
简单的来说,网站制作就是网站通过页面结构定位,合理布局,图片文字处理,程序设计,数据库设计等一系列工作的总和,也是将网站设计师的图片用HTML方式展示出来,属于前台工程师的一项任务,前台工程师任务包括: 网站设计、网站用户体验、网站JAVA效果、网站制作等工作。网站制作是网站策划师、网络程序员、网页设计师等岗位,应用各种网络程序开发技术和网页设计技术,为企事业单位、公司或个人在全球互联网上建设站点,并包含域名注册和主机托管等服务的总称。但是网站制作通常会陷入下面几个误区:Simply speaking, the website production is the web site through the page structure positioning, rational layout, picture word processing, program design, database design and a series of work combined, and are also the web designer pictures with HTML way to show out, belongs to the front desk engineer a task, front desk engineer tasks including: web design, website user experience, website JAVA effect, the website production, etc. The website production is web site planner, network programmers, web designer positions, use all sorts of network program development technology and web design technology, for the enterprises and institutions, company or individual in the global Internet construction site, and includes the domain name registration and hosting services floorboard. But the website production usually led some pitfalls below: 误区一(Error a):人家有什么我也要有的观念,在页面中塞满图片、Flash、音乐等许多企业老板常说你看我的竞争对手XXX的网站多棒,什么功能都有,图片、Flash、音乐,网页又漂亮又好看,赶快帮我搞个更漂亮的网站来跟他拼一拼!这样想法真是可悲,网站不是做来好看的,也绝对不是在比谁的网站漂亮!真正关键在于你希望网站,能提供哪些实用的功能?只要做出来的网站能够满足当初设计构想,能帮企业缩短作业流程的时间或提高工作效率,这就是一个有用的网站。尤其是如果你自己的想法一变再变,不管你的网站是委外制作或由公司IT人员自行建置,碰到这样的老板,这个网站想要成功的机会将微乎其微。The family has what I also want to some idea, the page with pictures, Flash, music and many other enterprise boss often say you see my opponent XXX website how good, what functions there, pictures, Flash, music, web pages and beautiful and good-looking, to help me to get a more beautiful web site to spell with him a spell! Think like this is really sad, the website not to do good, also absolutely not in whose web site than beautiful! The real key is that you hope website, can provide what practical function? As long as a web site to meet had design conception, can help enterprise shorten the working flow of time or improve work efficiency, and this is a useful websites. Especially if your idea is change again, regardless of your website is outsource or by the company IT staff by building on its own, run into so of boss, this website want to chance of success will be slim. 其实就目前上网速度来看,网页如果加上太多的FLASH,或挂上太多图片,势必影响传输速度,这样对普遍缺乏信心的客户而言,很容易就因为不愿耐心等候下载完毕,而选择中途跳开。如此一来,再漂亮的网页也不会有人看!依照我们的服务经验,愈来愈多客户选择实用网站,不愿选择太花哨的网站。因为实在没有耐心等待像SHOCKWAVE程序那么长的下载时间;另外一个干干净净、条理分明的网页比较容易阅读,客户可以在很短时间找到他要的信息,不必被太多视觉污染所干扰。所以企业的网页设计不需要太多美工,因为要看漂亮的图片,客户自然有合适网站可以上,不必浪费客户下载的时间与金钱。In fact the Internet speed is to see, if add too much FLASH web page, or hang up too many pictures, transmission speed will be affected, so to general lack of confidence in the customer, it was easy to because he wouldn't wait patiently the download is complete, and the choice is midway jump away. And so, again beautiful web won't someone see! According to our service experience, more and more customers choose practical website, do not wish to choose too fancy website. Because really have no patience to wait for like SHOCKWAVE program so long download time; In addition a clean, clear; the web is easier to read, customers can find him in a very short time to information, don't have to be too much visual pollution interference. So enterprise web design do not need too many artists, because to see beautiful pictures, customers have the right on the web site can be natural, don't have to waste time and money of customers to download. 如果你在经营自己的在线商务,你的网站最重要的任务就是销售你的产品或服务,其他任何脱离这个基本原则的东西都是垃圾。如果你还不同意我的观点,请你先去看看任何前100名的网站吧。就拿网上最著名的Yahoo(雅虎)来说,你见到Yahoo的网站上有Java程序、插件,或者听到过音乐吗?用不着多解释了吧? If you are running your own online business, your web site is the most important task is the sale of your product or service, and any other from the basic principle of things are rubbish. If you still don't agree with my point of view, you go first look at any of the first 100's web site. Take the most famous Yahoo Internet (Yahoo) for, you see Yahoo's websites with Java prog