
网络营销发展至今,越来越多的中小型企业都将电子商务视为企业营销新的增长点,投入大量的资金展开网络推广宣传。然而值得警醒的是,超过八成企业家、营销管理人员在拓展网络营销(SEO)过程中,过多的关注推广方式本身,却对自身产品信息的挖掘与品牌营造缺乏管理意识。 The network marketing development has been, more and more of the small and medium enterprise to electronic business as a new growth point of enterprise marketing, spend a lot of money on network promotion propaganda. Yet it is alert, with more than eighty percent of the entrepreneurs, marketing management personnel in expanding network marketing (SEO) process, too much focus on promotion way itself, but to their own product information mining and brand construction of a lack of management consciousness. 在这种营销思路的影响下,逢人便问“你有什么好的营销推广渠道”就成为一种尴尬的现状。 In this under the influence of marketing ideas, meet a person then asked, "do you have any good marketing promotion channel" is a kind of embarrassing situation. 事实上,任何企业根据自身产品/服务特性、企业资源优势等,在整合搜索引擎、第三方B2B平台、社交网络等方面都有独特的资源吸引力。资源吸引力往往能散发出比营销资金预算更大的市场价值,而它的发挥需要的恰恰是企业最擅长产品深度解析。 In fact, any enterprises according to their own product/service characteristics, such as enterprise resource advantage, in integrating B2B search engine, the third party platform, social networks are unique resource attraction. Resources attraction often can send out a marketing budget than larger market value, but it is just to play the most good at depth analysis enterprise products. 企业网站多数没有网络 定货功能甚至留言系统,便可以看出我们对企业网站价值的漠视。 The enterprise website majority does not have an order function, or leave a message system network, they can see that we value of enterprise web site equanimity. 那么该如何制作一个可以有效宣传企业及产品信息并可带来实际交易的企业网站呢?又该如何来进行宣传推广呢?北京万博通达北京网站建设服务商帮您解决这个问题 So how to make a can effective propaganda enterprise and products information and will bring the real deal enterprise website? How to promotion? Shang pin Beijing China website construction service businessman gang you solve the problem 网站功能切忌华而不实 Site function was of avoid by all means 现在很多企业的网站做得非常大,且功能齐全,以为这样才能吸引人气,其实这样做不仅要花很多的钱在网站建设上,而且功能过多还会使浏览者眼花缭 乱,不知所措。请检视一下你的企业网站,是否有很多功能从没有被浏览者使用过呢?一定会有。所以,网站不求大,不求全,只求最实用的功能。尽量使页面整洁 简单,操作便捷,这样便增加了目标浏览者使用网站各种功能的可能性,否则杂乱烦琐的设置会使浏览者产生负面的浏览体验,很快就会因失去耐心而离去。 Now many enterprise web site is very great, and the function is all ready, thought that in order to attract popularity, in fact this is not just to spend a lot of money in the website construction, and the function is too much still can make the dazzling visitors sound disorderly, helpless. Please examine your enterprise web site, whether to have many functions by visitors from not used? Sure will be. So, the website not pursuing big, not perfection, but the most practical function. Make the page clean simple, convenient operation, thus increasing the target visitors use website the possibility of all sorts of function, or mixed and disorderly complicated Settings make them produce negative browsing experience, will soon lose patience and left. 高度互动 Highly interactive 网站必须具有高度的互动性,而非仅是一个网络版的宣传单,要让浏览者可以通过网站进行各种互动行为,包括直接联系企业客服中心、在线留言或咨询、在线订购物品、发表评论等,总之,要让网站(企业)和浏览者互动起来,通过网站把浏览者和企业连接起来。能互动的地方越多,这个网站的价值就越大。因 为只有和浏览者产生交流并可帮浏览者解决实际问题,比如可以回答他的提问或直接购买产品,对浏览者来说你的网站才是有生命的,有价值的。 The website must have a high degree of interactivity, not only is a network flyer, want to let viewers can through the web site for various interactive behavior, including direct contact enterprise service center, online message or consulting, online order goods, comment, etc, in short, to make a web site (enterprise) and your visitors interactive up, through the web site visitors and enterprise joined up. The more interaction can place, the greater the value of the site. For to be only the generation and communication and can help your visitors to solve practical problems, such as can answer his questions or directly to buy the products, to your visitors to your web site is the life, has the value. 视觉统一 Visual unity 网站的视觉方面要和企业的VI视觉识别系统相统一,如果企业没有VI视觉识别系统,那么也要和企业或商品有视觉化的联系,这样可以增强浏览者对企业及产品的视觉化一致性认识及加深印象。 The website vision and enterprise VI to visual iden