
企业网站制作该如何策划?我想这是企业、公司在做网站之前都考虑的,做企业网站不是儿戏,不是随便弄个模板、弄个垃圾服务器、再抄一些网上的内容,就完成了。在做网站之前,企业要首先考虑,为什么做网站?The enterprise website this how to plan? I think this is the enterprise, the company doing the website before all considered, do enterprise web site is not matter, not just get a template, get a garbage server, and the content of the copy some online, is done. Doing web site, enterprise should first consider, why do web site? 一、做网站的目的(Do a web site)企业做网站,无非一下几种情况: Enterprise do website, no more than the several ways:1、树立形象(就像名片一样) Set up image (like business card) 2、打造品牌,结合线下实体共同宣传(主要还是以实体为主) Creating the brand, combined with offline entity common propaganda (mainly still mostly solid) 3、提高销售额(即通过网络形式,拓展业务渠道,挖掘网络千里) Improve sales (that is, through the network form and develop business channel, mining network miles) 4、电子商务(企业主要业务通过网络开展业务) Electronic commerce (enterprise main business through the network business) 二、网站类型分析(Website type analysis)那么我们分别分析企业网站的这四种类型: So we were analysis of enterprise web site four types: (1) 树立形象型企业网站建设 Set up image type enterprise website construction 该类企业,对电子商务的意识不够或对网络依赖不强。最企业网站仅仅是为了更好的树立一下企业形象,该类企业网站建设简单,不用过分 的 强调用户体验和收索引擎,甚至几个月不用去跟新,建站的目的可以说是“跟风”,不需要花费太多的人力、物力去进行网站建设。The enterprise, the electronic commerce network is not enough to rely on consciousness or is not strong. The enterprise web site just to better set up the enterprise image, and the enterprise website construction is simple, need not too much emphasis on the user experience and receive single-handedly index, or even months need not go to with new, the purpose of the site can be said to be "suit", do not need to spend too much manpower and material resources to web site construction. (2) 打造品牌,结合线下实体共同宣传行网站建设Creating the brand, combined with offline entity common propaganda line website construction 此类型网站是企业对网络有进一步的认识,在企业宣传和企业盈利方面对网络有了新的介入。此阶段企业网站的建设更像是一个标识,树立形象,打造品牌的途径。这类企业网站一般界面设计的很美观和大气,但是网站整体用户体验未能深入去了解。功能也比较单一,用户体验方面有进一步的提升,但是仍然处于摸索阶段,对于网站订单意识不强。主要还是通过网站和实体共同的打造企业的形象,对于增加销售方面,该类网站还差的很远;同时对搜索引擎优化方面(seo)还不重视,目前我国80%的企业网站都是这种类型。This type of website is enterprise network with further knowledge, in the enterprise publicity and enterprise profit to network has a new step in. This stage enterprise website construction is more like a logo, set up the image and create the brand approach. This kind of enterprise web site of general interface design is beautiful and the atmosphere, but web site overall user experience failed to further to understand. Function also is more onefold, the user experience have the further promotion, but is still groping stage for the website no strong sense of order. Main or through the website and entity common makes the enterprise the image, to increase sales, the site also far short of the; At the same time to the search engine optimization (seo) still don't pay attention to, at present, China's 80% of the enterprise web sites are of this type. (3) 提高销售额类型企业网站建设。Improve sales type enterprise website construction. 越来越多的企业和公司明白到了网络的力量,我们可以从百度的竞价排名火爆方面可以得到明确的答复。此类网站的要求稍高,在正规网建公司做得话,价格一般在5000-10000元,设计一定要大方,美观,且用户体验一定要好,这才能吸引客户提留,提高转化率。在seo优化方面做的功夫也要足,对关键词的挑选,客户类型的分析,网站主要功能都要有良好的设计,可以适当的进行百度的竞价排名,此类企业网站建设已经专业化了,需要特定的人员将对网站进行维护和推广,推广力度很大。More and more enterprises and companies to understand the power of the web, we can from baidu's competitive ranking in hot can get clear answer. These websites requirements is a little bit higher, in regular nets built the company words, the price is in commonly 5000-10000 yuan, design must be generous, beautiful, and the user experience is close friends certainly, this ability to attract customers tiding over, to improve conversion rates. In making seo optimization kung fu also want foot, the key words of the selected, the customer types of analysis, the website main function is to have good design, can be appropriate for baidu's competitive rankings, such enterprise website construction has special, need certain personnel will perform site maintenance and the p