
对网站的SEO网站优化诊断是我们必须要掌握的技能,只有学会分析网站数据才能做科学的SEO,不凭感觉做优化,依赖于数据和以往的经验,SEO诊断之后就是撰写优化方案,然后再依照方案执行下去,当然并不是所有的优化都能达到预期目标,在失败的过程中总结经验,这样就能有所进步。 On the website of the SEO website optimization diagnosis is we must master the skills, only to learn scientific data analysis to do SEO, do not feel to do optimization, depend on the data and experience, SEO diagnosis is written after optimization scheme, and then in accordance with the execution of the project under go to, but not all of the optimization can to achieve the desired objectives, summarize the experience in the failure process, so that we can make progress. 一般的企业网站制作上都有新闻版块,其实那些新闻内容很少有客户会点击阅读,所以这个版块其实就是为了更新内容而做的,而有些企业站长期没有人去管理,新闻内容也是从网站直接复制粘贴的,更有些内容是与网站主题没有半点关系的。针对这些内容可以慢慢去删除,当然已经收录的内容需要谨慎删除,内容无非是原创、伪原创、采集,原创内容撰写起来比较困难,而且对于一般的SEO人员来讲,也很少有那么好的文笔,随意写出来的原创内容并不是高质量的内容,所以原创内容和伪原创内容都得有,伪原创的时候可以自己人工去修改,最好不要用工具代劳。 The general enterprise website has news sections, the fact that the news content very few customers will click to read, so this section is to update the content and do, and some enterprises long-term no one to manage, news content is from the website directly copy paste, some content is not the slightest relationship with website the theme of the. In view of these contents can be slowly to delete, of course, have included the contents need to be removed, the content is original, pseudo original, acquisition, difficult to write original content, but also for the general SEO personnel speaking, rarely have so good writing, original content to write is not high quality content, so original content and pseudo original content have, pseudo original time can own artificial to modify, it is best not to use the tool. 笔者的这个齿辊式破碎机网站是一个以图片为主的企业站,如上图所示,检查网站死链的时候发现了两个死链,其次在页面中也发现了一些错误的链接,这些错误如果没有仔细去看,可能就会被忽略掉了,虽然这些错误对于优化来说不是致命的,但最好还是尽量避免掉。检查过死链后再顺便检查一下友情链接,最近百度推出了绿萝算法,对于友情链接的要求应该必须是有相关性的,即使检查友情链接是个好习惯。除此之外还可以测试下网站的打开速度,网站的优化历史也需要与客户沟通一下,被降权的网站一般还是不要去接了,比较浪费自己的时间。 This tooth roller of the crusher is a site with pictures of the enterprise stand, as shown above, check the site chain was found two dead, then some wrong links are found on the page, these errors if not carefully to see, may be ignored, although these error for optimization is not fatal, but better to avoid. Check the chain and then check to see if the links, recently launched green algorithm for Baidu, links should be must be correlated to check links, even if it is a good habit. In addition to open the speed test site, optimize the historical site also need to communicate with customers, be right down the website is not to receive, compared to waste your time. 就企业站而言,做优化的时候最头大是网站的程序问题,具体来说就是页面的代码冗余现象比较普遍,以笔者的这个网站为例吧,查看首页的源代码发现很多CSS样式都直接写在页面里了,对于网站设计这来说,这样写或许更方便,但其实非常不规范。正常的情况应该写在CSS文件里,CSS样式要使用外联的形式,此外还有很多企业站用表格布局,页面代码冗余的更严重。CSS和JS都要写在相应的文件里,企业站优化比较麻烦的就是要SEO人员去修改页面和CSS样式。 Enterprise site optimization, do when the head is procedure site, code redundancy specifically page is relatively common, the site of the for example, view the page source code found on the page a lot of CSS style are directly written, for website design it, write this perhaps more convenient, but in fact is not standardized. Normal circumstances should be written in the CSS file, CSS style to use outside forms, in addition to many enterprise stand using tables for layout, more serious page code redundancy. CSS and JS are written in the corresponding file, enterprise stand optimization more trouble is to SEO to modify the page and CSS style. 本文发布于北京万博通达UEO营销型网站建设公司