
21世纪是个互联网时代。如果你是打算为企业建立一个商业网站,则更加要注重网站制作的VI设计。设计作为一个生产的环节,为了销售的目的却受到各种各样的制约,而形成一种功能性的单纯设计。因而,平面设计除了功能性的目的外,如何使作品具备隽永的艺术趣味,显得尤为重要。也许,平面设计不能像纯艺术那样自由发挥,但是,平面设计也一样可以在限制中流露真情,这也是设计师迫求的一个核心课题:通过各种形式手段,传达完整、准确的信息,同时满足人们审美的精神需求。要想以情动人。 21 century is the age of the Internet. If you are going to for enterprises to establish a commercial site, is much more should pay attention to the website design VI. Designed as a production of the link, to the purpose of sales, by all kinds of restriction, and the formation of a functional simple design. Therefore, plane design in addition to the purpose of functional sex outside, how to work with the art of meaningful interest, is particularly important. Perhaps, plane design can not like pure art that free play, however, plane design also can be in the restrictions to show your emotions, this also is stylist pursuit of a core subject: through various forms means, convey complete and accurate information, and at the same time satisfy people aesthetic spiritual needs. Want to by affection and moving. 网站的VI设计重要吗?要回答这个问题,就先得回答:网站的外观重要吗?一个网站的内容固然重要,但是如果没有一个好看而吸引的外表,哪怕有着再好的内容,有着再好的结构,相信整个网站的浏览效果也会大打折扣,浏览者的阅读兴致也会大减。就等于一个内涵丰富但却外表平庸的人在一个公共场所出现,是难以引起别人的注意的一样。人们称互联网经济为注意力经济,如何吸引大众的注意力,除了内容是一个重要的因素外,外观也同样起着举足轻重的作用。网站的外观非常重要,因此,网站的VI设计也非常重要。 Website design VI important? To answer this question, they first have to answer: the look of the site is important? A web site's content is important, but if no one good-looking and attract appearance, even if has again good content, have again good structure, believe that the site's browsing the effect also can sell at a discount greatly, the visitor's reading interest will also big minus. Equal one connotation is rich but appearance of mediocre man in a public place appear, is difficult to attract attention. People say the Internet economy for attention economy, how to attract the public attention, in addition to content is an important factors outside, appearance also plays a very important role. The look of the site is very important, therefore, the web site of the VI design is very important also. 怎样才是一个好的VI设计呢?一个好的视觉设计,首先要有一个好的视觉效果。一个网站怎样才算是有一个好的视觉效果?一个最简单的判别方法是,看她三眼:第一眼,看是否抢眼;第二眼,看是否顺眼;第三眼,看是养眼。其实,这三眼就是网站给你的第一感觉。第一感觉很重要,浏览者能否接受这个网站,很大程度上,就看有否这种一见钟情的感觉。如果答案都是Yes,那么,这个网站就是有一个很好的视觉效果了,相信浏览者也会耐着性子去看完你整个网站的。 What is a good VI design? A good visual design, the first to have a good visual effect. A web site what is a have a good visual effect? One of the most simple discriminant method is to see her three eye: first, see if grab an eye; Two eyes, look to whether pleasing to the eye; The third eye, see is beautiful. In fact, the three eye is the first site to your feeling. The first feel important, visitors to the site can accept this web site, to a great extent, see have the feeling of this kind of love at first sight. If the answer is Yes, then, this site is to have a good visual effect, believe that your visitors will also resistance to sit to finish see throughout your website. 怎样才能有一个让人一见倾心的视觉效果?首先要看整个页面的颜色是否协调,千万不可给人刺眼的感觉;其次要看网页上的的文字是否易于阅读,文字太细、颜色太浅、页面太长或超出屏幕宽度,都是有违网站设计的“美学原则”;再次要看图片,图片太大、太多、太模糊都会惹来浏览者的反感;最后要看“动”与“静”是否配合得当,无节制地滥用Flash、动态GIF、滚动字幕等效果就会让人眼花缭乱,但死气沉沉,毫无生气的页面也会让人感到乏味。 How to have a lets a person see admire visual effect? First look at the whole page color is harmonious, do not give a person dazzling sense; Next on the web site to see whether is easy to read the text, the text is too thin, color too shallow, page is too long or beyond the screen width is contrary to web design "aesthetic principles"; To look at the picture again, the picture is too big and too much, too fuzzy gets to the visitor's antipathy; The last to see "move" and "static" whether cooperate proper, unstinting abuse Flash, animated gifs, scrolling marquee effects such as can let a person dazzling, but inanimate, lifeless page can also make a person feel boring. 上面谈到的VI设计仅仅是就一个页面而言,VI设计的另一方面是看整个网站的所有页面是否协调