
一、坚持网站建设内更新更轻易受到搜索蜘蛛的惠临青睐Adhere to the website construction update in more easily by search spider's HuiLin favour 就像人买彩票一样,假如每次买无论大小都能中一些奖,你会不会往往去买?或者你会不会更频繁的去采办?必定会的啊,由于你买的越多越频繁,收获就越多。对于搜索蜘蛛也是一样,搜索自主按照链接,爬行到你的网站研修班 ,假如每次都一无所获自然不会过于频繁的来了。然而相反的,假如网站内容对峙天天更新,或者一天更新好几次。让搜索蜘蛛每次过来都能检索到新鲜的内容,共同内容自己原创并世无双,而且质量度又很是高,那么长此以往权重的提升自然就指日可待了。三天打渔两天晒网的内容更新,一次让蜘蛛撑死,一次又让蜘蛛饿死,如此三番五次的熬煎,搜索蜘蛛必定要放弃。假如说搜索蜘蛛只是整个搜索引擎联动机制的一部分,那么搜索蜘蛛所传递而来的信息,一样是搜索引擎判定网站质量和付与相应权重的重要依据。As people buy lottery tickets, if every time buy whatever size can some of the prize, you will often go to buy? Or will you be more frequent to procurement? Will it, because you buy more and more frequent, the more you get. For the search spider also is same, search the independent according to link, crawl to your web site training, if every time not too frequent nothing natural. But on the contrary, if the website content confrontation update every day, or update several times a day. Let the search spiders can access to every time over the content of the fresh, common original content and the unique, and of high quality and is very high degree, so in the long run the weights of the enhance natural are assured. Three days of life two days spread fishnets content renewal, a let spider support dead, a and let the spider starved to death, so three transgressions of five times AoJian, search the spider will surely give up. If say search the whole search engine spider is only part of the linkage system, so that a search by spiders of information transmission, as is the search engine judge web site quality and weight into the important basis of corresponding. 二、丰富的内容需要穷年累月,自然需要持之以恒The rich content need QiongNianLeiYue, natural need to persevere 任何工作都有一个过程,丰富的网站内容,高质量的原创写作,总是需要一个穷年累月的过程。谚语说罗马不是一天建成的,网站内容也不是一天能够丰富起来的。我们能够看一些权重比较好的同行的网站,你就会发现那些排名尚可的网站有几大特色,第一个就是内容比较丰富,链接本钱也比较多,还有就是网站已经有必然的年龄。内容丰富的网站必定是长期间辛劳劳动的成果,而非一蹴而就。只有均衡一些也才可能自然持久一些,对于一个新的网站来说,除非你精心预备了很长期间,不然即应专心在做,也不成能一下子发布成百上千篇内容的。假如真的这么做了,等待你的很有可能就是被怀疑为恶意作-弊而被搜索引擎赏罚。对一般企业网站而言,只要天天对峙更新,一天更新一到两篇就已经很不错了。只要能对峙天天如此,网站内容丰富将不是遥远的胡想。Any work have a process, rich content, high quality original writing, always need a QiongNianLeiYue process. Proverb says Rome is not built in a day, the website content also is not a day can rich rise. We can see some weight good peers of the website, you will find the ranking of the fair has several web site features, the first is relatively rich content, links capital is more also, there is the age of the site has been necessary. The content of the website must be a long-term rich between the results of hard labor, not by leaps. Only balance some will likely be natural lasting some, for a new web site for, unless you carefully prepared the very long term rooms, or they should concentrate on doing, also can not at the same content on release hundreds. If really do, waiting for you is probably suspected for malicious for disadvantages and reward the search engine. On the general enterprise web site is concerned, as long as the confrontation update every day, day one to two articles will update is very good. As long as can confront each other every day, the website content rich will not distant hu want to. 三、内容是网站魂灵,高质量内容更是网站精华It is a soul, high quality content is website essence 没有有质量的内容,一个网站自然就是落空了其存在的意义。而实际环境确实,很多网站尤其是中小企业的网站,绝大大都都空洞乏物,即使部分网站有些许内容,也是从其他网站上拷贝复制而来。不消说是搜索引擎,就是普通的网站浏览者,看到如此的网站也会放弃,由于搜索引擎已经越来越考虑客户体验了。还有一点就是,搜索引擎自己为了供给更丰富的内容供给用者检索,自然对网站也提出了一些要求,内容丰富且原创程度高、质量也比较高的网站,毋庸置疑的会排的很靠前。于是做网站优化的期间,丰富网站内容绝对是第一步就需要去实施的。没有内容的网站,即使采用诸如外链导入的一些措施,吸引蜘蛛过来检索,然而空洞无物的内容,只会让搜索引擎终极否定或者放弃这个网站。基于内容是网站存在的魂灵这一观念,网站优化的步调就能够大致确定为,内容优先,链接侧重。No quality of content, a web site the nature is the failed its the meaning of existence. And the actual environment really, many websites, especially small and medium enterprise web site, and most are mostly empty lack content, even if some websites have some content, as well as from other web site copy and duplicate. It said the search engine, is ordinary, visitors to the site, saw this site will a