
五种常见企业网站制作的功能需求: Five kinds of common enterprise web design functional requirements: 第一:产品(服务)查询展示型网站建设 First : the product ( service ) query display type website construction 产品(服务)查询展示型网站核心目的是推广产品(服务),是企业的产品“展示框”。利用网络的多媒体技术,数据库存储查询技术,三维展示技术,配合有效的图片和文字说明,将企业的产品(服务)充分展现给新老客户,使客户能全方位的了解公司产品。与产品印刷资料相比,网站可以营造更加直观的氛围和产品的感染力,促使商家及消费者对产品产生采购欲望,从而促进企业销售。 Product ( service ) query showcase sites core purpose is to promote products ( services ), is the enterprise product " show frame ". Using the network multimedia technology, database query technology, 3D display technology, effective combination of pictures and text description, the enterprise's products ( service ) the full show to the new and old customers, so that customers can complete understanding of the company products. Products and printing information is compared, website can create more intuitive atmosphere and product appeal, to businesses and consumers on product purchase desire, so as to promote enterprise sales. 第二:品牌宣传型网站设计 Second : branding website design 品牌宣传型网站非常强调创意设计,但不同于一般的平面广告设计。网站利用多媒体交互技术,动态网页技术,配合广告设计,将企业品牌在互联网上发挥得淋漓尽致。本类型网站着重展示企业CI、传播品牌文化、提高品牌知名度。对于产品品牌众多的企业,可以单独建立各个品牌的独立网站,以便市场营销策略与网站宣传统一。 Brand promotion website lays great emphasis on the creative design, but is different from the general graphic design of advertisement. The website uses the multimedia interactive technology, dynamic webpage technology, advertising design, corporate brand in the Internet played most incisive. This type of website highlights enterprise CI, disseminate brand culture, enhance brand awareness. For many brand products of the enterprises, and can be set up for each brand independent web site, so that the marketing strategy and web site to promote unity. 第三:企业涉外商务服务网站建设 Third: foreign business services site construction 企业涉外商务服务可以通过互联网对企业各种涉外工作,提供远程、及时、准确的服务,是本类网站的核心目标。本网站可实现渠道分销、终端客户销售、合作伙伴管理、网上采购、实时在线服务、物流管理、售后服务管理等,它将更进一步的优化企业现有的服务体系,实现公司对分公司、经销商、售后服务商、消费者的有效管理,加速企业的信息流、资金流、物流的运转效率,降低企业经营成本,为企业创造额外收益,降低企业经营成本。 Foreign business services through the Internet for enterprises of various foreign work, to provide remote, timely and accurate services, is the site core target. This website can realize the distribution channel, terminal sales, partner management, online procurement, online services, logistics management, service management, customer service, it will further optimize the existing service system, to achieve the company branch, agency, after sale service providers, consumers and the effective management of enterprises, to accelerate the flow of information, capital flow, logistics operation efficiency, reduce the operating costs of enterprises, for enterprises to create additional revenue, reduce the operation cost of the enterprise. 第四:物品销售为主的网上购物型网站建设 Fourth: goods sales based online shopping website 什么是物品销售为主的网上购物型网站?通俗的说,就是实现网上买卖商品,购买的对象可以是企业(B2B),也可以是消费者(B2C)。为了了确保采购成功,该类网站需要有产品管理、订购管理、订单管理、产品推荐、支付管理、收费管理、送发货管理、会员管理等基本系统功能。复杂的物品销售、网上购物型网站还需要建立积分管理系统、VIP管理系统、客户服务交流管理系统,商品销售分析系统以及与内部进销存(MIS,ERP)打交道的数据导入导出系统等。本类型网站可以开辟新的营销渠道,扩大市场,同时还可以接触最直接的消费者,获得第一手的产品市场反馈,有利于市场决策。 What is product sales based online shopping website? Popular to say, is the realization of online buying and selling of goods, buy the object can be enterprise ( B2B ), can also be a consumer ( B2C ). In order to ensure the procurement success, the site needs to have the product management, order management, order management, product recommendation, payment management, charge management, shipping management, membership management and other basic functions. Complex product sales, online shopping website also need to establish the integral management system, VIP management system, customer service management system, sales analysis system and internal Invoicing ( MIS, ERP ) dealing with the import and export of data system. This type of website can open up new marketing channels, and expand the market, and can also contact the most direct to consumers, obtain first-hand produ