
一个网站站内的优秀是进行SEO的必要前提,当然我们还要考虑UEO。今天带来的主要是站外的优化方案,包括外链,交换链接,链轮等细节。 A website in the station's good for SEO is the necessary premise, of course, we need to consider the UEO. Today is the main station, bring the optimal solutions, including the chain, and exchange links, chain wheel, and other details. 一:友情链接(links) 友情链接的交换应该注重对方网站制作的收录数量,快照,PR值,是否同服务器,同IP和站长人品等。友情链接的交换最好寻找同类型的网站,交换不可大起大落。 Link exchange should pay attention to the other party web site collected quantity, snapshots, the PR value, whether with the servers, with IP and webmasters character, etc. Link exchange of best searching the same type of website, exchange not falling. 注意事项:平时要经常检查网站的友情链接,看对方的网站是不是访问正常(运行速度,收录,快照,是否降权等),检查对方是不是对我们网站的链接添加nofollow等欺骗手段。至于具体如何交换友情链接,可以看看之前关于友情链接方面的文章。 Note: always check the website usually to link, look at each other's web site visit is normal (speed, included, snapshot, and whether the right down), check each other about our website links is add nofollow and deception. As for specific how to exchange links, can see on links before the article. 购买链接:网站初期因为网站自身的不足往往不能交换到优质的链接,可以考虑购买链接。 Links to purchase: because web site early deficiencies often can't switch to high quality links, we can consider buying a link. 二:外链操作(Chain operation outside) 教育论坛:教育论坛不应该仅仅局限在论坛签名上,可以花时间养账号来发主题帖或者投稿。前期需要收集资源和培养与版主的关系,能锚文本最好。 Education BBS: education BBS should not be limited in the BBS signature, can take time to keep account to send the subject placard or contribute. The need to collect resources and training and moderator relations, can the anchor text is the best. 教育门户:投稿(免费或者付费) Education portal: contribute (free or pay) 各大门户:门户网站不仅仅是高权重,更是高流量,比如可以在其教育板块投稿。 Each big portal: gateway website is not only high weight, but also high flow, such as in the education sector can contribute. 问答平台:问答平台做外链效果是很好的,像天涯问答,你发一条顶四五条。如果做百度知道的话则需要小心,一日四五条即可。问答平台还有另外一个很好的效果,就是口碑营销。 Inquiry platform: inquiry platform outside doing chain effect is very good, like the question and answer, you send a top SiWuTiao. If do know it requires careful baidu, one day SiWuTiao can. Inquiry platform there is another good effect, is "word-of-mouth marketing. 自建博客:可以是自己建立的博客,也可以使用免费博客平台。 From the blog: can be established itself blog, also can use free blogging platform. 分类信息:分类信息网站的权重是相当高的,无论是外链效果还是推广效果都是很好的。 Classified information: classification of information website weight is quite high, whether the chain effect or promotion effect is very good. 视频网站:和分类信息网站一样高权重,作用也是有很好的外链效果和推广效果。 Video website: and classification of information websites high weight, the function is also have very good outside chain effect and promotion effect. 分析对手:分析对手的外链布局可以得到无穷的外链资源 Analysis: analysis of the chain layout can get the endless chain resources 外链资源需要挖掘和培养 The chain resources and training to mining 三:外链策略(Outside chain strategy) 做SEO的站长朋友们应该外链注重的是质量而非数量,所以应该把工作的重心放在提高外链质量上。外链还需要稳定,不可大起大落,也不可群发。发布外链之后两到三天应该查询其效果,以便于以后的调整。在使用常规外链手法的同时也可以使用其他特殊手法(非黑帽手法),比如链轮。链轮可以自建博客或者使用免费(效果差),链轮如下图(最简单的链轮): Do the webmaster friends SEO should notice is the chain quality rather than quantity, so the work should focus on improving the quality of the chain. The chain also need stability, not falling, nor indiscriminately. The chain released after two to three days the effect should be inquires, so that after the adjustment. In the chain of conventional technique could also use other special effects (the black hat technique), such as the sprocket. The sprocket can build blogs or use free (poor effect), sprockets below (the most simple sprocket) : 本文发布于北京网站建设公司北京万博通达