
1、 网站没有特色或者网站特色不够突出 1, web site features or not enough outstanding features 有众多网站,本身就没特色,栏目策划靠copy、内容靠copy、设计靠copy、一切都是copy,这种网站的粘度非常的低。还有一部分网站有一定的特色,但是它的特色像古代的大姑娘一样,深深藏着,没有很直接的突出出来,在第一时间告诉用户。你的网站有特色么?如果没有特色,先给自己搞出一个特色出来,然后把它正确的突出出来告诉用户,让用户记住。说到网站的特色,特别想提一个网站,那就是北京万博通达,北京万博通达是一个非常值得研究的案例. There are numerous web site, itself didn't feature, column on copy, content on planning and design by copy, copy all is copy, the web site of the viscosity are very low. And part of the web site has certain features, but its characteristics like ancient big girl, deeply hidden, not very direct highlighted, in the first time tell users. Your site has characteristics? If no characteristic, first to get out a characteristic out, and then put it right out of the outstanding tell users, allow the user to remember. The website said characteristics, especially want to mention a website, that is still product China, shang pin China is a very worthy of case study. 北京网站建设北京万博通达这个网站推出来不久,因为特色鲜明,粘度非常的高,吸引了众多的人,包括首富陈天桥都经常上。当初的北京万博通达虽然内容不是特别多,但是却是吸引人。记得我写好一篇文章在上面的最高点击率就超过了5万次,普通的文章在上面的点击率也都最少5000以上。 Beijing is China's website construction is the web site launched to soon, because characteristics, and very high viscosity, attracted a lot of people, including ChenTianQiao's richest man is often. At the beginning of shang pin China although content is not much more special, but is attractive. Remember I write an article in the above the highest rate, more than 50000 times, common article in the above hits are at least 5000 above. 后来北京万博通达影响力大了,融到了钱,拿到钱后的压力大了,眼看着单纯做博客难赚钱,他们改走大而全的门户路线,并且改名博客网。这一改并没有错,但是改的太急太快了,于是乎直接从大雅跳到大俗,使老用户都一下子无法接受不再上它。老的特色没有了,新的特色也没有突出出来。结果呢?虽然alexa排名升了,但是大量老用户流失,网站粘度大跌已是事实,赶超新浪只能成为口号! Later still product China influence big, melts the money, to get the money the pressure, see pure do blog difficult to make money, they go to the big portal route, and renamed the blog nets. This change is not wrong, but change too hard too fast, thus directly from the jump to the big vulgar adaiah, make the old users are suddenly can't accept no longer on it. Old features have no, new features and no outstanding out. The result? Although alexa rankings rose, but a large loss of customers, it is already a fact that crash site viscosity, surpassing sina can only become the slogan! 你的网站有特色么? 如果没有,赶快找出自己网站的特色来? Your site has characteristics? If not, to find out your own web site features? 你的网站有了特色,赶快想办法把自己的特色突出出来,让你的用户一上你的网站就可以知道你的特色。那么你的网站的粘度就会大大的提高。 Your site has the characteristic, hurry up trying to put their own outstanding characteristics out, let your users on your web site is a can know your characteristics. So your site will greatly improve the viscosity. 2、网站设计没特色,不够人性化 2, web design didn't feature, not enough human nature 国内的众多网站都有一个毛病,那就是模仿,再次就是追求面子工程。比如UEO营销型网站建设。大家经常可以看到,国内的大部分网站一打开,首页就是几屏,好像没有几屏自己的网站就不够大气似的。为什么这就叫大气呢?因为新浪、搜狐、网易等门户网站都这样。这些网站是大网站,模仿这些网站的首页的样子也像大网站…… The domestic many websites have a trouble, that is the imitation, once again, is pursuing face engineering. For example UEO marketing type website construction. You can often see, most of the open web site a domestic, homepage is a few screens, as few screen your web site will not be like the atmosphere. Why this is called atmosphere? Because sina, sohu, netease, this gateway website. The website is large web sites, copying the the website homepage of appearance also like big web site... 这种“大气”的设计风格,确实可以唬住许多人,让许多人感觉到你的网站是一个大网站,但是网站不是靠唬人吃饭和生存的。(到目前为止,确实还有不少网站就是靠唬人来吃饭的,不过唬的不是用户,而是广告主。但是这样毕竟不是长久之计,奉劝各位不要为了眼前的小利益去这样做)。靠流量,靠效果,才是实在的长久之计! This "atmosphere" design style, really can tiger live many people, so many people feel your website is a large web sites, but not on the web site and the survival eat fooling around. (so far, there are many web site which is on the bluffing to dinner, but tiger is not the user, but advertisers. But this is no longer an option after all, advise you not to the interests of small eyes to do so). B