
北京网站建设过程中要把握的几个重点,其中1、重点信息放在突出醒目的位置,整个网站空间排序适当一个网站很重要的就是标题,标题就像路牌一样,人家在你的网站上逛来逛去,全靠它指路了。给人的第一印象是否能够马上注意到标题,标题要意义清晰、描述性强,把最吸引人的地方放在突出显眼的位置,然后再慢慢展开。或者说,把你的独特内容包裹成一个悬念,吸引人家注意。留出可调整的位置,用于满足临时性或短期营销活动的宣传需要。如,福州电信局12月11日举办的"福建省首届信息网络展示会"展览,需要在网页中放在最突出的位置。这就需要调整原有的结构,既让新的内容有突出的体现,还要不至于淹没其他重点。在每屏中的文字与图形的布局既要考虑到重点的突出,还要给人以和谐的感觉。不能让图形淹没文字,也不能图形太少而让人觉得单调。视觉的吸引和诱惑力是不能低估的。 Beijing website construction process to grasp of the several key, one of which, the key information in a prominent position, the entire web site space sort a website is very important appropriate is title, titles such as street signs, the somebody else in your web site GuangLaiGuangQu, on which all the way. Give the impression of whether can immediately noticed the title, title to meaning clear, descriptive is strong, the most attractive place in the outstanding conspicuous position, then slowly open. Or, put your unique content wrapped into a suspense, attract attention junkie. Set aside can adjust the position, to meet temporary or short-term marketing activities in the promotion of the need. Such as, fuzhou telecommunication bureau held on December 11, "the first information network in fujian province show" exhibition, need in your web pages on the outstanding position. It will need to adjust the structure, not only let the new content have manifested, also not covered other key. In each of the text and graphics screen layout both must consider to the focus of the outstanding, but also to the person with the feeling of harmony. Can't let graphics submerged writing, nor too little and graphics let a person feel drab. Visual attraction and allure is vastly underrated. 2、网页应该易懂,控制没个模块的信息量UEO营销型网站建设最重要的诀窍,恐怕就是你的网页要易读。这就意味着,你必须花点心思来规划文字与背景颜色的搭配方案。注意不要使背景的颜色冲淡了文字的视觉效果,别用花里胡哨的色彩组合,让人看起你的网页来很费劲。一般来说,浅色背景下的深色文字为佳。这个原则也意味着,你最好别把文字的规格设得太小、也不能太大。文字太小,人家读起来难受;文字太大,或者文字视觉效果变化频繁,像是冲着人大喊大叫,看起来不舒服。另外,最好让文本左对齐,而不是居中。按当代中文的阅读习惯,文本大都居左的。当然,标题一般应该居中,因为这符合读者的阅读习惯。在内容上着笔尽量要细致,让人家能在最短的时间内,了解你想呈现给人家什么。给人家一幅清晰的画卷,别云山雾罩的。开门见山,直接了当。大家都知道,网友的耐心尤其少。你能提供的信息或许对他们有裨益,但如果要人家没完没了地翻下去才能找到,恐怕极少有人有这份耐心。立体规划内容,将所有部分按一定的构架各就其位、分别纳入不同层次的页面。注意先要把最重要的内容放到首页上,其他的依次就绪。然后,你就可以勾划页面蓝图、编HTML了。就文本内容的表现而言,记住尽量别让其一行文字的宽度,横跨整个屏幕。段落一多,这样子看起来很费劲,而且别人的浏览器还可能和你的差别很大。最好别超过屏幕宽度的一半。 2, the web page should understand, the control of a module didn't the most important information website design tips, I'm afraid is your web page to easy to read. This means that you have to spend bit of idea to planning of words and the collocation of the background color scheme. Pay attention to avoid the color of the background of the text diluted the visual effect, don't use fancy colour combination, let a person see up your web page to the effort. Generally speaking, light color background dark text is preferred. This principle also means, you'd better don't put words to the specifications set too small, also can not be too big. Text is too small, the somebody else read uncomfortable; Text is too large, or word visual effect changes frequently, such as blunt backer, looks uncomfortable. In addition, had better let text left alignment, not the center. According to contemporary Chinese reading habits, most of the text in the left. Of course, the title general should center, because this meet the readers reading habits. In the content to detailed pen as far as possible, and let people can in the shortest possible time, know you want to present to the somebody else what. Give somebody else a clear picture scroll, don't a muddle. Come straight to the point and straightforward. As we all know, net friend of patience especially less. Can you provide information to help them perhaps, but if somebody else to no end to turn down to find, I'm afraid that very few people have the patience. Stereo planning content, will all part according to certain framework each with respect to its position, the different levels of the page into respectively. Pay attention to the most important content on the home pag