
做为seo优化人员,在网站建设之前就要充分考虑搜索引擎优化的各种要素,在网络营销和网站策划中考虑seo,意义在于根据网站的整体,分析用户需求,站在全面的角度去分析与引导客户,去发掘整理和提升网站整体质量,做出来网站是用户所想要的,让网站更具行业竞争力,更符合搜索引擎优化的标准。网站策划要由SEO+网站编辑+技术+美工+UE用户体验合力才能打造完美的网站。我们要做的就是内容整合,形成具有足够吸引力的鲜明主题。事实上,这就足够了! As seo optimization staff in the website construction will be fully considered before search engine optimization the various elements, in the network marketing and web site planning to consider seo, significance lies in the whole according to the website, analyzes the user demand, standing in the Angle of comprehensive analysis and lead customers, to explore collation and improve the quality of your overall site, a site is the user wants, and make a web site more industry competitive power, more in line with the standard of search engine optimization. Web site planning to SEO + website editor + + + UE technology art user experience can force to create perfect web site. We have to do is content conformity, form a distinct theme of attractive enough. In fact, this is enough! 给网站标题栏的内容进行优化,先写好一个简要地介绍,不超过30字,然后将其改编,尽可能合理的导入与网站所在行业相关的关键词,换句话说,要写成“搜索引擎版”的网站介绍。网站内容页,特别是其中比较重要的频道、栏目首页,应添加像网站首页一样的标题,添加原则与网站首页标题类似,如某个频道将发展成为具有独立域名子站的话,则此步骤更为重要。然后添加并优化网站首页标签,在网站首页的代码中,嵌入描述性的文字,概括网站的特征和优势,同样,也要采用搜索引擎的语言特征,这对优化搜索引擎扫描结果有很好的作用。同样的,网站比较重要的频道、栏目首页也应采取同样的操作步骤。其他涉及到对搜索引擎扫描结果的优化,诸如增加粗体文字标题(不要用图片来代替)、栏目设置便于搜索引擎扫描、增加内容分页等等,也可适当做一些,但要注意,切不可试图通过所谓的“搜索引擎优化(seo)”去“欺骗”搜索引擎,那将遭到及其严厉的惩罚!“手机之家”就是一个典型的反面例子。 The content of the title bar to a website optimized, write a brief introduction, not more than 30 words, and then the adaptation, as far as possible the reasonable introduction and web site is located industry relevant keywords, in other words, must write "search engine" version of the web site. Web page, especially the more important channel home page, columns, should add the title of the same as your home page, adding principle and your home page title similar, such as a channel will become independent domain name son stand it, then the step is more important. Then add and optimize your home page label, the home page code, embedded descriptive text, summarized the characteristics and advantages of the web site, also, also want to use the search engine's language characteristics, the optimal search engine scanning results have very good effect. The same, the web site is important channel, the column should adopt the same page operation step. Other related to search engine optimization of the scan results, such as increasing the bold text title (don't use pictures to replace), column setup to search engine scanning, increase the content page, and so on, also can be appropriately do some, but should pay attention to, must not try to through the so-called "search engine optimization (seo)" to "deceit" search engine, it will encounter and severe punishment! "Mobile phone home" is a typical negative example. 添加友情链接,这里的友情链接专指网站所在行业以外的、与网站内容没有直接关系的网站,这样的链接互换可以互相过滤用户,值得考虑,但要注意,切不可将其余重要的合作伙伴混列在网站上,应区别对待,必要时可采用下拉菜单、分页面等形式。试着开设行业新闻频道,很多行业站点对此不屑一顾,这不是很理想的做法。开设行业新闻频道并以很低的人力资源成本实现每日更新,不仅有助于改善、提高网站的搜索引擎结果体现,且对吸引行业用户、增强网站的粘性有很大的帮助。关键是严格控制内容及其更新的成本,尽量利用门户网站的新闻频道来转载。 Add link, here's link to to the web site is located outside the industry, and the website content have no direct relation website, such a link exchange can each filter users, is worth considering, but should pay attention to, must not will the rest of the important partners mix listed on the web site, should separate them and, when necessary, can use a drop-down menu and tabs, refills, face form. Try opening industry news channel, many industry site pooh-poohed it, this is not very ideal practice. Open industry news channel and at a very low cost of human resources to achieve the daily updates, not only to help improve, improve your search engine results reflect, and to attract industry, strengthen the sticky web users have a lot of help. The key is to strictly control the content and the cost of the update,