
伴随着中国电子商务的发展和互联网应用范围的扩大及网络技术的成熟,UEO营销型网站建设越来越多商务贸易开始从传统销售模式向网上销售模式转变并发展,网络营销真可谓是潜力无限!澳环设计中心在商城制作领域拥有多年成熟经验,成功制作了服装、家具、餐饮、交友等各种不同类型的商城网站。网上商城建设方案旨在为企业和个人(特别是创业型用户)提供更多的商业贸易机会,实现低成本网站商城运营,并帮助网上商城用户同其客户建立网络销售关系,在此网站承担着整个营销角色... Along with the development of China's e-commerce and Internet application range of expanding and network technology maturity, UEO marketing type website construction more and more business trade started from traditional sale mode to online sales model change and development, the network marketing really it is the potential! Macao ring design center at the mall with many years experience in production field mature, success made clothing, furniture, food and beverage, making friends and all kinds of different types of mall site. Online mall construction scheme aims to be the enterprise and individual (especially entrepreneurial type users) to provide more commercial trade opportunities, and realize low cost website mall operation, and help online mall with its customers to establish network users sales relations, in this web site to bear the whole marketing role... 北京万博通达商城网站建设方案主要面向于不同行业不用产品销售的应用而对其进行量身订制,主要包括有以下功能:商品管理,订单管理,会员管理,促销管理,文章和广告管理,短信邮件管理,管理员权限管理,数据报表统计分析,系统设置等。 Shang pin China mall website construction scheme mainly to in different industries need not product sales and the application of the custom-made, mainly include the following functions: commodities management, order management, member management, sales management, articles and administration of advertising, text messages mails management, the administrator rights management, data statement statistics analysis, system Settings, etc. 如何来制作一个商城网站呢? How to make a mall website? 1、确定网站目标、资源: 1, sure web site objectives, resource: 在制作一个网站前,应该先对自身的条件和应有的资源进行分析,看在哪个领域内适合自己做,自己有哪方面的资源优势,不要盲目跟风,还不了解商城网站是怎么回事就开始介入,那样将来势必做些徒劳工作。确定好了目标和资源后再进行下一步的操作。 In making a web site before, should first of its own conditions and should have of the resources of the analysis, see which field for his doing, you have what resource advantages, and don't blindly follow suit, also don't know what is the website mall began to intervene, that the future will do some work in vain. Sure good objectives and resources for the next step again after the operation. 2、确定网站名称、域名: 2, sure, the name of the web site domain name: 在确定目标后,就得给网站起个响亮的名字,网站的名字最好是简洁、易记、简短,一个好的网站名字能让人过目不忘,深深的记在心里,但也要符合网站的特性和目标;网站域名也同样如此,要简洁、简短、简单,中国先都比较偏重于拼音的组合,比如:baidu、lashou、ganji等等,简单而和中文名称有个对应,这样大家在记网站名称的时候也就把网址记下来了,网址切记不要加数字、下划线之类的符号,这样不方便书写和记忆。 In determining the goals, have to give a loud and clear the name of the web site, the name of the web site is best concise, easy, short, a good web site name can let a person photographic, deep in mind, but also want to accord with the characteristics of the site and target; Web domain name as such, it should be brief, short, simple, China's first are the combination of lay particular stress on pinyin, such as: baidu, lashou, ganji, etc, simple and and a corresponding Chinese name, so that everyone in the name of the web site remember when the site is down, url remember not add Numbers, underlined the symbols such as, so it is not convenient for writing and memory. 3、购买域名、虚拟主机、网站程序: 3, buy a domain name, virtual mainframe, site procedures: 名字确定后既可以开始购买域名(域名后缀最好是.com,.cn的也可以,申请的时候比较麻烦,要提交公司执照、代码证等相关材料;域名的费用,不同的代理商有不同的价格,域名每年续一次费用,到期前会提示续费)。 Name after the confirmation of can begin to buy domain name (domain name suffix. Com is best,. Cn can also apply for the, when more troublesome, to submit the license, code certificate related materials, such as the cost of the domain name;, different agents have different prices, domain name for a fee, a year before the expiry date will be prompted a renewal). 虚拟主机,现比较流行的几个团购网站程序多是php语言mysql数据库的,所以大家买双线虚拟主机的时候最好问清楚空间是否支持,还有数据库的大小。 Virtual host, is now more popular several team buy stand program is PHP language mysql database, so everyone to buy virtual mainframe double best ask whether space