
相信每一个北京网站设计从事者都希望自己的作品可以令客户满意,身为一个网站设计者,要严格执行网站制作的最新标准,当然所谓的标准是人为确定的,最根本的目的就是为了更好的制作好网站,营销型网站建设更需如此。 Believe each Beijing website design is engaged in all the hope that their work can be customer satisfaction, as a web designer, must strictly carry out the latest standard production site, of course, the so-called standard is the human certain, the most fundamental goal is for better make good website, marketing type website construction need more to so. 那么,如何才能设计出令客户满意的网站呢? So, how to design customer satisfaction the website? 一,与客户的良好沟通必不可少 One, and customer's good communication is necessary 首先要进行网站的沟通,这就正如软件开发的市场调查,我们要与客户彻底的沟通一下,要了解清楚客户究竟想要什么,客户的产品是什么,网站要表达什么东西,实现什么样的效果等,磨刀不误砍柴工,这一步是非常重要的。例如UEO营销型网站建设,这时你就得跟客户沟通主要推广的是哪些产品,这些产品希望如何在网站中体现等等。 First to web site communication, as the development of software market survey, we will communicate with the customer completely, should understand what customers really want, what is the customer product, website want to express something, achieve what kind of effect, sharpening will not delay your job of work, this step is very important. For example UEO marketing type website construction, and then you will have to communicate with the client of the main promotion is what product, these products in how to reflect in the website, etc. 二,精心准备网站的素材 Two, to elaborate the website of material 网站的素材决定着一个网站的感官冲击,准备好网站的素材,也就是要先确定好网站的风格,这个素材可以由用户自己提供,也可以由网络公司提供,但一些网站的产品或是服务类的东西,就由用户自己提供了,因为在这一块,建站公司不是内行,而且现在的网站都是动态化的网站,用户可以自由操作网站的后台,随时添加产品或是服务等一类的,都有产品库和图片库。但需要注意的是,网站有分展示型网站建设和营销型网站建设,所以设计风格也必不一样。 The material of the website of a web site to sensory impact, ready to website of the raw materials, also is to determine the style of good web site, the material can be made by the user to provide their own, also can provide by the network company, but some website products and services categories of things, by the user to provide their own, because in the piece, the station is not sharp, and now the web site is dynamic web site, the user can free operating website backstage, be added any time products or services, kind of, have the product library and photo. But note that the website have points display type website construction and marketing type website construction, so design style will not. 在拥有了这些后,就要开始出效果了,效果图一般由PS软件设计而成,因为这样修改比较方便,而且比较直观,因为通过这种形式很容易让客户满意。 With these in after they started out of effect, rendering the PS software design and general into, because such changes are more convenient and more intuitive, because by this form is easy to let customer satisfaction. 如果效果图设计完成,下面就是切图了,后台数据库开发,前后台数据库对接等。 If rendering design completed, below is cut figure, backend database development, QianHouTai database docking, etc. 三,严谨的网站测试工作 Three, rigorous web site testing 网站大体完成后,就是实现网站制作过程中比较重要的一点,即网站测试了,网站测试最好由不懂网站的人员进行测试,现实中一般由客户来测试,随时告知错误的出现,随时解决好出现的各种问题。良好的用户体验决定了网站是否能得到众多用户的青睐,试想,一个SEO网站优化的打开速度慢、网页操作别扭、网站内容空洞,那如何能吸引住客户来买你的产品呢? After the completion of the general web site, is to realize the website production process is important point, namely web site test, test the best web site by don't understand web site personnel test, in the reality is general by customers to test, and keep us informed the wrong appear, to help solve the problems of the good appear. Good user experience decided whether the website can get many customers, imagine an SEO website optimization of slow speed, the web page open operating at odds, website content and empty, how can that attracted customers to buy your product? 四,做好网站的安全工作 Four, completes the website security 做了以上大量工作后,网站制作全部结束了,这时就要把网站交付给客户,网站的交付一般都是直接传到网络上去,让网站直接能打开,而网站空间及域名等密码由上海网络公司代为保管,但由于客户要求由自己保管,一般也可以,只是保管的形式要有所改变,所有这些的目的只有一个,让网站更加安全,让数据库更加的严密和不可攻破,真正让网站成为铜墙铁壁。 Do the above a lot work, the website production all over, would then the web site for delivery to the customer, the website of delivery of the general is directly to network up, make a web site directly to open, and web space and domain name and password by Shanghai network. To keep,