
第一条:SEO网站优化最重要的是网站内容要准确定位客户,这一点是网站制作是否能吸引您真正期望的访问者的直接因素。 Article 1: the most important SEO website optimization is web site content must be accurate positioning customers, it is making web sites can attract you whether what's expected of the direct factors visitors. 第二条:精心选择和网站主题及所瞄准的时常相关的关键字。 Article 2: choose carefully and site theme and the target of the key words often related. 第三条:尽量在网站内容中利用选择的关键字,值得注意的是,关键字尽量出现在内容的前面部分。 Article 3: as far as possible in the web site of the key word choice, it is worth noting that, the key word in the front of the content to appear part. 第四条:网站的标题中一定要包含您认为最为重要的关键字。 Article 4: the title of the website must contain do you think is the most important key words. 第五条:在头部标记中尽量运用关键字,将帮助网站在基于该关键字在搜索结果中的排名。 Article 5: the head of using keywords to mark, will help website based on the key word in the ranking in the search results. 第六条:尽量为图像加上ALT标记,在该标记中包含必要的关键字。 Article 6: as far as possible and ALT tags for image, in this marks the key words contain necessary. 第七条:千万别让关键字的颜色和网页背景颜色相同,搜索引擎将认为是恶意行为(SPAM)。 Article 7: don't let the key words of color and web page background color is same, search engine will think is malicious behavior (SPAM). 第八条:务必使用您自己的域名和主机,不要使用免费的二级域名,这样显得不很专业,影响搜索引擎的影响。 Article 8: be sure to use your own domain name and host, don't use free secondary domain name, this is not very professional, and influence the effect of search engine. 第九条:资金允许的话,抢注您的域名的变种,以防别的网站利用您的域名的变异域名而受益。 Article 9: the funds available, snap your domain name varieties, in case the other sites using your domain name variation of domain name and be benefited. 第十条:有可能的话,将您的关键字包含在域名中,这样可以提高在搜索引擎中的排名,这样也许会损失一点品牌形象。 Article 10: possible, will your keywords included in the domain name, so that it can improve the search engine rankings, and maybe lose a little brand image. 第十一条:尽量用和相应页面内容相关的关键字命名页面文件名。 Article 11: as far as possible with and the corresponding page content of the relevant keyword named page file name. 第十二条:尽量不要把页面放在长结构的目录中,最好把大多数页面放在顶级目录或一级子目录中,网站要做成UEO营销型网站建设。 Article 12: try not to the page directory structure in long, had better put most of the page on top directory or level subdirectories, the website will make it UEO marketing type website construction. 第十三条:假如您开始一个新的网络业务,如果有可能的话,让关键包含在新业务的名称中。 Article 13: if you start a new network of business, and if possible, let the key included in the name of the new business. 第十四条:建立一个看起来比较专业的网站,网站是您服务甚至是公司的门面,一个专业的网站可以啬客户的信任度。 Article 14: build a look more professional web site is your service and even the appearance of the company, a professional website can increase customer's trust. 第十五条:测试您的网站,确保在IE,Netscape,及Mac兼容。 Article 15: test your web site, make sure in IE, Netscape, and Mac compatible. 第十六条:在提交搜索引擎前检测您的网站,确保没有死链接。 Article 16: in search engine submission detected before your web site, make sure no dead links. 第十七条:尽量减少排字、拼写及语法上的错误。 Article 17: to reduce as far as possible, spelling and grammar typographical error. 第十八条:尽量保证在网站的每个页面上都有返回主页的链接按钮或文本链接。 Article 18: try to ensure that every page on the site has to return to the home page link button or text link. 第十九条:网站的首页应该设计成下载速度较快的方式,避免在主页上运用FLASH或过多的图像,搜索引擎不能检索图像。 Article 19: the website homepage should be designed to download speed faster way, avoid using FLASH or on the homepage of too much image, search engine can't image retrieval. 第二十条:在网站的每个页面上使用普通的导航菜单。 Article 20: in website each page use common navigation menu. 第二十一条:可以让客户很容易地找到定单位置,而且保证是可用的。测试定单处理的每个阶段。 Article 21: can let customers easily find order position, and ensure that is available. Test order processing each stage. 第二十二条:鼓励其他网站和你的网站交换链接,网站的外部链接(Link Popularity)有利于搜索引擎的搜索。 Article 22: encourage other website and your website Link exchanges, the web site of the external links (Link Popularity) to search engine to search. 第二十三条:记住Google把任何Cloaking都认为是SPAM。cloaking-为一个单一的目的,人为地设计一条。 Article 23: remember Google the Cloaking all think any is SPAM. Cloaking-for a single purpose and artificial