
“内链为王,外链为皇”,主要表现形式为文章列表,具体的大家都晓得的,就是标题加链接。或许有站长看到链接这两个字后,就明白了,对头,这就是内链的雏形,只是彼时没有内链这个名词罢了。那么今天我就分五个步骤来讲解一下如何让网站制作出庞大的内链。 " The inner chain king, outside the chain for the emperor ", mainly in the form of articles, specifically as we all know, is the title and link. Perhaps a stationmaster see links these two words, understand, right, this is the inner chain shape, only then not within the chain this noun. So today I will divide five steps to explain how to make the site produced huge internal chain. 一)内链建设从内容页开始。这里的内容页,对于门户来说,就是新闻页面。我们不妨打开新浪网的一条新闻页,首先,导航区是最靠前的内链,其次,新闻页的右侧和底部的新闻推荐导读栏目,那可是庞大的内链系统啊。此外,不要忽视新闻内文里的链接,尤其是关键字链接,那也是内链。 A ) construction within the chain from the content page. The content of the page, for portals, is the news page. We may as well open sina.com.cn a news page, first of all, the navigation area is the first in the chain, secondly, a news page on the right and bottom news recommended reading program, but that the huge internal chain system. Furthermore, don't neglect the news Neiwenli links, especially the key link, it is the inner chain. 二)网站导航尽量用文本格式的面包屑导航。这个大家应该都知道,过多追求美观而使用图片的话对于搜索引擎不友好,同时对于站内链接传递权重也不方便,甚至搜索引擎无法鉴别到这链接代表什么意思,所以我们建立文本格式是最理想。网站页面里,面包屑路径,对于提高用户体验来说,是很有帮助的。 Two) the site navigation as far as possible the use of text format of the breadcrumb navigation. That we should all know, excessive pursuit of beauty and use the word to search engine friendly, at the same time for stations link transmission weight is not easy, and even search engine can not identify the links represent what does this mean, we build a text format is the most ideal. Web page, breadcrumb path, to improve the user experience, is very helpful. 三)文章的内链处理。包括文章内部的锚文本链接,相关文章的链接,热门文章的链接,最新发布文章的链接等等。文章内部的锚文本链接可以提高用户体验,增加网站的收录,相关文章的页面在于提高用户体验,利于提高网站pv,降低跳出率。 Three) the inner chain processing. Including the internal anchor text links, links to related articles, hot links to articles, the latest release of links to articles and so on. The internal anchor text links can improve the user experience, increase a website collect, the page is to improve the user experience, to improve the website PV, lower bounce rate. 四)高更新率增强整站权重。当门户网站具备了一定的高权重后,为了能够把首页的权重辐射到各级页面,不但首页要设置相关栏目关键词及链接外,还要制定严格的编辑规范,来提高网站更新率。通过不停的更新,使尽可能多的内容页都有出现在首页、频道页及栏目页的机会,以获得一定的权重。 Four) a high update rate enhancement operating weight. When the portal with a high weight, in order to be able to put the page weight radiation to the various page, not only home to set the relevant column key words and links, and the formulation of strict editing norms, to improve website update rate. Through constantly updated, so that as much content page has appeared in the home page, channel and column page opportunity, to obtain a certain weight. 五)栏目页与专题结合。诸如新浪这样的门户网站来说,频道和栏目页很重要,一方面可以细分网站内容为多个类别,另一方面能让网站更有深度。 Five) column page and feature combination. Such as Sina such portal website, the channel and the program page is important, a hand can be subdivided web content into multiple categories, on the other hand, can make a website more depth. 通过以上五个步骤是网站制作的内链建设,基本上解决了各级页面权重建设和用户导引转化的问题,如果按照上述我说的去做,我们做出一个具有庞大内链的网站只是时间的问题。 Through above five steps is a website construction within the chain, basically solve the various page weight construction and user oriented transformation problem, if according to the above I said to do, we make a large inner chain website is just a matter of time. 本文发布于UEO营销型网站建设公司北京万博通达http://www.sino-web.net/