
对于任何一个站点,ueo分为两个层面,一个是ue设计的的层面,ueo的工作是针对用户体验进行初始设计,以及逐渐完备优化成型的网站流程和用户体验。ueo的过程更多的是通过对现有的网站做用户层面的分析,研究用户心理,做反向的用户流程和网站商业利益上的均衡调整。ueo更多的是运营岗位职责上的工作。 For any a site, ueo is divided into two aspects, one is the level of design ue, ueo work is based on the user experience for the initial design, and gradually perfect molding website optimization process and the user experience. Ueo process more is through the existing site of user level, the paper studies the user psychology, do reverse user process and web site on the commercial interests balanced adjustment. Ueo more is operation on the responsibilities of the position. 但商业网站需要在商业利益与用户体验上做均衡,最好的用户提样并不一定是照顾用户的操作,一切以“用户为中心”。这好比是欧美风格的网站与中式风格的网站或者韩式风格的网站设计的差异。欧美式风格的网站在其对应的欧美用户,或者行业内的一些人来说,商业利益可能比较小,全部为用户考虑,但有时候对国内用户来说,这种考虑有的是考虑的太多,而这种考虑的开发和运营成本是国内的商业性公司不愿承担的。 But commercial web sites need to be in business interests and user experience in equilibrium, the best user mention sample is not necessarily take care of user operation, all with "the user as the center". This is like the web site and euramerican style and Chinese style style website or Korean style website of the differences. The American style of the site in the corresponding Europe and the users, or some of the people in the industry, commercial interests may be small, all for the user consideration, but sometimes on domestic users, this consideration have considered too much, and this concern the development and operation of the cost is domestic commercial company does not want to assume. 需知,不管做到何种程度的优化,用户的跳出率是始终存在的,并且,所有的用户最后都会跳出,不能单一的以跳出率还衡量ueo的效果,更重要的是用户在ueo后的网站流程上,需要功能性操作的时间降低,内容性操作的时间延长。例如,修改内容的各功能操作控制的过程,添加的过程,注册的过程等。而用户对内容层面会流出更多的时间,或者是被ueo后的页面所吸引,愿意付出更多的时间停留。 Need to know, no matter be to what extent optimization, and the user's jump out rate is always there, and all users finally can jump out, not a single to jump out to measure the effect of ueo ratio also, more important is the user in ueo web site process, need to reduce the time functional operation, content extend the time of operation. For example, modify the content of each function operation control process, add process, the process of registration, etc. And the user to content level stream more time, or ueo attracted the page, and are willing to pay more time to stay. 页面内容、功能布局优化 The page content, the function layout optimization 功能性操作的优化遵循鼠标相对活动路径最短,使各功能操作的按钮组合合理的在鼠标的活动路径最短的面积内。一般为鼠标指针左上方400*200的区域以及右下方面200*100的区域。由于人体手腕部的生理结构构造,并且绝大部分人使用右手,而两个区域是右手最舒适和自然的动作区间,相应的也可以推算出向上的自然活动区间和向下的区间。因人手不同,鼠标不同,显示器的大小不同,以及网站的布局不同,所以这个数值是相对的,运营人员和UE人员应该根据自身的情况做调整。 Functional operation optimization of the shortest path follow the mouse relative activities, so that all the functions of the operation in the mouse button combination of reasonable activities within the area of the shortest path. General for the mouse pointer upper left 400 * 200 regional and lower right aspects of 200 * 100 area. Because the physiological structure of the wrist, and most people using the right hand, and the two area right hand is the most comfortable and natural motion interval, the corresponding can also calculate upward natural activities interval and downward interval. His hands are different, the mouse is different, the size of the display is different, and the layout of the website is different, so this value is relative, operation personnel and UE personnel should be adjusted according to the circumstance of oneself. 页面元素配色优化 Page elements match colors optimization 页面元素的色彩搭配,目前是比较重要的ueo内容,根据用户人群的不同,以及用户的使用时间的不同,做相应的调整。并且,可根据每天的时间变化,将页面的色彩搭配进行按时间段划分,例如早上的颜色较清淡,中午较明亮,夜晚的背景较暗等。又例如,如果一个网站的用户群多是办公室工作者,哪么这些人很多都可能是近视,眼睛长期看屏幕,所以给这些人的配色应参考色彩学和心理学,避免刺激色和刺眼色。(插一句,msoffice2007的潜蓝色背景让人眼很舒服,比目前大多数白色的背景好很多。) Page elements of the colour collocation, it is more important ueo content, according to the different user, and user use the time difference, adjust accordingly. And according to the time of day changes, the page color match divided by time period, such as the color