做我们的服务,做我们的特色,做我们的产品。以此,来吸引我们的目标顾客,让他们能在我们的网站上能获得价值和好处。 The scale of the web site profit not built in a day, be sure to insist and focus. Persistence is the successful key, I think, this is all known. Here, I want to talk about a bit of focus. Focus on doing our service, our character, our products do. Thus, to attract our target customers, so that they can in our website, can obtain the value and benefits. 5、做好细节,以细取胜 Do the details, to win 网站是否做好,细节是关键。一个网站,有正确的战略,有正确的方法,有正确的领导人,但未必能成功。关键还要看细节,是否做得到位。信息内的一段文字失误,一张图片不得体,一个应用流程不能畅通,一个页面布局不够整洁或不协调,一个功能使用不够方便,都会影响顾客的使用,甚至顾客的情绪。所以,细节是网站制胜的关键。 Whether the site is good, the key details. A website, have the right strategy, the right way, the correct leadership, but could not succeed. The key to see the details, whether do get a. A paragraph of text error information, a picture is not good, an application process is not smooth, a page layout is not neat or lack of coordination, a function is not convenient to use, can affect the customer use, even the customer's emotions. So, the key details website winning. 6、坚持推广 Adhere to the promotion 网站的推广工作,是一件系统工程。从网站建立之起,就要引以为重。从网站关键字优化到搜索引擎登录,再到友情链结增加PR值,网站广告、论坛精华贴等等方法,都需要认真研究,仔细分析。才能得到比较好的效果。 Website promotion work, is a systems engineering. Established from the website, will be proud of heavy. From the web site keywords optimization to search engine login, to link the PR value increase, website advertising, forum posts essence and so on method, need to study carefully, careful analysis. In order to get better results. 在此,特别想提到是搜索引擎优化。时下,搜索引擎是引用人数最多的工具。大多数的网民,是通过搜索引擎来寻找所需信息。所以,搜索引擎优化,是一件非常重要的工作。优化工作,需落实到每个频道、每个栏目,乃至每篇文章页面。都需要仔细斟酌,方可达到比较满意的优化效果。 Here, especially want to mention is the search engine optimization. At present, the search engine is a reference to the largest number of tools. Most of the netizens, is to find the needed information by search engine. So, search engine optimization, is a very important work. Optimization of the work, to be put to each channel, and each column, and each article page. Need to consider carefully, we can optimize the satisfied effect. 推广工作是一项长期的工作。各种推广方法,必须持之以恒,不懈努力,才能有望使网站积累更多的人气,留住更多的顾客,才能有望赢利。 Promotion is a long-term work. All kinds of promotion m