
网站能否得到用户的认可,其很大程度上是网站的内部因素决定的,就是网站的设计是否符合用户习惯,网站的美观性是否达到要求,网站的操作是否方便易懂等等,这些都是决定你网站是否受众的细节方面。总的来说,网站制作能否吸引受众很大的程度上是由网站的设计布局所决定的,一个简单、大气的网站风格能够得到用户的肯定,那么网站建设的过程中到底如何才能做到这些特点呢? Web site can not be recognized by the users, which is largely the site's internal factors, is the website design is consistent with the habits of users, website aesthetics is to meet the requirement of the operation site is easy to understand, and so on, all these are decided by your website whether the details. In general, website can attract audiences largely by web design layout of the decision, a simple, atmospheric website style can be affirmed by the user, then the process of construction site how to do these features? 一个成功的网站,不但要打好内功,还需要发展外功。对于网站的设计布局,它属于站内优化的范畴,站内优化主要包括网站内容的质量提升、网站内链布局的合理性、网站风格设计的吸引受众程度高低、网站页面排版的视觉效果等等,这些站内优化细节无一不体现出用户体验,那么我们该如何地对网站进行合理的设计布局,从而提升网站用户体验呢?凯龙北京网络公司积累了9年的北京网站建设经验与大家分享一下: A successful website, not only to play good exercise to benefit the internal organs, also need to develop external work. For web site design and layout, it belongs to the category of the station optimization, site optimization include website content quality, reasonable layout of the site within the chain, web site design style to attract audience level, web page layout of visual effects and so on, these stations optimization details reflect an user experience, so how do we the site of the reasonable design layout, so as to enhance the user experience? Chiron Beijing network company has accumulated 9 years of experience in website construction in Beijing to share with you: 首先,我们要知道网站的页面设计相对于一种视觉语言,它需要有大方、简洁的页面排版。讲到页面的合理布局,我们可以参考同行业中比较具有代表价值的网站,通过模仿它们的内容编排以及页面内容的分布和字体的大小以及颜色的搭配等细节问题,通过对这些元素的研究,想必我们就有了能够很好地提高网站用户体验的思维,从而把网站设计得更加吸引受众,最终得到网络营销的目的。 First of all, we want to know the web page design relative to a visual language, it needs to have generous, simple page layout. Said page layout, we can refer to the same industry in comparison with the representative value of the site, by mimicking their layout and page content distribution and the font size and color and other details, based on the study of these elements, I must have had can greatly improve the user experience. Thinking, and to design the website more attractive, finally get the purpose of network marketing. 一个网站能否吸引到大量的访客,关键在于网站的主题需要鲜明突出,因为许多客户都是通过专业搜索也对我们的网站产生兴趣的,那么如果我们网站中具有了客户所需要的资料信息,那么就能够获得源源不断的网站流量,这对提升网站权重有着非常大的作用。网站的主题方面还需要以页面内容的分布像结合起来,把网站的重点内容,重点突出显示,通过合理的布局来使访客对网站有深刻的印象。 A website can attract a large number of visitors, the key lies in the theme of the website needs to be distinctive, because many customers are through professional search on our website to generate interest, if our website has customers in need of information, so they can get everfount website traffic, this upgrade website weight there is a very big role. The theme of the website also needs to the page content distribution like together, put the focus of the site content, highlight show, through rational layout to visitors to the site have deep impression. 网站除了在页面设计布局合理上吸引到客户外,它还讲求页面内容的排版。这里特别指出内容页面的排版设计一定要简洁大方,首先在内容的字体上大多应以14号字体大小显示,并且字号能够以微软雅黑字体显示效果更佳,字体颜色多以黑色为主,那么在每篇文章中应该有返回该主题的链接和上一篇、下一篇文章的链接,这样就能够方便用户浏览更多的文章内容,同时也会提高网站的PV流量。 Web page design except in reasonable layout of attracting customers, it also emphasizes the content page layout. Here is especially pointed out that the content page layout design must be concise and easy, first in the font on most should be based on the 14 display font size, and font to Microsoft YaHei font display effect is better, the font color to black, then in each article should have returned to the theme of the link and a, the next article links, so it is convenient for user to browse more content, also will improve your PV flow. 网页显示中的每一个细节问题还需要注重用户体验,例如在QQ在线客服的显示中,我们就需要做到一定的灵活性,直观性。就拿it050网站的在线客服来讲,它摆在了首页中的明显位置,并且看起来很是直观,同时还支持关闭与展开的功能,在一定程度上提高了网站的用户体验。 Webpage display in every detail problems still need to pay more attention to the user experience, such as in the QQ onli