
误区一 只看价格不看质量Error a see the price separately from quality 随着网站制作技术门槛的降低,越来越多的个人从事网站建设行业,就造成了各公司制作网页技术的参差不齐,甚至有些科技公司完全不懂网站建设利用几个模版也在这个行业浑水摸鱼,价格从几百到几万元不等,水平也是各不一样。有些小公司对自己公司的网站要求不高,只对价格有要求,价格越低越好。也不考察网建公司的技术实力As the website construction technology of lower threshold, more and more people engaged in the website construction industry, has caused the company to produce web technology is uneven, and even some technology companies simply do not understand the website construction use several template also in this industry fish in troubled waters, the price from hundreds to tens of dollars, quality is also different. Some small company of his own company website demand is not high, only for the price has a demand, the price is lower, the better. Also not investigation nets built the company's technical strength 误区二 网站建设完成就不管了Myth website construction completed no matter 有些企业人为网站建设完成就OK了,然后就等着订单。新网站不做推广搜索引擎怎么收录,不收录如何在网络上看到你的网站,不知道这些问题老板们有没有考虑到。一个网站制作完成后还有很多事要做,比如推广、SEO优化等。Some enterprise human website construction complete with respect to OK, and then waiting for the order. The new web site do not promote search engine how included, not included on the network to see how your web site, do not know these problems have consideration to the boss. A website production is completed and a lot of things to do, such as promotion, SEO optimization. 误区三 网站内容更新频率过低,内容过时Myth update frequency website content is low, the content out of date 网络上有很多这样的网站:内容不仅少而且过时。试想看到这样一个网站你有什么想法?网站是企业在网络上公司的宣传窗口,如果信息都很少怎么会吸引用户的眼球The network has too many of these sites: content not only little and the out of date. Just think see such a website do you have any idea? Web site is in the network of the company enterprise publicity window, if the information is very few how can catch the user's eye 误区四 只追求视觉效果乱世用动画和特效Myth only for visual effect gone with animation and effects 在网页上放置大量的图片和flash动画以及大量的JAVA/JAVASCRIPT等,这些不仅会对网站在搜索引擎上的排名产生负面影响,而且还会增加网页到下载速度,一些没用耐心的用户会直接跳出你的网站。误区五 不进行网站用户体验Myth web site not user experience 网站只做好后直接就放在网络上,没有做用户体验,甚至有些功能都不完善。这样的一个网站势必会影响浏览量的增加。Only after the well site directly on the Internet, do not have the user experience, and even some function are not perfect. Such a web site will definitely affect the increase of page views. 误区六 页面过长Error six pages long 把网站页面做的很长,第一会影响下载时间、第二会使用户对网站增加厌恶感。所以当一个页面很长时考虑分割为多个页面,美观效果会更好。The web page to do very long, the first for a while, and the second will influence the download time of web site users increase of animosity. So when a page long considered for many pages when division, beautiful and the effect will be better. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司北京万博通达http://www.sino-web.net/