
北京网站建设完成后快速的增加流量.热情是一种巨大的力量,从心灵内部迸发而出,激励我们发挥出无穷的智慧和活力;热情是一根强大的支柱,无论面临怎样的困境,总能催生我们乐观的斗志和顽强的毅力……没有热情,生命的天空就没的色彩。 Beijing website construction after the completion of the fast increase the flow. Enthusiasm is a kind of great power, from internal sudden heart out, to inspire us to play out wisdom and vitality; Enthusiasm is the powerful support, no matter how facing the predicament, can always gave birth to our optimistic spirit and strong will... No passion, life is the colour of sky didn't. 1.主动宣传 1. The initiative propaganda 通过EMAIL、BBS等一些手段来宣传,如果你在网上浏览的时候见到聊天室就进去胡乱发几条你的主页信息,见到留言本就留言为你的主页做一些宣传,同样也可以使用一些邮件群发软件或者加入一些大的邮件列表来发布你的主页信息(使用邮件群发一定要注意文明用语,否则只会起到相反的效果)。这些办法尽管操作起来费时费力,但却是最能起直接效果的。 Through the EMAIL, BBS and some other means to publicity, if you in Internet chat room when he went in to see you home page article send some information, see the message of this message to your home page do some publicity, also can use some E-mail group or join some of the large software mailing list to publish your homepage information (use E-mail group must pay attention to civilization terminology, otherwise will have the opposite effect). These measures though operate up time-consuming, but it is the most direct effect can play. 2.网站建设速度 2. The website construction speed 这个到底是不是属于主页推广的范畴暂时不去讨论,但北京网站建设的速度会影响到浏览量这却是千真万确的,UEO营销型网站建设甚至在某些方面,可以这么说,北京网站建设的访问量取决与网站建设的速度,当然,这个只是相对而言,设想一下,几分钟才打开一个页面的网站建设会有多少浏览者愿意多呆一秒呢?甚至会在页面还没完全打开时就已经失去耐心,这样就意味着你失去了一个本来已经很不容易才得到的浏览量。所以,一定要注意,在选择免费空间的时候,一定要选择速度最快的,当然,每个地方的速度都不一样,你可以通过调查综合考虑这些因素。 This is what is belong to the category of the home page promotion temporary not to discuss, but Beijing website construction of speed will affect the page views this it is true, UEO marketing type website construction and even in some ways, so to speak, Beijing website construction of traffic depends on the website of the speed, and, of course, this is only relative to character, imagine a few minutes to open a page website construction is how many visitors are willing to stay for a second? Even in the page still haven't fully open already lose patience, would mean you lose a have already been very not easy to get hits. So, must pay attention to, in the choice of free space, must choose the fastest, of course, every place speed is different, you can consider these factors through comprehensive survey. 3.收藏夹 3. Favorites 毫无疑问,北京网站建设访问量的大小很大程度上取决与访问者的收藏夹,如何让你的网页添加到浏览者的收藏夹是个很值得你去花时间研究的问题。最普遍的无非是把你的北京网站建设做的更出色更吸引人,另外还能借助一些java使用弹出窗口提醒浏览者加入收藏夹,这个办法同样很有效。 There is no doubt that Beijing website construction of traffic to a great extent, depends on the size of the visitors favorites, how to let your web page added to the visitor's favorites is a very worth you going to take the time to study. The most common is nothing but you of the Beijing website construction do better more attractive, and also to use some Java use pop-up Windows remind visitors join favorites, this method is equally effective. 4.使用HTML语言 4. Use HTML language 这个办法是针对搜索引擎而言的,方法是打开主页的源文件,在〈HEAD〉与〈/HEAD〉中加入代码〈 HTTP-EQUIV=“Keywords”CONTENT=“1,2,3,……,TEXT/HTML;CHARSET=gb2312”〉其中content后面的1,2,3,均是与主页主题内容相关的关键词(当然,你也可以选择一些热门词,即使你的主页里没有这些内容,这样总有点欺骗别人的感觉,网站优化但无论怎么说,这也是主页推广的好办法)。当一些搜索引擎工作时,您的关键词与搜索词如果相匹配,您的网址便成为搜索结果之一。所以要选择好关键词,而且越多越好,这样,你的网址就更容易被搜索到。 This method is for search engines as the main method is open source file, in "HEAD > and < / HEAD > with code < HTTP-EQUIV =" Keywords "CONTENT =" one, two, three,......, TEXT/HTML; CHARSET = gb2312 "> including CONTENT behind 1, 2, 3, all from the home page is subject CONTENT relevant Keywords (and, of course, you can also choose to some popular word, even if you are not in the home page, so that the contents of total have a little deceive others feel, site optimization but no matter how to say, this is also a good way to promote home page). When some search engines work, your keywords and search words if match, you