
SEO网站优化是一个老生常谈的问题,但每一个站点还得把优化做上去,特别是关键词的选择并优化很重要。站长也知道网站制作程序简化更利于引擎的抓取,也能提升网站的速度,所以用户体验不错,网站的提升才更有发展的空间。 SEO website optimization is a problem of a commonplace talk of an old scholar, but each site have to optimize up, especially the important keywords selection and optimization. The webmaster know website production process is more beneficial to the engine to grab, can also enhance the site speed, so the user experience is good, website promotion is more development space. 分析关键词(Analysis of key words) 关键词能给网站带来不错的流量,所以站长在布局网站关键词时要留心做。关键词布局是站内优化中重要的一部分,站长需要明确站点定位,建设不同的栏目,根据每个页面的主题拓展相关性关键词,将这些关键词布局到对应的相关性页面中,提升关键词在页面中的密度,从而进一步提升页面权重和排名等。 Keyword can give site bring good traffic, so webmaster in the layout of the site keywords carefully. Keywords layout is an important part of the stand inside optimization, the owners need to clear the site location, construction of different columns, according to each page theme expansion related keywords, the keywords layout to the page relevance in the corresponding increase in the page, keyword density, so as to further enhance the page weight and ranking. 分析主题(Analysis of the theme) 满足浏览者需求的主题内容,对提高网站的流量来说意义是非常大的。站长要仔细推敲更新的主题内容是否是客户真正需要的。为了能够使网站的主题内容更能够打动用户,网站内容编辑要做的工作非常关键。他们需要从多角度出发去满足用户的需求,从而根据用户所在意的东西,来完善网站中的内容,网站才会有一个质的变化。 To meet the visitor demand theme, meaning to improve the site's traffic is very large. Stationmaster should carefully weigh updated theme is that customers really want. In order to make the theme of the website content is more able to impress users, website content editing work is the key. They need from various angles to meet the needs of users, according to the users care about things, to improve the website content, website will have a qualitative change. 分析代码(Analysis of the code) 网站优化应该明白代码简化对网站帮助大。网站代码简化不但有利于提升搜索引擎蛛蛛的抓取效率,让其抓取更加有效的内容,而且代码简化利于网站打开速度,提升用户访问网站的速度,也就是用户体验。很多站长在进行网站设置时为了追求用户体验度,会增加一些图片和动画,但是他们不了解这些多余的代码,对网站的排名提升会造成一定的负面影响。 Site optimization should understand code to simplify the site help. The site code simplification can not only enhance the search engine spider crawling efficiency, to grab more effective content, but also simplify the code for web site open speed, improve the user to access the site speed, also is the user experience. Many webmaster in website settings in order to pursue the degree of user experience, will add some pictures and animations, but they do not know these redundant code, on the website rankings will have certain negative influence. 分析回流(Analysis of reflux) 网站在初期的优化过程中,从谷歌管理员工具显示的内部链接数据为0或者是数据条数比较少,就说明网站的回流设置的有问题。而回流设置对网站的优化也很重要。可读的网站回流设计不仅利于搜索引擎优化,同时也利于提升用户访问网站的可读性。进行回流设置时,一定要做好网站最新内容的调用,让网站的回流设置得更有效,从而有利于客户在我们的网站中多做停留,让用户爱上自己的网站。 The optimization process in the early days of the web, internal links from Google Webmaster Tools data display is 0 or data number is less, the site back set problems. Backflow settings on a web site optimization is also very important. Website design readable only return to search engine optimization, but also conducive to enhance the readability of user access to the site. Reflux is set, must do the latest web content calls, let site flow setting more effectively, so as to facilitate the customers in our web site do more to stay, let users fall in love with your own website. 本文发布于北京万博通达企业网站建设服务商http://www.sino-web.net/