
北京网站建设不能一味的只看价格,俗话说的好“一分价钱一分货”,相对来说钱花的多了您自然就能买到好东西。我们建设网站也一样,钱花的多了您可能就会得到一个好网站,花的少了您也就很可能是一个不好的站(也就是我们所说的垃圾站)。 而在这里,我们想建议需要建设网站的朋友,一个公司建设网站的好与坏,不是看价格,而更应该看实力,他们都有过哪些案例?他们的案例技术水平怎么样?他们的作品,他们的服务在同行当中或者是同类型网站当中口碑如何?等等,应该多考虑这些问题。 Beijing website construction can not just look at the price, as the saying goes " a price ", relatively more money you can buy good stuff. Our construction site is the same, the more money you will get a good website, spend less you would probably is not a good standing (that is what we call the rubbish station ). Here, we want to suggest the need for construction site to a friend, a company construction site is good with bad, not look at the prices, and should be more strength to see, they all have what case? Their case technology level? Their works, their service in the peer or the same type of website reputation? And so on, should think about these problems. 通常情况下网站建设价格不一定是决定网站建设品质的重要因素之一,许多客户只愿意去比较价格,他们宁愿去选择大的公司,觉得高的价格就一定能做出好的网站。而有些网友却认为做出来的网站都是一样的,所以更愿意去选择价格低的公司建设网站,其实这是一种得不偿失的做法。 Normally the website construction prices are not necessarily the important factors that determine the quality of the construction site, many customers want to compare prices, they prefer to choose a large company, feeling high price will make a good website. Some netizens think out sites are the same, so more willing to choose low price of the company website, actually this is a kind of practice of the loss outweighs the gain. 这里需要说明的是,我们的价格是属于同行业当中的中等价位。可能有些公司会比我们的低很多,甚至有人到处发名片,注明建设一个网站100元、500元的,其实这样的广告只能欺骗不太懂网站的客户,不懂实际网站建设行情的客户,他们一般都认为一个网站做出来效果都差不多,于是就选择了价格便宜的公司来建设网站,诸不知他们其实已经上当受骗,那些标明价格便宜的公司,其实只是一些自助建站的公司,也就是说网站已经框死了,已经有一定的模式,只需要公司客户添加内容进去即可成为一个网站。这样的弊端是非常多的,我们这里只列举几个: There is a need to explain, our price is the same industry in the medium price. There may be some companies will be lower than us a lot, even somebody around business cards, marked the construction of a website 100 yuan, 500 yuan, but such ads can only deceive not too understand customer website, do not know the actual website construction market customers, they are generally considered a website to do out effect is almost the same, so they choose cheap company to the construction site, the do not know they are deceived, the price cheap, only the self-service station construction company, that is to say the website has box died, has a certain pattern, only need to corporate customers add content into the can become a website. Such malpractice is very much, here we only list a few: 1.模板都是一样的,他们可能也卖给了其他很多公司甚至是您的同行竞争对手的公司,大家的网站几乎是一模一样; Templates are the same, they may also sell many other company or even your peer competitors, our website is almost as like as two peas; 2.网站模式古板,功能千篇一律,不能按照公司的要求自行设置功能,无法修改页面,当然第一次购买的时候他们会什么都答应,说什么都可以,但是当客户真正购买了以后,很多的修改都需要另外收取费用; The traditional site model, function follow the same pattern, not in accordance with the company's requirements to setting function, can modify the page, of course, the purchase of the first time they will do anything, say anything, but when customers really buy later, many modifications are required in addition to charge; 3.页面一模一样,不能体现公司的形象和权威,更有些公司,页面设计的样式与公司开展的业务根本就毫不相关。等等。 Page as like as two peas, cannot reflect the company's image and authority, even some companies, page design style and the company's operations is irrelevant. Wait. 当然在价格上也有些公司会比我们的贵,原因也比较简单,所谓大的公司,都抓住了客户的心里,一般都认为大的公司必定高收费,所以他们一般都存在着乱收费的现象,甚至欺瞒客户,一些比较简单几分钟就可以做好的功能,他们甚至收费完全超过业内的标准。 Of course, the price also some companies will be more expensive than ours, the reason is very simple, the so-called big company, capture the customer's mind, is generally considered the big companies will charge, so they generally there are charges phenomenon, even fool customers, some relatively simple a few minutes can do function, they even charge completely over the standard. 所以我们建议需要网站建设服务的客户,在做网站之前一定要看看提供服务的这家公司的实力,不管是公司也好,个人团队也好,首先是看好“货”,其次是对比网站建设的案例,对比其他公司的性价比,所谓“货比三家不吃亏”嘛。 S