
一个懂得seo的网站技术人员,其所优化的网站能够得到更好地排名和权重,因为他知道蜘蛛喜欢哪些东西,怎么去对搜索引擎友好。网站建设与网站优化两手抓的技巧一起来看看吧。 An understanding of seo web site technical staff, the optimization of the web site can get better ranking and weight, because he knew that the spider like what, how to go to the search engine friendly. Website construction and website optimization of grasping skills and have a look. 做好页面之间的相关性(Good correlation between pages) 网站每个页面相互之间的关联性,一般网站结构是树状和网状。但是对每个页面来说,我们还必须考虑到页面内容的原创性、更新性、独有性等主要要素。 Correlation between each page of the site, the general structure of the site is a tree and mesh. But for each page, we must also take into account the content of the page, update of the original, unique factors etc.. 面包屑导航:这个导航的作用对网站的SEO优化作用是非常关键的,方便搜索引擎蜘蛛能够完整的爬取全站内容,导航应该用文本的链接形式,最好不要用图片,flash、js等搜索引擎蜘蛛理解较差的形式,好的面包屑导航可以让网站结构清晰。 Bread crumbs navigation: SEO optimization effect of the navigation function to the site is very important, convenient search engine spiders can fully crawling station content, navigation should use text links form, it is best not to use pictures, flash, JS and other search engine spiders the understanding of poor form, bread crumbs navigation good can make a web site clear structure. 上下级页面的链接和相关页面相关分类的链接:这就是网状链接的实现方式,同时也要考虑内部链接“度”的问题,照顾用户体验和浏览效率,用超链接把网站的内容自然的穿插到一起。 Link on the lower level pages and pages related to the implementation of classification: This is network links, also want to consider the internal links " degree" of the problem, take care of the user experience and browsing efficiency, with hyperlinks to web content natural with together. 适当使用最新文章、点击次数、页面执行时间等保持页面更新:新鲜的内容更能获取搜索引擎的青睐,这点对于百度来说更有效,也是。 The appropriate use of the latest articles, click page execution time, keep the page to update: fresh content can get the favour of search engine, it is more effective for Baidu, too. 做好页面级别的优化(Optimization to page level) 每个页面用唯一的H1标签,并合理使用其他H标签:几乎所有人都注意到H1标签的使用,而对于其他H标签的用法同样比较重视,可以让一个页面更加具有内容层次感,让搜索引擎蜘蛛更快更方便的索引内容。 The only H1 tags for each page, and use other H Tags: almost everyone pay attention to using the H1 tag, and H tag for other uses are also more attention, can make a page has more content administrative levels feeling, let a search engine spider faster and more convenient to index content. 标签、title标签的使用、标签要闭合:图片用alt标签基本上所有人都知道了,而链接得title标签的用法比较微妙,科同网络建网站一般在截断的标题上才会加,这样可以避免用户的无效点击,不建议用来作为增加关键词密度的一种方式。同时一些常用标签譬如br、img、hr等要注意闭合,这也是符合w3c标准的做法,让页面更规范。 Tag, title tag, tag to use closed: pictures of ALT tag all basically all know, and links to the use title tags more subtle, with family network construction site will be added in truncation of the title, this can avoid invalid click user, not suggested to be used as a way of increasing keyword density. At the same time, some of the commonly used tags such as BR, IMG, HR, should pay attention to closure, which is also in line with the W3C standard practice, make the page more specification. 网站URL地址规范化和标准化(The web site URL address standardization) 网站首页: Website home page: 网站首页是默许的效劳器根目次下的默许页面,无论运用哪种制造技能,从URL规范化上来说只需整段域名即可以,末尾无需跟上文件称号; Home is the root directory server tacit acquiescence in the page, whether to use what kind of manufacturing skills, from the URL standardization is only the domain name that can end up, no file name; 网站频道页: Web channel: 复杂一些的网站由几个或十几个频道构成,那么网站频道的取名就显得尤为主要。去看一看百度本身的产物,其频道目次的取名完全依照称号的中文拼音。 Some complex site by several channels, so named website channel becomes particularly important. Look at the product of Baidu itself, named the channel contents completely in accordance with the title of the Chinese phonetic alphabet. 网站内容列表页 Website content list page 网站列表页,可以说是内容最为丰厚的一个页面,也是同类内容最为集中的页面,你也可以作为用户,换角度考虑,列表分页时留意后跟上的方式。这里需求留意的一点就是,假如网站中频道内容的数据检索是承载列表页面的,那么在取名时要留意可以在频道后跟上查找的全拼再加上要害词,查找分页也是相同的事理。 The site list page, can be said to be the most lucrative for the content of a page, is also the most concentrated pages for similar content, you can also be used as the user, change point of view, pay attention to the way t