
当我们刚刚接手一个新网站,那么如何对这个新站做SEO网站优化,是我们这些网站制作设计推广优化人员所需要思考的事情,其实我们有时候只要做好了前期的推广,后期网站的权重和流量都会随之增长。灵活的使用推广方法,重点之重就是坚持不懈的推广自己的网站,增加外链数,然后自己网站的排名才能随之升高。When we took over a new website, so how about this new station SEO website optimization, is our web design SEO staff need to think about, but sometimes we just made early promotion, later website weight and traffic will grow. The flexible use of promotion methods, focus of heavy is unremittingly promote their own websites, the chain increases, then your website rankings can be increased.一、根据网民的需要优化热门关键词,但是不要打太多的广告。One, according to users need to optimize in words, but do not play too much advertising.网站的制作者们需要经常观察互联网上出现的很多新兴的关键字,关键词,我们要抓住那些好的关键词,容易做的关键词加以优化,但是不要打太多的广告。Site of the filmmakers needed to be observed often appearing on the Internet in many emerging keywords, keywords, we should seize the good keywords, easy to do keyword optimization, but do not play too much advertising.每个用户都会讨厌广告,尤其是那种不加遮掩的广告,这样会严重引起用户的反感,切忌,网站制作设计者要从用户的角度出发,从真心想为用户解决问题。Each user will hate ads, especially of the uncovered advertising, this will seriously cause aversion to the user, avoid by all means, web designers should be from the user point of view, from the heart for the user to solve the problem.二、利用原创文章来做网络推广。Two, using the original article to do network promotion.根据我的经验,站长们有一半都是不喜欢写文章的。对于seo优化来说,大家都清楚原创文章对收录以及网站的权重、快照起着很大的做用。蜘蛛也是喜欢原创文章的,蜘蛛会根据链接,爬行到你的网站,采集内容。内容要每天保持更新,注意内容的质量,这样对提升用户的转换率起到很大的作用。总之尽量多写原创文章,实在不会写可以进行伪原创。According to my experience, stationmaster people half are didn't like to write articles. For SEO optimization, we all know that original articles on collection and the weight of the website, the snapshot plays a big do. The spider is like original articles, the spider will according to the link, crawling to your website, content acquisition. To keep updated every day, pay attention to the contents of the quality, so to enhance the user's conversion rate plays an important role in. In as much as possible to write the original article, can write can be pseudo-original.三、对原创文章中的锚文本进行原创。In three, the original articles in the anchor text original.一个网站的首页关键词布局,关键词的密度会影响着网站的排名。内链主要有首页关键词,3-5个关键词。一个栏目页可以放1-3个关键词,栏目越多,放的数目越多。2%-8%关键词密度是最好的,主要是根据关键词在内容里占的百分比。A web site's home page keyword layout, keyword density will affect the site's ranking. The inner chain mainly has the home key, 3-5 key words. A column page can put 1-3 keywords, column number, put the number of. The 2%-8% keyword density is the best, is mainly based on keywords in the content percentage.四、多做一些友情链接。Four, how do some links.新站一般权重高的网站不会搭理你,只有找和自己匹配的网站来还友情链接,也可以通过论坛来做友情。友情链接是提升pagerank的最佳方式之一,有些人就是靠购买高权重的明链迅速提升pr值。链接的增长速度一定要控制,新站一般50个左右就可以了,加自己行业内的链接是最好的。The new general weight high website won't answer to you, only to find their own website to matching and links, also through the forum to make the friendship. Links are one of the best ways to promote PageRank, some people just rely on the purchase of high weight that elevate PR value chain. Link growth rate must be controlled, new station is generally around 50 can be, plus their industry links is the best.五、多做一些外链。Five, how do some outside the chain.外部链接的作用就是提升pr值和权重、排名。利用各地方论坛发外链,很快就会被百度收录。文章下面粘贴链接有利于加快网站的收录,还能提升网站的流量。所以多发一些外链会对你网站的收录起到很大的作用,对你网站的排名也会随之提升。External link function is to promote PR value and weight, ranking. Using the local forum send outside the chain, will soon be Baidu included. The article below paste link to speed up a website collect, can increase website traffic. So some more outside the chain on your website collect plays a big role, on your web site's ranking will increase.