
企业网站现在已经成为互联网的主力军,毕竟企业相对于个人而言,无论从实力和财力都要远远超过个人,一旦企业网站发力运营,其影响力是不容小视的,可是企业网站毕竟刚刚从传统的展示平台过渡到以运营为主的营销平台,之间的区别还是很大的,所以很多企业在运营方面出现各种各样的问题,特别是在SEO优化方面,往往成为制约企业网站发展的瓶颈,那么如何才能够做好企业网站的UEO优化建设呢?   Enterprise web site has now become the main force of the Internet, after all enterprise relative to the individual character, no matter from strength and financial capacity are much more personal, once the enterprise website with the power operation, its influence is not negligible, but the enterprise website after all just from traditional display platform in operation of the transition to give priority to marketing platform, the difference between is very big still, so many enterprise in the operation of a wide variety of problems, especially in SEO optimization, often becomes the bottleneck of restricting enterprise web development, so how to do well the UEO optimization construction enterprise web site? 一:网站布局兼顾SEO优化和美观(The web site layout optimization and beautiful both SEO) 很多公司网站特别喜爱把网站打扮的花枝招展,大量运用flash,java小程序等等,这些技术,现在已经成为边缘的网站技术,看起来能够增强网站的美观性,但实际上却成为网站SEO优化的瓶颈,实际上网站美观主要就是简约,干净整洁,绚丽的画面是帮不了什么忙的,为了提升网站SEO优化效果,应该做好网站关键词的分布,布局要合理规范,另外网站上应该多使用文字,这样更容易被搜索引擎抓取!只有这样才能够成为一个基本合格的企业网站! Many company website especially love to dress up the web site of the beautifully dressed, a large number of applying flash and Java small program and so on, these technologies, has now become the edge website technology, look can enhance the beautiful sex of website, but actually it is to become a site the bottleneck of SEO optimization, and in fact the main web site is beautiful and simple, clean and neat, gorgeous screen is won't be of much help, in order to improve website optimization effect SEO, should be prepared to web site keywords, the distribution of layout to reasonable norm, another web site should use more words, so that it can easily be search engine grab! The only way to become a basic qualified enterprise website! 二:企业网站三要素的选择(The choice of the three key elements of the enterprise website) 做好网站标题,关键词和描述这三个要素,主要分成两个方面来做,一个是首页,一个是栏目页,对于首页而言,通常使用企业名称作为网站制作的标题,看起来没有什么问题,可是这样无疑会缩小了企业网站的搜索范围,所以更好的方法就是将网站的关键词,长尾关键词和企业名称放在一起,作为网站的标题,这样就能够增加搜索范围的同时,还能够让用户更为精准的找到网站,当然对于关键词和描述这两个方面,基本上和标题类似,一定要抓住主要方面,发挥长尾关键词优势! Make your web site's title, keywords and describe the three elements, mainly divided into two aspects, one is the home page, is a column page, for home page is concerned, often use enterprise name as the title of the production site, did not appear to have what problem, but it will no doubt be narrowed the scope of the enterprise web site search, so better way is to the site keywords, long tail keywords and enterprise name put together, as the title of the website, this increases the search range at the same time, still can let users more accurate find web site, of course, for keywords and describe the two aspects, and basically and title similar, we must focus on major aspects, play long tail keywords advantage! 而对于网站栏目页的标题,关键词和描述的设定,当然也需要遵循一定的原则,比如一个栏目就是一个关键词,相关的内容就是围绕这个关键词来做,最好是栏目标题是首页标题的拓展,千万不能够是一样,对于描述和关键词也是一样! And for the title of the page web site columns, keywords and description of the set, of course, also need to follow some rules, such as a column is a key words, related to the content that surrounding the keywords to do, it's best to columns of the title of the page title is expanding, must not to is, to describe and key words is the same! 三:关键词的分布和密度(The distribution of keywords and density) 对于企业网站而言,其实关键词的密度是很容易就能够控制在合理的范围内,比如2%到8%之间,因为在涉及到公司业务介绍的时候,很容易就能够控制关键词,可是如果不注意控制,那是很难实现合理的关键词密度的!通常关键词密度严重稀薄,或者关键词密度严重堆砌都是不利于网站优化的! For the enterprise website is concerned, in fact the density of key words is easily able to control in the reasonable scope, for example, 2% to 8% between, because when it comes to the company business presentation, it is easy to control key words, but if you don't pay attention to control, it is difficult to realize reasonable keyword density of! Usually keyword density serious thin, or keyword de