
近期,通过跟客户沟通关于网站制作价格这方面的事项,发现网站建设价格的相差实在太大了,就拿近期有客户向我司咨询一个在线支付的购物网站,我们这边根据他所参考的网站,报了个价是几千块,他却说我们打劫,别人报价才一千多。当时我就郁闷了,怎么会这样呢?通过分析,为什么同行业对一样的网站建设报价是如此的悬殊,便宜到底在哪里?我分析了一些关于网站建设价格差距的原因,做一下总结。 Recently, with the customer communication through production site about this aspect of the price matters, and found that the price of the website construction is was so large, have recently took the customers to our consulting a online payment shopping website, our side according to his reference site, called the a price is thousands of pieces, he said "we loot, others quotation is more than one thousand. At that time I was depressed, how can that be? Through the analysis, why to the construction of the website of same industry as quotation is so one, cheap in where? I analysed some about the cause of the price gap website construction, do a summary. 让我们先来看一下网站建设中价格便宜的和价格昂贵的网站区别到底在哪里?从网站建设功能、页面多少、时间要求、规模大小、设计品质以及复杂程度等,都可以看出网站建设的质量,价格因此也不相同了。便宜的原因总结如下: Let's see how the website construction of price cheap and expensive website difference in where? From the website construction function, page and how much time requirements, size, design quality and degree of complex, can see the website construction quality, price therefore not the same. The cause of the cheap summarized as follows: 第一, 使用网站建设通用模板。 First, the use of the site construction general template. 这是网站建设价格低廉最主要的原因,也是根源。利用网站建设模板来建网站,只要花点时间找些类似的网站模板来修改一下字体和图片,在很短的时间就能建设出一个网站了,这就是价格低廉的“祸根”所在了。 This is the website construction low prices the main reason, is also root. Use the website construction template to use web sites, want to spend some time to find some similar website templates to revise the font and pictures, in a very short period of time can construction out a website, this is a low cost "an apple of discord" place. 第二, 没有进行调查策划。 Second, no investigation planning. 对客户的行业性质、竞争对手等进行调查,然后做出合理的网站建设规划,得出网站建设方案。通过调查策划,针对性的规划网站建设,最终建出的网站能反映行业特征,在浩瀚的网络里张显个性,这些都是专业网站建设必要走的流程。便宜的网站建设就没有这样的流程,才会有如此低的价格。 For customers, competitors, nature of industry and investigate, then make rational website construction planning, and concludes that the website construction plan. Through the survey planning, targeted planning website construction, and finally built a website can reflect the characteristics of the industry, in the middle of a vast network of show individual character, these are professional website construction necessary to go process. The construction of the website of cheap, is not the process, just can have such a low price. 第三, 网页设计水平不高。 Third, web design level is not high. 网站就是一个人机界面沟通交流的平台,网站若是没有好的设计,就等于给企业丢脸。在网站设计上要下一定的功夫,网站建设低廉的在这方面或许做不到,网站建设重要的其中一点算是在设计能力上。如果是一个专业的网站建设公司一定会聘请专业的网页设计师,而不是会使用网页编辑器软件的人,在这方面自然价格就会高了。 Web site is a man-machine interface communication platform, web site if it were not so good design, to be equal to the enterprise slap in the face. In the web design to the certain time, website building cheap in this respect perhaps do not, website construction is the important one in design ability. If is a professional website construction company will hire a professional web designer, not will use web editor software, in this respect natural prices high. 第四, 编程水平不高。 Fourth, programming level is not high. 和网页设计水平一样,专业的程序员也会价格高。专业的我程序员可以保证网站建设的程序运作速度以及稳定,可以给网站的一些程序加密,保证网站的安全性,不易被病毒攻击网站。在日后也可以维护网站,如果是价格低的网站建设肯定没有,那样的所谓程序员就是只会修改一下代码,知道代码做什么的,也不会自己编程,到最后建的网站被病毒攻击了,存在安全漏洞,才知道其中的损失。 And web design level, professional programmers can prices high. Professional I programmers can guarantee the website of the program operation speed and stable, can give websites some program encryption, ensure the safety of the web site, not easy to be a virus attack website. In the future can also maintenance of website, if is the construction of the website of low prices must not, that the so-called programmer is will only revise the code, and know what code, also won't programming, and in the end, the building of the site has been virus attack, being secu